MEIR Revalidation Flashcards
What are the 3 modes of the TKS system?
Low - 2.5hrs, 2 pumps on simultaneously for 30 mins on and 90 mins off
High - 1hr, 1 pump on continuously
Max - 0.5hr, 2 pumps on continuously for 2 mins
How is the landing gear operated?
Electrically operated hydraulic pump
Which flight controls use push rods?
All except rudder
Which flight controls use cables?
Only rudder
What angle does the VBE limit deflection to and under what condition?
From 15.5˚ to 13˚ when both power levers are ≥ 20% load and flaps are set to the LDG position
What is the minimum RVR for single pilot ops?
800m RVR
What is the take off minima?
Same as landing minima - 800m RVR
But - take off alternate must be provided if vis is close to the limit
What is the MTOM?
What is the MLM?
Under what 2 scenarios should the TKS system be used?
When there is visible ice accretion
When there is visible moisture and OAT is ≤ 3˚c
What is the ACH?
Engine Fire/Failure On the Ground Memory Items
Power levers idle Engine masters off Fuel selectors off Inform ATC Electric master off
Engine Fire/Failure On Take Off Roll (Discontinued Take Off)
Power levers idle Rudder MDC Brake Inform ATC Engine masters off Fuel selectors off Electric master off Cab heat and defrost off
EFATO (Cont. Take Off) and Inflight
Power levers max (inc to maintain Vyse) Rudder MDC Gear up Flap up Securing actions - power lever, engine master, alternator, fuel selector Cab heat and defrost off
What does RAIM stand for and when should we check it?
Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring
Should be checked prior to completing any procedures that involves satellite navigation e.g. SID, STAR, RNAV, RNP
Electrical Fire On The Ground
Inform ATC Electric master off Power levers idle Engine masters off Fuel selectors off
Electrical Fire Inflight
Emergency switch on Inform ATC Avionics master off Electric master off Cab heat and defrost off
What is the formula for a Rate 1 Turn?
(TAS ÷ 10) + 7
R1 turn at 120 kts = 19˚
What is a HASELL check?
Height - sufficient for 2000ft agl recovery
Airframe - configuration
Security - all round
Engine - all T’s and P’s normal
Location - airfields, built up areas, CAS, cloud, danger zones
Lookout - 2x90˚ turns or 1x180˚
What is the standard stall recovery?
Recovery from Nose High UA (Speed Decreasing)
Full power Wings levels Lower nose Establish straight and level Check MSA
Recovery from Nose Low UA (Speed Increasing)
Power levers idle Wings level Increase pitch attitude to horizon Establish straight and level Check MSA
Recovery from High Bank Angle (Speed Stable)
Roll wings level
What is the approach speed? (AEO)
82kts after flap APP
76kts across threshold
What are the stall speeds? (1900kg)
What is Vfe and its speed?
Vfe: Maximum flap extension speed
Flap APP: 133kts
Flap LDG: 113kts
What is Vlo and its speed?
Vlo: Maximum landing gear operating speeds
Vloe (extension): 188kts
Vlor (retraction): 152kts
What are the crosswind calculations in the hold?
WCA = (Angle between hold and wind x Wind in kts) ÷ TAS
1 x WCA on inbound
3 x WCA on outbound
What power setting is needed for 120kts?
55%, 2˚ nose up