Meds Flashcards
simethicone (Mylicon)
Use, Class, Action, Indication, C/I, S/E, Usual route, Nursing implication
Use- Mother PP
Class- Antiflatulent
Action- passage of gas through GI tract through belching or passing flatus
Indication- excess gas after c-section
C/I- infant colic, ab pain with no known cause and fever
S/E- none
Route- PO
Nursing consideration- shake well, assess for BS, ab pain, distention
HYDROcodone/acetaminophen (Norco)
Use, Class, Action, Indication, C/I, S/E, Drug interaction, Antidote, Usual route, Nursing implication
Use: LD
Class: Opioid agonist, nonopioid analgesic
Action: bind to opiate receptors, depress CNS, reduce pain
Indication: management of pain
C/I- severe hepatic or renal disease, OB and Lact, avoid chronic use
S/E- confusion, dizziness, sedation, hypotension, NVC, RD
Drug- MAOI
Antidote- Narcan
Route- PO
Nursing- monitor VS esp. RR, LOC, sedation
ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil)
Use, Class, Action, Indication, C/I, S/E, Drug interaction, Usual route, Nursing implication
Use- LD, MB
Class- NSAID, antipyretic, nonopioid analgesic
Action- decrease pain, fever, inflammation
Indication: pain, fever
C/I- GI bleeding or ulcer, OB- do not take after 30 week gestation, lact- with caution
S/E- GI bleeding, headache, NVC
Drug- other NSAIDS including ASA
Route- PO
Nursing- assess for s/s of GI bleeding, caution if asthma patient, avoid alcohol
Vitamin K (AquaMEPHYTON)
Use, Class, Action, Indication, C/I, S/E, Drug Interaction, Usual route, Nursing implication
Class- fat soluble vitamin, antidote
Action- promote formation of clotting factors by liver
Indication- prevention of treatment of vit K deficiency bleeding
C/I- hypersensitivity
S/E- erythema, pain, edema at injection site, hyperbilirubinemia
Drug- counteract warfarin
route- IM within birth vastus lateralis
Nursing- protect from light, observe s/s of Vit K deficiency (bruise, bleeding, etc.), give Vit K before circumcision
terbutaline (Brethine)
Use, Class, Action, Indication, C/I, S/E, Drug interaction, Usual route, Nursing implication
Use- LD
Class- beta adrenergic (bronchodilator)
Action- smooth muscle relaxant to stop PTL (tocolysis)
Indication- management of PTL, tocolysis
C/I- maternal DM, HTN
S/E- maternal and fetal tachycardia, palpitation, angina, dysrhythmia, hyperglycemia, NV
Drug- MAOI
Route- IV, subcut, PO
Nursing- monitor maternal pulse, BP, frequency and duration of UC, FHR, maternal BG; listen to lungs for pulmonary edema
butorphanol (Stadol)
Use, Class, Action, Indication, C/I, S/E, Drug interaction, antidote, Usual route, Nursing implication
Use- LD
Classification- opioid analgesic with some antagonistic effects
Action- bind to opiate receptors in CNS and decrease pain
Indication- management of pain during labor
C/I- opiate dependency (may cause withdrawal)
S/E- RD, confusion, hallucination, sedation, nausea, sweating
Drug- MAOI, CNS depressant, other narcotics
Antidote- Narcan
Route- IV, PCA
Nursing- may cause RD in newborn, monitor VS esp. RR and LOC and sedation, have narcan ready, and monitor pain levels
nalbupine (Nubain)
Use, Class, Action, Indication, C/I, S/E, Drug interaction, Antidote, Usual route, Nursing implication
Use- LD
Class- opioid analgesic
Action- bind to opiate receptors in CNS and decrease pain; can also relieve pruritis r/t epidural narcotics
Indication- management of pain during labor
C/I- hypersensitivity, opiate dependent who are not detoxified
S/E- RD, NV, dizziness, headache
Antidote- Narcan
Drug interaction- MAOI, CNS depressant
Route- IV, PCA
Nursing- monitor VS esp. RR, have antidote ready, monitor pain
oxytocin (Pitocin)
Use, Class, Action, Indication, C/I, S/E, Drug interaction, Usual route, Nursing implication
Use- LD, PP
Classification- oxytocics, hormone
Action- increase strength,duration, freq of UC
Indication- induction of labor at term, maintenance of bleeding PP, management of abortion
