Melt Flashcards
Why do the houses in Yutu’s village need to be raised up on pillars?
so the heat doesn’t melt the permafrost
What did Yutu call his grandma when she was first mentioned?
Why does Yutu think that his house doesn’t need pillars?
because it doesn’t get warm enough to melt anything
What does Yutu say is the warmest and coziest part of his house?
the raised sleeping area near the back
How tall does Yutu say the doorways in his house are?
When Yutu says the doorways in his house are “Hobbit-height”, what is he saying about them?
he is saying that they are short
Who is the tallest person in Yutu’s class, maybe his school too?
Why did Yutu’s grandma get rid of the seal-fat lamp?
because it was making him sick
What is the name of Yutu’s grandmother?
Does Miki like the electric lights?
No, she would rather use her seal-fat lamp or simply keep them off
What did the seal-fat lamp do to the walls of Yutu’s house?
it made them turn black
Where do the sounds of Yutu’s native language start?
the back of the throat
Why do conversations with Miki move slowly?
because she always thinks about what she is going to say before she says it
Why does Yutu want to go up North so badly?
because he wants to have the experience of hunting seal, and bring back food for the community as it is scarce
Who has been teaching Yutu skills like hunting and bone carving?
What material are the bedcovers in Yutu’s house made of?
Who sowed the bedcovers in Yutu’s house?
Why do people have high respect for Miki?
because she is a village elder, makes beautiful things using techniques that are being forgotten, and because she looks after Yutu
How long has Miki taken care of Yutu?
7 years
How old is Yutu?
14 years old
What does Miki make for dinner on Fridays?
According to Bea, the school she attends is her ______ school in __ years.
5th, 5
Why doesn’t Bea want her mom to come in with her on her first day of school?
because then everyone would realize she is new
Whose form group is Bea in?
Miss Stewart’s
What grade is Bea in?
9th grade
How old is Bea?
14 years old
What type of haircut does Bea’s buddy have?
a pixie haircut
What is the name of Bea’s “buddy”?
What language is stella?
What is stella Italian for?
What language is “da quale galassia sei”?
What does Bea say “da quale galassia sei” means?
“that’s nice”
What language is “bea”?
“Bea” is Latin for what?
What does Stella say she is? (status)
she says she is a prefect and class representative
When Bea first walks into class, whose seat does she sit in?
Why is Bea so hungry on her first day of school?
her schedule is messed up due to the time difference of where she came from
On Bea’s first day of school, she said was very hungry because she would have normally had lunch ___ hours ago due to the different time zone.
Who invites Bea to sit at their table?
According to Bea, her mum always finds the ___________ before she works out where to get food.
When Bea’s mum picks her up from school on her first day, what color are her nails?
bright red
What does Bea say is the only way she can get her mom to stop asking her questions?
to say she has schoolwork and is busy
What is the name of Bea’s cat?
According to Bea, in her new town, what do they call crisps?
Why doesn’t Bea and her family have to move around anymore?
because Bea’s dad’s work is paying them so much money
Why does Miki want Yutu to learn bone carving?
because it makes good money
What 2 main things does Miki want Yutu to learn badly?
drumming and bone carving
What 2 things does the communal library in Yutu’s village have that are useful to him?
Warmth and electricity, which he can use to power his laptop
How long did it take Miki to save up for Yutu’s laptop?
1 year
How many years has it been since Yutu’s parents died?
7 years
How is Miki related to Yutu?
Miki is Yutu’s mother’s mom
Who did Bea name Hester after?
Lady Hester Stanhope
According to Bea, what is the best thing on the school lunch menu?
What does Bea’s dad call her when flying?
Wing Commander
According to Bea, what speed is needed before takeoff? (on an airplane)
70 knots
Whose snowmobile does Yutu borrow when going up north?
What does Yutu borrow from Sami for his trip to the cabin up north?
a snowmobile and a stove
What does Jack say you have to do in order to become a professional gamer?
practice 6 hours a day
According to Jack, how long do you have to practice playing video games to become a professional gamer?
6 hours a day
Where does Miki sit when eating?
on the floor
When Yutu was a kid, he wasn’t scared of anything, except…
Did Miki live in her house for her entire life?
No, the house was there, but her family would move around depending on the season
When Yutu goes to the cabin up north, what excuse does he make to Miki?
he says he’s staying at Tom’s house with Sami
Why does Bea decide to walk to school?
because it’s not that far and it reduces the risk of “Mum-embarrassment”
What does AW1 stand for?
After Work, Year 1
When Bea goes to her locker before her first chemistry class, what does she find?
everything is covered in honey
What is the name of “tall-blonde-girl”?
Why does Bea get sent to the principal’s office?
because she pulled Lauren’s hair
What is the name of Bea’s principal?
