Membrane Transport Flashcards
What kind of medication is Prilosec?
A proton pump inhibitor!
Define hypertonic?
Higher concentration outside the cell than inside, so pulls water from cells to outside!
Define isotonic?
When extracellular and intracellular concentration is balanced, no net movement of water
-Water is fine to come out and then but the net is(same amount going out as in)
-What we give in IV
Define hypotonic?
When there is a higher concentration inside the cell than outside, so water rushes in!
-Dangerous because can burst cells
Why does it take energy for the cell to be constantly moving ions in and out to maintain an ideal concentration?
Because disorder is energetically, favorable, to have order, we must use energy. If left to diffusion our cells would die.
What ions have a higher concentration inside the cell?
potassium (K+), hydrogen (H+)
What ions have a higher concentration outside the cell?
Sodium (Na +), magnesium (Mg 2+), calcium ( 2+), chlorine (cl-)
(Sam makes c c)
In what order will molecules diffuse through the membrane?
1: small and hydrophobic molecules (because bulk of membrane is hydrophobic, so they slide through)
2: small, uncharged, polar molecules ( can diffuse but not as well)
3: Large polar molecules (for example, sucrose. Too big, needs transporter to get through membrane.)
4: ions/charged molecules (cannot get through membrane and require ion transporter to get through)
What is passive transport?
When molecules go from a higher concentration down concentration gradient to a lower concentration
-Becomes less ordered
-Never requires energy (even if transport proteins are involved)
What is active transport?
When molecules move up from low concentration to high concentration
-Energy is always required, becoming more ordered
What are the three types of passive transport?
1: simple diffusion: for membrane permeable molecules that are small nonpolar and uncharged. No energy input, things pass easily through the lipid bilayer going from high concentration to low concentration
2: channel protein facilitated: protein helps with movement of a molecule through the membrane, open like a tunnel and very weekly and quickly interacts with the protein that goes through.
-Specific to what channels
-For things like water, that may be able to diffuse on its own, but needs help to go fast
3: transporter protein: slower than channel protein
-Undergoes series of confirmational changes to move the molecule from one side to the other (does not take energy in passive transport!)
Describe transporter-mediated diffusion in detail?
Moves the solute from the aqueous outer layer to the cytoplasmic side, via transporter protein, that undergoes multiple confirmation changes, including: outward – open, occluded, and inward – open.
-Goes from high concentration to low concentration (passive transport)
-Does not take energy
-solute interacts with transport protein well, the speed/rate of transport depends on how strongly the solute interacts with the transporter protein
Why is the rate of passive transport via transporter mediated diffusion initially faster than simple diffusion and channel mediated transport?
Because of the transporter affinity for solute, quickly grabs the solute, and starts going, but reaches Vmax, and cannot go any faster. Simple, diffusion, and channel, mediated transport, then surpass it, because they only have the limit of the entire bilayer.
What do enzyme kinetics dictate?
That the transporter protein Has to undergo confirmational change, and can only do that at a certain rate
What is the Vmax?
The fastest rate at which the enzyme/protein can do its job
What is the 1/2 Vmax?
An approximate affinity of how tightly that transporter binds to its transported molecules
-Gives info on how fast it works, is a half of the fastest rate it can do its job
-transporter mediated diffusion is higher at this point, because more interaction occurs with the solute 
What is the difference between transporter mediated diffusion being saturated, and channel mediated transport becoming “saturated?”
The transporter mediated diffusion becomes saturated When it’s reached the highest rate that it can undergo confirmational changes.
The channel mediated transport becomes saturated when so many of the solute are crowded that they have to tunnel through to get in through the bilayer
What are aquaporins?
Water channels
-Channel transporter, made for water(one solute for one channel)
-Water can diffuse, but not as quickly on its own
What is the shape of an aquaporin?
One water, molecule, wide, hydrogen bonding inside the channel, helps to pull the water molecules through
How does the glucose channel diffusion work?
(Review this card) Glucose leaves the bloodstream and enters the cell via passive transport after a meal, when there is high blood glucose
-This occurs because concentration outside cell is greater than inside because passive. The glucose goes through the transporter into the cell.
-The opposite would occur if blood sugar was low, the transporter doesn’t control it at all just lets them slide
Different types of the same transporter might have different Vmax values because?
