Meeting objectives – Improve their current retirement savings provision. Flashcards
Recommend and justify a range of actions that Joshua and Amina could take in order to improve their current retirement savings provision. (29 points)
* Keep the limited company structure and restructure income with dividends and salary.
* As the owner of the business, he has the right to set his own salary/dividends.
* Should increase net take home pay/more surplus income to increase pension provision.
* More tax efficient due to the NICs saving and lower dividend tax rates/8.75% and 33.75% versus 20% and 40%. Uses DA.
* Can ensure he still qualifies for State pension/benefits.
* Joshua should make his full pension contributions as employer rather than personal ones (if he decides to keep the company open).
* Consider company contributions for Amina.
* The overall 8% requirement allows for this and does not require the employee to contribute/as the owner of the business, he has the flexibility to do this.
* It is more tax efficient due to the NICs saving.
* Employer’s NICs also saved, could be rebated into pension.
* Amina is company secretary/ contributions likely to be considered ‘wholly and exclusively’ for the purposes of the business.
* She is not near her annual allowance, therefore has scope for more contributions to be made.
* This is more tax efficient than personal contributions.
* Contributions for Amina can get money out of the business tax efficiently.
* Increase pensions contributions
* Keep both of their total remuneration below £50,000
* Would regain full entitlement to Child Benefit if both incomes below £50,000 (£60,000 for 2024/25)
* Boosts retirement provision
* They would receive higher-rate tax relief on pension contributions.
* Tax free income and growth/PCLS/IHT free.
* Flexible death benefits/tax free before age 75.
* Continue to use ISA allowances (up to £20,000)
* No Income Tax or CGT liability within the wrapper.
* They have cash deposits not ISA wrapped/currently paying tax at 40% above their £500 PSA
* Can invest in cash or stocks and shares ISAs as required.
* Consider general account investments.
* Potentially sufficient cash/surplus income to do so.
* Able to utilise annual exempt amount and DA.
* Ability to utilise bed and ISA.
Outline the benefits to Joshua and Amina of making regular monthly savings into their ISAs. (13 points)
- Tax-free income and gains.
- They have sufficient emergency fund/cash savings/surplus income/affordable.
- Inflation risk on cash holdings/reduces inflation risk.
- Matches their medium-to-high ATR.
- Pound-cost averaging/contributions buy more units when markets fall.
- Potential for growth.
- Long timeframe for investment as still young.
- Accessible/liquidity.
- Can start or stop contributions at any time.
- Savings discipline.
- Ability to diversify portfolio/use different investment styles.
- ISA allowance cannot be carried forward.
- Can use APS in the event of death.
Outline why Joshua’s current method of pension contribution is not optimal for his needs and the actions he could take to improve this. (12 points)
- Current contributions are part personal and part company.
- Salary is deducted as a business expense.
- Employer’s/employee’s NICs payable.
- These are not reclaimable if personal contributions made.
- Pay the entire amount as an employer contribution.
- Also deducted as a business expense.
- Likely to be considered wholly and exclusively for business purposes.
- Full amount into pension/No NICs payable.
- Also no employer’s NICs/increase profits.
- Could rebate the saving into the pension.
- 8% requirement does not include minimum employee contribution.
- As the business owner, he has the flexibility to determine this.
Explain the key benefits for Joshua and Amina of investing their regular pension contributions into equity-based funds. (11 points)
- Potential for capital growth.
- Best performing asset/outperformance over long-term.
- Long timescale to retirement.
- Pound cost averaging.
- Benefits from volatility.
- Inflation protection.
- Matches ATR.
- Wide range of funds/economies/diversification/can switch.
- Tax relief/tax free income/gains.
- Increases potential for growth.
- Low charges/economies of scale on workplace schemes.
Outline how a bonus sacrifice arrangement works and the potential benefits and disadvantages to Amina of sacrificing her bonus into her pension.
- Bonus is paid directly into her pension.
- This is made as an employer contribution.
- Tax deductible as a business expense.
Benefits - Increases pension provision/investment growth.
- Tax-free income/gains/PCLS.
- NICs saving/employer may share employer’s NICs.
- 40% Income Tax saving.
- Tax-free on death prior to age 75.
Disadvantages - Loss of immediate cash.
- Illiquidity/cash tied up until at least age 57.
- Potential for capital loss.