Melody/Harmony Flashcards
An ornament which sounds like a crushed note played very quickly on the beat or just before it.
Added 6th
Eg. C E G A
Diminished 7th
Eg. C Eb F# A
Dominant 7th
Eg. C E G Bb
Harmonic minor scale
Eg. C D Eb F G Ab B C
Interrupted cadence
Chords V-VI at the end of a phrase. In a major key, chord VI is minor. Sounds unfinished.
The distance between two notes.
Melodic minor scale
Eg. C D Eb F G A B C
C Bb Ab G F Eb D C
Usually this refers to any of the early scales e.g. Dorian mode (white notes D to D on a keyboard)
An ornament consisting of the main note, the note above, the main note.
A prominent solo instrument part in a piece of vocal music.
Plagal cadence
Chords IV to I at the end of a phrase. It sounds finished.
Relative major
The major key with the same key signature as one minor key.
Relative minor
The minor key with the same key signature as one major key.
Tierce de picardie
The final chord of a piece in a minor key is changed to major.