Melody/Harmony Flashcards
What is an acciaccatura?
An ornament which sounds like a crushed note played very quickly on the beat or just before it
What is an interrupted cadence?
Chords V-VI at the end of a phrase
What is an interval?
The distance between 2 notes
What is a melodic minor scale?
A minor scale with raised 6th and 7th but only when ascending
What are modes/modals?
Early scales
What is a mordent?
An ornament consisting of the main note, the note above and the main note
What is an obbligato?
A prominent solo instrument part in a piece of vocal music
What is a plagal cadence?
Chords IV-I at the end of a phrase
What is the relative minor?
Minor key with the same key signature as one major key
What is the relative minor?
Minor key with the same key as one major key
What is tierce de picardie
The final chords of a piece in a minor key