The strength of the affinity of the interaction with its transport protein determines how strong that transporter grabs the solute it
-Higher affinity equals higher Vmax and ergo faster transportation rate
-For example GLUT3 in the brain has stronger Vmax than GLUT2 in the liver (grabs glucose)
Define active transport?
transporters “ pumping” salutes across the membrane against their concentration gradient
-Requires energy to move against the gradient
What are the three types of active transport pumps?
1: coupled transporter (for example, glucose – NA+ transporter)
2: ATP driven pump (for example, the sodium potassium pump, or the calcium pump) (most discussed in this class)
3: light driven pump (in bacteria, Arcia, and chloroplasts)
How do muscle cells use ATP to contract?
ATP is used for the relaxation after the contraction, when calcium must be pumped from inside the cell in the sarcoplasm to the SR through the SR lumen via active transport
What is the sarcoplasm?
The cytoplasm of muscle cells.
Has low concentration of calcium when muscles relaxed and high concentration when contracted.
What is the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) ?
Specialized ER in muscle cell that stores ca 2+ in muscle (its membrane is called the “SR lumen”)
-releases lots of Ca2+ into the cytoplasm once the voltage-gated release channel for Ca2+ is triggered)
If a molecule is charged, what are the two gradients that it will contribute to?
1: concentration: (passive= high to low)
2: electrochemical: (Towards opposite charge = passive)
How would the electrochemical and concentration gradient affect sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+) when they move in and out of the cell?
Na: drawing sodium into the cell is passive for both concentrations, because positive Na comes towards negative inner cell, and it is at a higher concentration outside the cell naturally.
K+: K+ is naturally in the cell, so concentration gradient wants out, but electrochemical gradient wants in because positively charged. Conflicting gradients.
How does the Na+/K+ pump work?
-uses ATP to drive concentration against their gradients (for both Na+ and K+)
-Pump moves three sodium ions out of cell for every two potassium ion it pumps in.
-has high affinity for Na+ inside the cell, once facing outward, it loses its affinity for Na+ and gains affinity for K+
-ATP becomes ADP and leaves a P on the pump for when brings sodium out, when potassium comes in the P pops off and it returns to normal shape
How does keeping a certain concentration gradient help store energy?
The electrochemical gradient, harbors, potential energy via ions
Why do we need the Na+/K+ pump, when it takes up 30% of the cells ATP?
1: it maintains voltage potential across the cell membrane, because we lose a positively charged ion every time the pump functions so keeps the inner cell negative
2: it maintains osmotic balance, because it pumps out a net of one solute molecule per pump cycle. This prevents too much water from entering the cell via osmosis.
Define voltage potential?
The difference in charge on one side of the membrane versus the other
How does a coupled transporter work?
The free energy stored by moving one molecule down Its concentration gradient is harvested to move another molecule up its concentration gradient.
What are the three types of ports on a transporter?
1: uniport: one molecule going in One Direction
2: symport: two molecules going in the same direction (a type of coupled transport)
3: antiport : two molecules going in opposite directions (a type of coupled transport )
How does the order of binding affect the glucose co-transporter?
-Na finds first because it is at a higher concentration outside the cell
-Na binding causes a higher affinity for glucose
-“ cooperative binding”: when sodium binds, it helps recruit glucose
Does the glucose co- transporter need ATP?
No, because using free energy gotten from sodium gradient to help fuel glucose transfer
Is the glucose co-transporter pump uni-directional or multi-directional?
Uni-directional, because will not send glucose back out the cell this way
What is the order of pumps in the epithelial cell of the gut?
1: the glucose co-transporter pump/Na+ driven glucose symport (moves sodium and glucose into the cell using power of Na+ gradient)
2: transporter mediating passive transport of glucose (channel protein that allows glucose to passively go down its concentration, gradient back out of the cell and into the extra cellular fluid)
3: the sodium potassium pump (pushes three Na+ out, two K+ in, reestablishing the Na+ gradient, so sucrose sorter works properly)
Can ions ever naturally diffuse into a membrane?
No, impossible on its own, must pass through channel or transporter (channel is more common because lower energy and faster) (1 million ions per second, 10 to the fifth faster than fastest transporter)
How are ion channels ion selective?
They are selective and specific to one ion that they transfer
-they control the pace by opening, and closing their gate, whose shape only allows in the ion that they seek
What are four ways that ion channels are gated?
