meiofauna Flashcards
meiofauna overview
- Meiofauna (Greek = smaller) are microscopic animals living in marine sediments
- They are operationally defined based on the standardised mesh size of sieves with 1000 μm and 20 μm as upper and
lower limits, respectively - These organisms form diverse and abundant communities extending from the shore to the deep sea
- Very little is known about the life-cycles of meiofauna; a surprisingly large number of species coexist in the tiny
interstices, but still most questions on their interactions and life strategies await answers
meiofauna in numbers
- Meiofauna are operationally defined based on the standardised mesh size of sieves with 1000 μm and 20 μm as
upper and lower limits, respectively - Meiofauna are estimated to represent 80% of the metazoan abundance of life on Earth
- They encompass 24 of the 35 animal phyla
- On the average there are a million meiofaunal organisms per m−2 of sediment surface
- The highest abundance values come from intertidal muddy estuarine habitats (6–12 million per m2), lowest values from the deep sea (hundreds to thousands per m2)
ecological role of meiofauna
- 1] To serve as food for organisms higher in the food web
- 2] And, to facilitate mineralisation of organic material and enhance nutrient regeneration
meiofauna : food for higher trophic levels
- Meiofauna are very important nutritionally to a variety of animals that could not survive without them
- Many predators (macrobenthos) go though an obligatory meiofaunal feeding stage, and copepods appear to be the major meiofauna prey item for most of these predators
- In sediments, the meiofauna are restricted to the upper few millimetres or centimetres of oxidised
sediment; thus bottom-feeding predators only need to take a shallow bite to obtain abundant food
mineralisation and nutrient regeneration
- Meiofauna are important in stimulating bacterial growth, which then enhances remineralisation (the conversion of organic nitrogen, phosphorus, and carbon to their inorganic forms)
adaptations to life between the sediment
- Sediments consists of sand or mud particles which are mostly round due to abrasion
- Usually spaces between them occupy 30-40% of the sediment volume, creating a system of interstices which is filed with water, air, detritus and organisms
- The smallest animals living in the sediment, the interstitial communities, move through the sediment, using the film of water which surrounds individual particles
- Interstitial organisms live in a harsh environment and must be able to withstand the marine conditions of inundation by salt water which alternates with exposure to terrestrial conditions
adaptations for narrow spaces
miniaturization, elongation and flexibility
adaptations to a mobile environment
adhesion, special locomotion and reinforcing structure
adaptations or 3 dimensional dark conditions
static organs, reduction of pigments and eyes
life history strategy
interstitial organisms show specific adaptation related to reproduction and development, including the production of only a few eggs, direct sperm transfer or internal fertilisation, brood protection, abbreviated larval life and restricted propagation
diversity of meiofauna
- Meiofauna are an extremely diversity assemblage,
representing 24 of the 35 animal phyla - Dozens of very distantly related eukaryotic lineages
can simultaneously inhabit a teaspoon of sand - Evolutionary constraints caused elaborated lifecycles, migration patterns, special reproductive
behaviours and structural adaptations - Meiofauna encompass a variety of feeding modes,
including but not limited to predators, grazers,
suspension feeders and bacteriovores - Several convergent morphologies have evolved
- Nematodes (Latin “nemat”= thread) are a very diverse
group with some 20,000 described species - Species can be very difficult to differentiate from one
another, but estimates have placed the true figure
closer to 40,000 species worldwide - Nematodes are even more remarkable in terms of
abundance than diversity: there are estimates that
globally four out of every five multicellular organisms
are nematodes - Communities can include as many as one million
nematodes living within one square metre of seafloor,
with most of those on the surface where the food is
most abundant, and others within a few centimetres of
the surface
- Nematodes (Latin “nemat”= thread) are a very diverse
group with some 20,000 described species - Species can be very difficult to differentiate from one
another, but estimates have placed the true figure
closer to 40,000 species worldwide - Nematodes are even more remarkable in terms of
abundance than diversity: there are estimates that
globally four out of every five multicellular organisms
are nematodes - Communities can include as many as one million
nematodes living within one square metre of seafloor,
with most of those on the surface where the food is
