Megie_Jonilah Test- Muscular System Flashcards
- What is the area between the hand and upper arm?
Tendon 47. Lab- A Look Beneath the Skin
- What’s the smaller half in the upper arm?
A Flexor 47. Lab- A Look Beneath the Skin
- What’s the larger half?
An extensor 47. Lab- A Look Beneath the Skin
- Where is the flexor located?
Between the hand and shoulder and in a area near the top of the shoulder. 47. Lab- A Look Beneath the Skin
- The area near the shoulder is also part of…
Ulna (bigger bone of the arm) 47. Lab- A Look Beneath the Skin
- What can you infer from the fact that your body is basically covered in voluntary muscle?
A large network of nerves also end throughout your body 44. WKST- The Muscular System
- Which of the following is an extensor?
The upper area in the upper arm 47. Lab- A Look Beneath the Skin
- Which of the following depicts a striated object?
THE STRIPED TIE - 41. BP- The Muscular
- Skeletal muscles must work in pairs because…
Muscles can only contract - 38. Study Guide - Muscular System
- Where in your body can you find a joint?
Your wrist, fingers, vertebral column, and skull. 40. Movement at Joints
- Where in the body is cardiac muscle found?
The heart 38. Study Guide- Muscular System
- When you use a pencil for writing, which type of muscle- moves your fingers?
Skeletal 38. Study Guide- Muscular System
- Which type of muscle is indicated by the smooth looking one with little space in between
Skeletal 38. Study Guide- Muscular System
- Which muscles are voluntary and involuntary?
Cardiac and smooth are involuntary. Skeletal is voluntary. 38. Study Guide- Muscular System
- Which type of muscle tissue-smooth, cardiac, skeletal - is found in the stomach? What is this type of muscle tissue called?
Smooth 38. Study Guide- Muscular System
- Which type of muscle is indicated by the smooth one with many nuclei?
Smooth 38. Study Guide- Muscular System
- Which is the major muscle to close the jaw?
Masseter, Temporalis 46. CLF- Muscles of The Head
- Used in frowning
Frontalis 46. CLF- Muscles of The Head
- Used in blinking and winking
Orbiculus Oculi 46. CLF- Muscles of The Head
- Used to pull in your cheeks or blow a trumpet
Buccinator 46. CLF- Muscles of The Head
- External oblique?
Outside of rectus abdominis, D 39.Exterior Muscle of The Body
- Rectus abdominis?
Your ab area 39.Exterior Muscle of The Body
- Sartorius?
Below rectus abdominis 39.Exterior Muscle of The Body
- Deltoid?
Shoulder area 39.Exterior Muscle of The Body
- Which muscle contracts so that you can bend your leg at the knee?
The area beneath the gluteus Maximus 39.Exterior Muscle of The Body
- Muscle used to extend or straighten the leg
Below the sartorius area 39.Exterior Muscle of The Body
- Provides support for the abdomen and it’s many organs
Rectus abdominis 39.Exterior Muscle of The Body
- It extends or straightens the forearm
Area underneath trapezus 39.Exterior Muscle of The Body
- A triangular muscle that moves the arm away from the center of the body
Trapezus 39.Exterior Muscle of The Body
- When you have shin splints this muscle has been strained
The muscle that makes up most of the lower leg 39.Exterior Muscle of The Body
- Straplike muscles that extend from the ribs to the pelvis
Rectus abdominis 39.Exterior Muscle of The Body
- Large muscle used in jumping or climbing the stairs or when bent over straightens you up by extending at the hip joint …
Gluteus Maximus 39.Exterior Muscle of The Body
- Tibialis Anterior?
Area underneath the sartorius 39.Exterior Muscle of The Body
- Explain How Muscles work as a pair to bend and straighten the arm at the elbow causing movement at the joint.
Flexion of a joint