Membrane Transport Part 2 Flashcards
Osmosis is the
Movement of water
__ allow water to move more rapidly across the membrane
Water channels (small amounts of water can pass through membrane because small enough but need channel for larger volume)
Net water movement is baised on
which has solute
ALWAYS low to high (or hypo to hyper)
fluid and electrolyte balance
(electrolytes are Cl Na K)
maintaining flow of fluid
low concentration of solute
high concentration of solute
Aquaporin is a ____
not an actual porin - is not betta pleated stands
is a water channel (of alfa helices)
Aquaporin Allows
rapid passage of water, while blocking passage of ions
water movement with aquaporin
water must move in a single file line
Pore is too narrow for hydrated ions to enter
(Na+, K+, Cl-, Ca2+) (interact with water - bulky - fully hydrated)
how aquaporin Blocks Hydronium Ion
Hydronium ions (H3O+) diffuse through water fast, relay mechanism requires making and breaking of bonds between adjacent water molecules
polar inner lining (hydrophilic)
two Asparagene ameno acids in center of channel - blocks H from going all the way through/block H bonding relay
Net water movement is always
low to high
hyop to hyper
level of Na+ in blood is too low
water rushes into cells and they swell, skull bocks from expanding and they burst
treat by giving electrolytes to offset imbalance
Ion chanels
and selectivity
do not have binding sites inside of the chanel
must interact with wall itself
ions must be dehydrates and they energy used to remove can be valced out if favorable interaction with slelectivity filter (if too small, not balance interactions)
voltage gated
sences change in voltage and opens/closes
ligand gated
interacellular ligand - often ions themselves
extracellular ligand - any molecule that binds to the chanel
(both not going through channel, binds and then confromational change)