most abundant, and others within a few centimetres of
the surface
Nematodes : benthic environment
play important role in the benthic environment
1. mechanical breakdown of detritus
2. excretion of limiting nutrients to bacteria
3. producing microfilm conducive to bacterial growth
4. bioturbating sediment around detritus
Nematodes eat bacteria and other microbes and a few
have developed complex symbiotic relationships,
providing the microorganisms with a place to live in
their gut and receiving nutrients from their passengers
- The gastrotrichs (phylum Gastrotricha), are commonly
known as hairy-backs - Gastrotrich (Greek = stomach hair) was coined by the
Russian zoologist Élie Metchnikoff in 1865, “hairy-back”
apparently arises from a mistranslation - Gastrotrichs are the third most common organism in
marine sediments (behind nematodes/copepods),
reaching densities of 364 individuals per 10 cm2 - They are detritivores and also microphagous, sucking dead or living organic material, diatoms, bacteria and small protozoa into their mouths by the muscular action of the pharynx
- Turbellarians and other small macrofauna predate upon Gastrotrichs
- While only around 150 chaetognath species are known,
they are nevertheless hugely abundant, showing the
success of their life style - Following copepods, chaetognaths are known to be the
dominant taxa in terms of zooplankton abundance and
biomass in the Earth’s oceans, composing 5%–15% of
mesozooplankton biomass - Chaetognaths are pelagic predators ranging in size from a few millimeters to a few centimeters
- They feed on fish fry, copepods and other plankton, making them a key a link in the ocean’s food web
- Gastrotrichs have a simple, bilateral body plan with a
head region, with a brain and sensory organs, and a
trunk with a simple gut and the reproductive organs - They have adhesive glands with which they can anchor
themselves to the substrate and cilia with which they
move around - Little is known about their reproduction and life history
strategy - Placement in the tree of life is unknown:
morphologically they similar to Rotifers and Nematodes,
phylogenetically close to Platyhelminthes
Halacaridae : marine mites
- Halacarid mites (Greek ‘Halos’ = sea, ‘akari’
= mite), are minute arachnids (150-2000 µm in length) that inhabit marine and freshwater habitats, from tidal shores to the deep-sea - The majority of species and genera are marine; the Halacaridae are the only mite family completely adapted to permanent life in the sea
- They live on algae, in sediments, in the flocculent ooze on sediment surfaces, in crevice systems in holdfasts, algal tufts, barnacles, hydrozoan- and bryozoan colonies, and on larger animals
- Most species are thought to be predatory and the long needle-like front legs are adapted for catching prey, and they feed by sucking up food material subjected to pre-oral digestion
- Some species eat fungi and dead organic matter, and a few species are known parasites
- Halacarids are thought to be an ancient taxon, with most genera probably having been present since the Mesozoic and with several species having an age of at least 50 million years
- Evidence for their antiquity is found in the distributional pattern of marine and limnic genera and species, in the lack of endemic genera despite low fecundity and lack of dispersal stages
- Foraminifera (Latin = “hole bearers“), informally called
forams, are amoeboid protists, characterised by
streaming granular ectoplasm for catching food and an
external shell (called a “test”) - Foraminifera are increasingly considered dominant
members of benthic communities in both shallow and
deep-sea - Sedimentation of organic material from phytoplankton
blooms often represents a considerable fraction of
annual benthic organic matter input - This phytodetritus plays a substantial role in the
nutrition of foraminifera
Kinorhyncha : mud dragons
- The Phylum Kinorhyncha (Greek = move snout), also
known as mud dragons, are an important component of
the meiobenthos - Distribution is recorded throughout the world from the
intertidal to the deep-sea - They represent typically 1–8% of the total meiofaunal
abundance, but may account for up to 15–33% of the
entire assemblage in some places - The spines around the head are used to help pull
these animals along the benthos, where they deposit
feed on diatoms, bacteria, and other organic matter
in the sediment - Three body regions are recognised: a head segment,
a neck segment and an 11-segment trunk. The head
is completely retractable. When everted, it extends
its five to seven circles of recurved spines called
scalids - They move by extending the head and using anterior
scalids to move the body forward to burrow in
sediment or move through the water - The head and pharynx can be retracted and covered
with plates (called placids) on the second body
