Meds used in antenatal care Flashcards
How do NSAIDs work generally and why is the thing they inhibit important?
Prostaglandin inhibitors
Prostaglandins are important for maintaining the ductus arteriosus (NSAID use causes premature closure- this leads to volume overload in foetal pulmonary circulation and persistent pulmonary hypertension)
Prostaglandins help soften the cervix and stimulate uterine contraction. Inhibition through NSAID use will delay labour
In what circumstances may NSAIDs be used in pregnancy
When should NSAIDs deffo be avoided in pregnancy?
Only when absolute necessary e.g. RA
Particularly avoided in 3rd trimester as they can close the ductus arteriosus and delay labour
Clinical indications for beta blockers: generally speaking
What condition is it used to manage
What is the first line B-blocker in pregnant women? 2nd line
Commonly used for hypertension, cardiac conditions and migraine
HTN caused by pre-eclampsia
Nifedipine/ Methyldopa (if patient is an asthmatic, has uncontrolled HF)
Labetalol (beta blocker) SEs by system:
Neurological Skin GI Urological Neuropsychiatric Other
Neurological — tiredness, weakness, headache.
Skin — rashes, tingling scalp
Gastrointestinal — epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting, liver damage.
Urological — difficulty in micturition.
Neuropsychiatric — depressed mood.
Other — postural hypotension, nasal congestion, sweating.
When is labetalol contraindicated
Asthma. Uncontrolled heart failure. Cardiogenic shock Phaeochromocytoma Metabolic acidosis. Bradycardia. Hypotension
Labetalol side effects on foetus
Labetalol dose
Fetal growth restriction
Hypoglycaemia in the neonate
Bradycardia in the neonate
100mg BID: intervals can be increased fortnightly
How do ACEIs and ARBs work generally speaking?
What can happen in the foetus aar of their use?
ACE- Stops ACE enzyme from converting Angiotensin 1 to Angiotensin 2
ARBs work by blocking AT1 receptors, which are found in the heart, blood vessels and kidneys. Reduces the action of angiotensin 2 to prevent blood vessel constriction
These drugs can cross the placenta and enter the foetus. Here they mainly affect the kidneys, and reduce the production of urine (and therefore amniotic fluid)
Also causes hypocalvaria, which is an incomplete formation of the skull bones.
Side effects on the foetus when ACEIs and ARBs are used in pregnancy
Oligohydramnios (reduced amniotic fluid) Miscarriage or fetal death Hypocalvaria (incomplete formation of the skull bones) Renal failure in the neonate Hypotension in the neonate
What does the use of opiates in pregnancy cause?
What is the name of this condition and how does it present
The use of opiates during pregnancy can cause withdrawal symptoms in the neonate after birth
Neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS). NAS presents between 3 – 72 hours after birth with irritability, tachypnoea (fast breathing), high temperatures and poor feeding.
Clinical indications of warfarin generally speaking
Why is warfarin avoided in pregnant women? What does it cause?
Warfarin may be used in younger patients with recurrent venous thrombosis, atrial fibrillation or metallic mechanical heart valves
It crosses the placenta and is considered teratogenic in pregnancy, therefore it is avoided in pregnant women. Warfarin can cause:
Foetal loss
Congenital malformations, particularly craniofacial problems
–Inhibition of osteocalcin causes lower bone growth
Bleeding during pregnancy, postpartum haemorrhage, foetal haemorrhage and intracranial bleeding
What does use of sodium valproate cause in pregnancy
What needs to be confirmed before sodium valproate can be used
Neural tube defects and developmental delay.
Strict rules for avoiding sodium valproate in girls or women unless there are no suitable alternatives and strict criteria are met to ensure they do not get pregnant
Side effects of sodium valproate generally speaking
VALPROATE! Vomiting Alopecia Liver toxicity Pancreatitis and decreased platelets Rash (allergy) Obesity Anorexia Tremor/ teratogenic Enzyme inhibitor: lowers seizure threshold
Lithium clinical indications generally speaking
Lithium is used as a mood stabilising medication for patients with bipolar disorder, mania and recurrent depression
Usually avoided unless other options have failed
When should Lithium be avoided in pregnancy (and which trimester )
First trimester
Assoc with Congenital cardiac abnormalities
Assoc with Ebstein’s anomaly, where the tricuspid valve is set lower on the right side of the heart (towards the apex), causing a bigger right atrium and a smaller right ventricle.
How should lithium use be monitored ?
Is lithium safe in breastfeeding
Nice: every 4 weeks
From week 36 onwards- every week
No, it enters the milk and is toxic to the infant