C/I- placenta brevia, vasa previa, prolapsed umbilical cord, nonreassuring FHR
S/E- hypertonic uterine activity, imparied urterine blood flow, uterine rupture, abruptio placentae
Drug- vasopressor (cause severe HTN)
Route- IV and also IM
Nursing- fetus may be brady or tachy so give mother 8-10 L/min O2 100% facemask, put her on her side, and reduce uterine activity, monitor UC
magnesium sulfate
Use, Class, Action, Indication, C/I, S/E, antidote, Usual route, Nursing implication, Fetal consideration
use- MB
classification- anticonvulsant, tocolytic
action- decrease Ach therefore depressing CNS and decrease UC and PIH
Indication- prevention and control of preeclampsia seizures, prevention of PTL
C/I- MI, heart block, myasthenia gravis, renal function impaired
S/E- OD (flushing, sweating, hypotension, CNs depression), depressed deep tendon reflex
Antidote- calcium gluconate
route- IV, IM painful
Nursing- monitor VS, urinary output, keep resuscitation equip nearby, monitor for Mg toxicity (4-8 mg/dL), therapeutic range (1.7-2.2)
Fetal- avoid continuous use during labor. can cause toxicity
methylergonovine (Methergine)
Use, Class, Action, Indication, C/I, S/E, Drug interaction, Usual route, Nursing implication
Use- PP
Classification- uterine stimulant
action- stimulate sustained UC, arterial vasoconstriction
Indication- prevention & treatment of PP or post abortion hemorrhage r/t uterine atony or subinvolution
C/I- pregnancy, to induce labor, HTN, renal hepatic disease, thrombophlebitis, CAD, PVD, hypocalcemia, sepsis, before 4th stage of labor
S/E- NV, uterine and GI cramping, HTN
Route- IM, IV not recommended
Drug- nicotine, vasopressors
Nursing- monitor for BP, HR, and uterine response, avoid smoking
naloxone (Narcan)
Use, Class, Action, Indication, C/I, S/E, Usual route, Nursing implication
Classification- opiate antagonist
Action- reverse CNS and RD caused by narcotics (NICU), reduce pruritis from epidural opioids (LD)
indication- severe RD in newborn with mother addicted to narc within 4 hours of birth
C/I- if given to infant with opiate addicted mother, will have withdrawals and seizures
S/E- withdrawal symptoms
Route- IV adult, IV, IM, subcut, endotracheal tube neonate
Nursing- have resuscitation equip ready, draw up med more than expected, onset and duration short so have more ready
betamethasone (Celestone)
Use, Class, Action, Indication, C/I, S/E, Usual route, Nursing implication, Maternal consideration
Use- MB Class- corticosteroids Action- speed up fetal lung maturation Indication- RD and IVH in preterm infant C/I- active infection S/E- pulmonary edema r/t fluid retention Route- IM Maternal- check BG freq if DM patient Nursing- monitor VS (temp increase may mean infection), lung sounds for pulmonary edema, teach to report chest pain heaviness dyspnea, WBC may be high for 72 hours
misoprostol (Cytotec)
Use, Class, Action, Indication, C/I, S/E, Usual route, Nursing implication
Use- LD
Classification- prostaglandin
Action- cause UC
Indication- cervical ripening, labor induction
C/I- previous C-section or other uterine surgery
S/E- ab pain, diarrhea, tachysystole
Nursing- monitor uterine activity and FHR prior to administration, side lying position, O2 mast 8-10L/min
calcium gloconate
Use, Class, Action, Indication, C/I, S/E, Drug, Usual route, Nursing implication
use- LD classification- mineral supplement action- reverse MG toxicity and prevent Resp arrest Indication- Mg toxicity (decreased RR) C/I- hypercalcemia, renal caliculi, vfib S/E- arrhythmia, hypercalcemia, NVC Drug- increase risk of digoxin toxicity Route- IV Nursing- monitor VS, EKG, toxicity (NV, anorexia, thirst, constipation)
Use, Class, Action, Indication, C/I, S/E, Usual route, Nursing implication
use- baby Classification- immunoglobulin action- prevent chronic infection of HBV indication- newborns whose mother is HBsAg positive or unknown C/I- hypersensitivity to yeast S/e- local soreness Route- IM at 0, 1-2, 6-18 month Nursing- prevent contamination from maternal blood by cleaning infant's skin thoroughly, safe to breastfeed as long as infant is vaccinated