- Turbellaria, a sub division of the Phylum Platyhelminthes (flatworms), are common members of interstitial fauna
- The name “Turbellaria” refers to the “whirlpools” of
microscopic particles created close to the skins of aquatic species by the movement of their cilia - Locomotion is snake-like, moving through water-filled
spaces between sediment grains - Most other turbellarians are carnivorous, either preying on small invertebrates or protozoans
- Many turbellarians clone themselves by transverse or
longitudinal division, and others, especially acoels,
reproduce by budding
- Loricifera (from Latin ‘lorica’
= armour + ‘ferre’ = to bear) is a phylum of minute animals that live exclusively in marine sediments - The phylum was only discovered in 1983 by Reinhardt
Kristensen and are therefore among the most recently
discovered groups of Metazoans - as such, very little is
known about Loricifera - They strongly adhere to sediments - normal meiofauna
sampling techniques do not dislodge them - They have a very complex life cycle, with larval forms
(Higgins-larva) which look very different to the adult
morphology and which can outnumber the adults by
100 to 1
Loriciferans are similar in size to large single-celled
protozoans (< 0.5 mm) but are multicellular, with
about 10,000 specialized cells creating a tiny but
complex body - This includes a brain, digestive and excretory systems,
specialised appendages, sense organs, musculature
and locomotory functions, and separate sexes - They feature a characteristic lorica - an armour-like
structure consisting of a protective external shell or
case of encircling plicae - Loricifera have been found >3,000 metres down, in a deep hypersaline anoxic basin (or DHAB)
- DHABs are characterised by depressions on the seafloor, where long-buried salt deposits become exposed to seawater and dissolve into the sea, forming extremely dense, hypersaline lakes devoid of oxygen
- As some of the most extreme oceanic habitats known, it was previously thought that DHABs were uninhabitable for eukaryotes
- Loricifera are the first multicellular organisms known to spend their entire lives in an oxygen-free environment
- They are able to do this because their mitochondria act like hydrogenosomes, allowing them to respire anaerobically
- Most tardigrades are phytophagous (plant eaters) or
bacteriophagous (bacteria eaters) - Some are known to be carnivorous and may eat
smaller species of tardigrades - They share a broadly similar morphology, making
species differentiation challenging - However, the claws and buccopharyngeal apparatus
(swallowing structure made of muscles and spines
that activates an inner jaw and begins digestion and
movement along the throat and intestine) are the
major taxonomic characters
Tardigrade resurrection
- Several molecular modifications, including upregulation of genes involved in DNA repair
during the rehydration stage - Wang, et al., (2014). Towards decrypting
cryptobiosis—analyzing anhydrobiosis in the
tardigrade Milnesium tardigradum using
transcriptome sequencing. - Tardigrades possess a unique combination of
resistance and repair pathways endowing highly
stress resistance (Foster 2012) - Förster, et al., (2012). Transcriptome analysis in
tardigrade species reveals specific molecular
pathways for stress adaptations.
where are meiofauna found ?
The abundance, diversity, distribution and functional properties of meiofauna can be affected by several abiotic factors, including:
* Temperature, salinity, hydrodynamic and sedimentary processes, sediment grain size, oxygenation level and food availability
* In general, sediment grain size and oxygen availability are the primary factor affecting the abundance and
species composition within a given depth range
* In areas where temperature varies seasonally, meiobenthos abundance and species composition also vary seasonally
Biotic factors, such as predation and competition, also play a role in community assemblage
- 90% of marine environments are considered
extreme for life, extreme marine environments
cover more than half of the Earth’s surface - Most extreme marine environments host
abundant, often endemic, and well-adapted
meiofaunal communities - Recent discoveries of meiofauna living in hostile
environments (hypersaline/anoxic conditions)
have opened new frontiers in ecology and
biology and their specific adaptations make
them particularly suitable as biological indicators - Several fields of knowledge such as assemblage,
ecology, biology and physiology need further
and deeper investigations
Extremeiofauna: mangroves
( variation of salinity, pH, temp and o2. presence of sulphide)
( meiofauna : nematodes (very abundant) copepods (abundant) Platyhelminthes (abundant) )
* Nematodes are dominant in mangrove sediments, followed by free-living flatworms and harpacticoid copepods
* Mangroves show features that are different from other
estuarine regions and may increase regional meiofauna