Mrs. Lewis
What happens after Bea pulls Lauren’s hair?
she gets sent to the principal’s office
According to Bea’s dad, depending on what his reports say, the company’s __________ __________ could change overnight.
share price
How does Bea’s mom convince Bea to go to the bookstore with her?
she said it has kittens
Why is the cabin’s door that Yutu goes to bolted shut?
to keep out any animals
Why does Yutu choose to go further north than the cabin he initially wanted to stay at?
because he wants to find seals, and there were none where the first cabin was
Who does Bea get assigned to as her lab partner in chemistry?
How long are Bea and Will chemistry partners?
for the rest of the term
What day of the week did Bea and her chemistry class get assigned partners?
What does Bea do when she can’t find her chemistry book?
she uses Will’s
What did Bea say Will’s hair smells like?
Who likes Will?
Why do Stella and her friends not like Bea and Will talking?
because Stella likes Will
How are seals’ eyesight?
very bad
How does Yutu get injured when trying to hunt a seal?
he falls into sea ice
When hunting a seal, what part of Yutu’s body gets submerged in the water?
his right leg
What sickness does Yutu briefly develop while trying to hunt seals?
How does Yutu describe hypothermia?
when your body gets so cold you can’t think straight
What is the only thing Bea agrees to shop for?
hiking paraphernalia
What do Bea and her mom order at the bookshop’s cafe?
2 hot chocolates with whipped cream
According to Bea’s mom, what is the best warm, lightweight material?
According to Bea, how do you know if a gas is hydrogen?
it will make a squeaky popping noise
What type of scientist was Einstein?
he was a physicist
How many seats does Bea’s dad’s plane have?
What does Bea’s dad ask Bea to do on Friday?
go straight home and stay there
What excuse does Bea’s dad make as to why he wants her to go straight home on Friday?
he says he may be home early and wants to see more of her
On Friday after her chemistry class, what does Bea find in her locker?
a gift, consisting of a jar of honey (that looks expensive) and a honeycomb
When Bea goes with her dad on a trip, where do they go?
as far north as you can sensibly go
Do planes fly better in cooler or warmer weather?
Why does Bea get confused when her dad turns on the radio?
because he never turns on the radio
What do Bea and her dad normally talk about before a flight?
wind speed and journey times
What is Bea’s dad’s code name other people use when he flies?
What altitude do Bea and her dad need to be at for most of their flight to the north?
4,500 feet
What does Bea call her dad when flying?
“Group Captain”
Why does Bea call her dad Group Captain?
because she doesn’t want him to be serious again
Did Bea’s dad tell the company that she was coming on the flight to the north?
No, that’s why the people who captured Bea’s dad were confused about who the other person was
What did Bea bring to do on the flight?
music and a book
What happens when Bea and her dad arrive at the airport?
2 unknown men from her dad’s company capture Bea’s dad and try to go after Bea, but they fail
Why does Bea crash outside of Yutu’s cabin?
because the plane ran out of fuel
After Bea crashes her plane, she finds a nearby cabin and enters. Who is inside the cabin?
When Bea first finds Yutu in a cabin, what illness does he have?
How does Bea know Yutu has hypothermia?
because of his bluish lips and soaking-wet trousers
Who saves Yutu from hypothermia?
What color are Yutu’s lips when Bea first finds him?
a faint bluish color
What did Bea eat on her flight up north?
an apple
What did Bea’s dad eat on his flight up north?
Did Bea’s dad eat the apple given to her by Bea?
No, he just placed it on his lap
What liquid does Bea give Yutu to try to warm him up when she first finds him?
When Yutu initially asked Bea why she was there, what did she say?
she said she lost her way
How does Yutu’s voice make Bea feel?
Who taught Bea how to fly?
her dad
What is Bea short for?
What does the blanket Yutu allows Bea to use made of?
caribou skin
What quality does caribou skin have that makes it good for things like blankets?
it traps heat and is soft
According to Yutu, why is it important to eat more when it’s cold?
because your body needs to burn more energy to keep you warm
What fruit does Bea have that Yutu says they don’t get many of?
a banana
Who do Bea and Yutu think are inside the airplane that is flying overhead?
the men who captured Bea’s dad
Why do Bea and Yutu try to hide from the airplane that they see?
because the men who captured Bea’s dad are most likely inside, and they don’t want to get seen
Is there an airport in Yutu’s village?
According to Yutu, why is it not good for a passenger to move around too much when on a snowmobile?
because it makes it difficult to steer and they might fall off
Why is it bad to eat snow?
because it takes a long time for it to melt and it cools your body down
What does Bea’s dad do in his job?
He finds oil and gas reserves, and helps companies figure out ways to extract them
When Bea gets to Yutu’s house, who does she call?
her mom
When Bea calls her mom from Yutu’s cabin, who is with her?
the police
When Bea arrives at Yutu’s house, what does she prepare for them?
According to Miki, what are planes most commonly used for in the area they’re in?
deliveries and emergencies
When Bea and Yutu are trying to plan a way for Bea to escape, what 2 options does Miki give them?
They can either take the south-coast route overland or wait for the next delivery plane in a few weeks
When Miki asks Bea whether she wants to either take the south-coast route overland, or wait for the next delivery plane in a few weeks, what does she choose?
the overland option, so she can get home faster
What does Yutu find in the pocket of Bea’s dad’s trousers?
a note
What does the note in the pocket of Bea’s dad’s trousers say?