Hep B vaccine (neonate)
Use, Class, Action, Indication, C/I, S/E, Usual route, Nursing implication
Use- baby
Classification- vaccine
Action- prevention of HBsAg chronic infection
Indication- newborns esp whose mothers are HBsAg positive
C/I- hypersensitivity to yeast
S/E- local soreness
Route- IM at 0, 1-2, 6-18 months
Nursing- prevent contamination from maternal blood by cleaning infant’s skin thoroughly, safe to breastfeed as long as infant is vaccinated
carboprost tromethamine (Hemabate)
Use, Class, Action, Indication, C/I, S/E, Usual route, Nursing implication
Use- LD
classification- prostaglandin, oxytocic
action- stimulate UC
indication- treatment of PP hemorrhage caused by uterine atony; abortion
C/I- acute pelvic inflammatory disease, cardiac, pulmonary, renal, hepatic disease; caution with asthma, HTN, hypotension, anemia DM, previous uterine surgery
S/E- tetany, uterine rupture, NVD, fever, chills, face flush, headache, HTN, pulmonary edema
Route- IM
Nursing- refrigerate, aspirate injection, monitor VS, administer antiemetic and antidiarrheal as ordered
erythromycin (Ilotycin)
Use, Class, Action, Indication, C/I, S/E, Usual route, Nursing implication
Use- neonatal unit
classification- antibiotic
action- kill bacteria
indication- prevent ophthalmia neonatrium in infants with mothers with neissera gonorrhea
C/I- intolerance to alcohol
S/E- blurry vision, irritation, burning, itching
Route- “ribbon” 1 cm long to lower conjunctival sac 1 hour after birth
Nursing- clean infant’s eye before giving, hold tube horizontally, inner to outer canthus, do not touch tube to skin, 1 tube per patient, wipe away excess after 1 min, observe for irritation
Rubella vaccine
Use, Class, Action, Indication, C/I, S/E, Usual route, Nursing implication. breastfeeding
Use- mother
class- attenuated live virus vaccine
action- produce modified rubella that is not communicable cusing formation of Ab against rubella virus
indication- 1 month before pregnancy or after childbirth for non immune mothers
C/I- immunosuppressed, pregnant
S/E- transient stinging at site, fever, lymphadenopathy, arthralgia
Route- subcut
breastfeed- attenuated virus may be present in milk. baby may get rashes
Nursing- keep refrigerated and use diluent provided, protect from light, avoid pregnancy for at least 4 weeks after vaccination
Nifedepine (Procardia)
Use, Class, Action, Indication, C/I, S/E, Usual route, Nursing implication, Drug interaction
Use- LD, MB
Classification- CCB for tocolysis
Action- MB- antiHTN, vasodilator, LD- reduce UC
Indication- PTL
C/I- hypersentivity, heart block
S/E- flushing, dizziness, headache, nausea, transient maternal tachycardia, hypotension, increase in BG
Route- PO
Drug- St. John’s wort, grapefruit juice
Nursing- monitor VS, BG, UC, MHR, FHR, call for assistance because may get orthostatic hypotension, report MHR > 120
Rho(d) Immune Globuline (RhoGAM)
Use, Class, Action, Indication, C/I, S/E, Usual route, Nursing implication
use- mother PP
class- immunoglobulin
action- prevent production of anti-Rh(d) antibodies.
Indication- Rh- women exposed to Rh+ blood (delivery, abortion, transfusion)
C/I- Rh+ women, women already sensitized to Rho(D)
S/E- local pain, fever
Route- IM deltoid
Nursing- assess maternal and cord blood
fentanyl (Sublimaze)
Use, Class, Action, Indication, C/I, S/E, Usual route, Nursing implication, drug interaction, antidote
use- LD
Class- opioid analgesic
action- bind to opiate receptors and decrease pain
indication- management of pain during labor
C/I- hypersensitivity, intolerance
S/E- pruritus, apnea, laryngospasm
Drug- MAOI
antidote- Narcan
Route- IV, PCA, epidural
Nursing- pruritus can decrease with benadryl, narcan, nubain, trexan; assess VS before analgesic, bladder sensation is decreased so may need urinary cath