* Litter from mangrove leaves is rapidly colonised by meiofauna, and there is a succession of different species related to the different stages of the decomposition process
* However, anoxic and sulphidic muddy sediments, in particular, show sharp declines below the surface layers
Extremeiofauna: submarine caves
( low light, low food, presence of sulphide)
(nematodes (very abundant), copepods (abundant), tardigrades and kinorhyncha)
* Submarine caves are oligotrophic environments due to insufficient light for photosynthesis and reduced input of organic material and limited accessibility for surface marine fauna
* Some caves can be sulphur-rich and deoxygenated environments where chemoautotrophic microorganisms take advantage of the sharp redox interfaces
* Submarine caves may share some similarity with abyssal meiofauna due to the comparable environment (i.e. no light, weak hydrodynamic conditions, limited food availability)
Extremeiofauna: polar ecosystems
(low temp, salinity fluctuation)
(foraminifera (very abundant), rotifers (abundant), nematodes (abundant), copepods (abundant))
* Polar environments are characterised by low and stable temperatures and are influenced by significant seasonal variation in light intensity and, consequently, primary production
* Changes in salinity and ice thickness can also negatively affect meiofauna (summer melts, brine channels)
* Polar ecosystems host a diverse community characterised by endemic species, specialised for extremism
* The bulk of benthic meiofauna feeds on degraded organic matter, a food source available throughout the year
* Meiofaunal organisms living in the melting ice have osmoregulatory mechanisms allowing them to survive across a wide spectrum of salinities
Extremeiofauna: hydrothermal vents
(high temp, low o2, sulphide and heavy metal)
(nematodes (very abundant) and copepods (very abundant)
* Meiofauna may contribute up to 20% of the total diversity known from deep-sea hydrothermal vents
* Life in these environments requires the organisms to develop specific adaptations to cope with the extreme abiotic conditions and the patchy nature of vent ecosystems
* Other challenges include high concentrations of reduced compounds such as hydrogen sulphides, low oxygen levels and the presence of heavy metals
Extremeiofauna: whale and wood falls
(high organic matter, presence of sulphide)
(nematodes (very abundant) and copepods (very abundant)
* Cetacean carcasses and sunken wood that fall to the ocean floor represent an important source of organic matter for the oligotrophic deep-sea benthos
* Sulphur production induced by the carcass/wood fall degradation supports a rich fauna of chemoautotrophic organisms
* Wood falls and whale carcasses have been considered as evolutionary stepping stones for the colonisation
of chemosynthetic environments
Extremeiofauna: cold seeps
(low o2, reduced chemical compounds)
(foraminifera (abundant) nematode (abundant), copepod)
Characterised by the presence of reduced chemical compounds (hydrogen sulphide, methane and hydrocarbons), local hypoxia/anoxia, and high microbial
* Foundation species (such as tubeworms and mussels) may shape the meiofaunal community abundance and composition
meiofauna bioindicators
- Sediments are the ultimate repository for most of the persistent pollutants released to the ecosphere
- Upon entering aquatic environments, most toxicants associate with dissolved organics, suspended silts, clays, and organic particulates and eventually accumulate in sediments
- Meiobenthic communities are extremely sensitive to pollution and are therefore considered sentinel species
anthropogenic impacts on meiofaunal communities
- Meiofauna are good indicators of the health of coastal
marine ecosystems - These organisms reflect changes derived from
environmental disturbance and display specific responses to different types of anthropogenic disturbance - Diversity and abundance of taxa are lower in polluted and stressed environments, due to the disappearance of more sensitive groups (e.g., ostracods, gastrotrichs, hydrozoans, tardigrades), leaving an assemblage dominated by tolerant organisms, such as nematodes
- Meiofauna are characterised by a high sensitivity to
environmental changes due to their short generation time and the lack of pelagic larval dispersion for the dominant meiofaunal groups
Oxygen availability drives meiofaunal assemblages
- Blue - red shows the minimum and maximum bottomwater oxygen or sulphide concentrations
- Diverse benthic communities inhabit the sediments
(macrofauna, meiofauna and microbes), driving
different functions in the ecosystem - Under stable oxic conditions, faunal abundance and
bioturbation activity are high, leading to high aerobic
respiration rates in all size classes - At the onset of hypoxia, faunal respiration decreases
and lack of bioturbation favours anaerobic microbial
communities and processes such as sulphate