“Tell Bea - Hester”
What does “Ilupirquk” mean?
Who taught Miki how to sew?
Miki’s mother
Who taught Miki’s mother how to sew?
Miki’s grandmother
How often does Bea see her grandparents?
once a year
According to Bea, how does caribou taste?
it tastes salty and earthy
How long is the airport landing area from Yutu’s house?
20-25 minutes
What does “Tavauvuteet” mean?
What are the gloves Miki gave Bea and Yutu made of?
If the wind blows from the west, what direction do the peaks in the ice face?
What direction does the wind normally blow where Yutu lives?
east to west
What animal do Bea and Yutu see when traveling?
the arctic fox
What animal is seen as a symbol of adaptability?
the arctic fox
What does Bea see that she mistakes as people?
rock piles made to look like humans
When traveling over a river, what does Yutu say makes the sound of a gunshot?
the ice cracking
When Bea and Yutu eventually find a cabin, what animal has broken into it?
a bear
How does Yutu know a polar bear has broken into the cabin they find?
the door is broken
What does Yutu tell Bea to do in order to stay warm?
he tells her to clench her fists and toes
Why do bears break into cabins more often?
because they have less food because the seals have moved up north
What illness does Bea develop when traveling to a train station to get home from Yutu’s cabin?
Who saves Bea from hypothermia?
Why does Yutu think it is his fault that Bea has hypothermia?
because he was driving for too long and forgot to stop off
When Yutu mentions bears, what type of bear is he referring to?
polar bears
According to Bea, who was her best friend when she was little?
What natural phenomenon do Bea and Yutu encounter on their journey?
Aurora Borealis
What is another term for Aurora Borealis?
the Northern Lights
What does Yutu leave behind in the cabin?
Why does Yutu leave behind mittens in the cabin?
as a gift to say thanks for letting them use the cabin
What happens when Bea and Yutu travel over sea ice?
part of the snowmobile gets submerged
What part of the snowmobile gets submerged under the sea ice?
the right ski
What does Yutu do to try to get the right ski of the snowmobile out of the water?
He shifts weight towards the left and tries to speed up
When Bea and Yutu reach the train station, who does Yutu say will take care of him until he gets the snowmobile repaired?
his grandma’s friends
Are snowmobile parts hard to come by?
According to Yutu, Bea’s emergency kit had everything except a ______.
Why does Yutu want a pen while at the train station?
so they can exchange numbers
Why does Bea have to walk back to her house from the train station?
because she doesn’t have money for a taxi
What unusual thing does Bea see when she gets to her home from the train station?
a black car is parked outside the front of her house
Why does Bea enter her house from the train station through the back?
To avoid being seen
Who is there when Bea goes to her house from the train station?
her mom
What does Bea’s mum ask her when she gets home?
“Are you OK?”
What is the first thing Bea’s mum gives her when she gets home?
hot chocolate
What did Bea’s mum think her dad got arrested for?
Industrial espionage, she thought he was trying to sell company secrets
What is industrial espionage?
Someone from the inside selling secrets about their company
What does Bea find in Hester’s collar?
a small black oblong
What does Bea realize the black oblong on Hester’s collar is?
a USB stick
When Bea plugs in the USB stick from Hester’s collar, what does it ask for?
a password
What was the password to the USB stick on Hester’s collar?
What is on the USB stick Bea finds on Hester’s collar?
Files with information about the company’s plans to drill in the Arctic
What was the real reason Bea’s dad planned to go to the Arctic?
the company wanted him to provide evidence for why drilling in the Arctic is bad, but they set him up
Does Bea’s dad support drilling in the Arctic?
Why doesn’t Bea’s dad support drilling in the Arctic?
because storms and sea ice make a spill likely, which could be catastrophic to the region
Where did Bea’s dad’s company want to drill in the Arctic?
Where Yutu lives, or Yutu’s village
What was the real reason Bea’s dad brought Bea with her to the Arctic?
because men from his company threatened her
Who does Bea send the files with evidence of her dad’s innocence to?
the local newspaper
Who is the only one in Bea’s house that didn’t miss her dad?
What did Bea’s dad’s company rely on to help allow drilling in the Arctic?
Bea’s dad’s reputation, they wanted him to convince lawmakers to allow this
When Bea’s dad leaves his job, what does he want to start?
What happened at Bea’s school when the story of what happened went into the news?
People started being friendly to Bea, even Stella wanted to be friends with her, and she found friends she could hang out with
What was Bea’s mum’s job before they started moving frequently?
marine biologist
What is Bea’s dad doing after he quit his job?
setting up his adventure activity business (part of AW1)
Why is Yutu’s village being forced to relocate?
Because the warmer temperatures have melted the permafrost
Why are the houses in Yutu’s village some of the most expensive in the country?
because of how hard it is to build there
Where are Yutu and Miki planning to move?
to a big town further south