1: voltage gated: gated by a charge, when the right charge comes down and hits the gate it will open
2: Ligand gated (extra cellular ligand), a Ligand/transmitter from outside the cell will open the gate.
3: Ligand gated (intracellular transmitter) from inside the cell will open the gate
4: mechanically gated: mechanical stress/strain will open the channels, (won’t discuss much)
What is membrane potential?
A difference in charge on one side of the cell versus the other
-If charges are equal on either side, the membrane potential = zero
-Our cells have resting potential of -70mV
What three things cause our negative resting potential?
1.) the sodium potassium pump. (3 Na+ out, 2 K+ in)
2.) large amount of an ions inside the cell that can’t diffuse out.
3.) large diffusion of K+ out of the cell via potassium leak channels
What is the order of steps for the calcium pump?
To start from beginning
1: The pump is open facing the cytosol, is ATP bound but not phosphorylated,
2: 2 calcium ions bind and trigger conformational change (closes trapdoor/activator domain) and ATP phosphorylates/is turned to ADP, and the P goes to the P domain. (Now in occluded state)
3: ADP leaves and Fresh ATP binds, and this triggers it to open to the other side (the SR lumen side of the membrane)
4: Ca2+ is released into the SR.
To get back to baseline
1: The pump has ATP and is phosphorylated, open facing the SR/lumen side of the membrane
2: 2 Hs will bind from SR side and kick off the used P
3: This causes it to open back on the cytosolic side, where the two Hs (protons) are released
4: pump is now open on cytosolic side with fresh ATP attached but not phosphate, and is open for Ca2+ to bind
What are the three important binding domains on the calcium pump?
N: nucleotide binding domain,
P: phosphorylation domain
A: activator domain (trapdoor)
What supplies are needed for the Calcium pump in the SR lumen to work for one full round?
2 ATP (1 is used, 1 is placeholder for next round), 2Ca2+, 2Hs protons)
If the calcium pump is ATP bound, but NOT phosphorylated, where is it open to/facing?
The cytosol
If the calcium pump is ATP bound and phosphorylated, what side is it open to/facing?
The luminal side/ the SR side
What are the four parts that make up a nerve cell/neuron?
1: the cell body, where the nucleus is
2: the dendrites, interface with surrounding tissues/neurons for local feedback
3: the axon, 1 mm to 1 m in length (very long)
4: the terminal branches of axon, where the synapse occurs
What does a neuron have many of that is embedded in its membrane?
Sodium potassium pumps
How do sodium potassium pumps work if theyre surrounded by a myelin sheath?
They work in the nodes of Ranvier, the action potential jumps from node to node
What causes membrane depolarization?
Nerve stimulus, for example, a synaptic transmitter binding to its receptor
What occurs during membrane depolarization?
-Makes resting potential more positive, comes up from -70mV
-This triggers the opening of voltage gated sodium channels on neuronal membrane, triggers sodium (Na) to rush into the cell
-causes membrane potential to reach +50mV
“ source of depolarization is the opening of ion channels”
What is an action potential?
The change from -70mV to +50mV
Why is there a refractory/inactivated period immediately following an action potential?
In order to prevent the action potential from going backwards, to keep it going linear down the membrane of the axon
How do you repolarize the membrane?
Step one: Na channels inactivated, K+ ion channels rapidly open and flood potassium out of the cell, getting rid of the positive charge (goes a little too low it first and hyperpolarizes)
Step 2: The sodium potassium pump regains the gradient, and brings us back to resting potential
What is the Myelin sheath and what does it do?
-made up of a gal cell that will wrap around the axon many times
-Provides insulation for the axon for its neural electrical signaling
-increases action potential speed and efficiency
How is an action potential communicated between cells/neurons?
They become chemical signals that are transmitted via neurotransmitters
How does an activated nerve terminal release the synaptic neurotransmitters?
-When voltage gated calcium channels are opened, Ca2+ floods the cell and signals an internal pathway for the neurotransmitter to be dumped into the synapse
-It will then bind to the post synaptic cell and start depolarization and action potential in the new cell
What happens immediately after neurotransmitters are released?
They are rapidly removed from the synaptic cleft via:
-Enzymes: which destroy them
-The pre-synaptic cell: recycles them
-Glial cells: recycle them
This is important, so we don’t overstimulate the pathway
Does the glucose transporter undergo confirmational change?
Yes, but no energy required because passive transport