Meds Flashcards
Antianxiety, skeletal muscle relaxant, anticonvulsant, antipanic, sleep aid, acute alcohol withdrawal
*take with food if GI distress; caution w/ grapefruit, anorexia, decreases wt, increased appetite, ^ wt, dry mouth, ^ salivation, N/V/C/D, avoid alcohol
Advair Diskus
Antiasthma, COPD treatment
*combination drug
Calcium carbonate
Antacid, Ca supp., phosphate binder, antidiarrheal
*take w/ meals as supp. & phosphate binder; take 1-3 hrs after meals as antacid; insure adequate fl intake/hydration; take separately from large amounts of high-fiber, high-oxalate, or high-phytate foods; take Fe, Zn, F 1-2 hrs apart, vit D to normalize Ca/bone metabolism; may cause anorexia & kidney stones
Stool softener, lacative
*diet needs to be high-fiber w/ 1500-2000 mL fluid/day to prevent constipation; it alters intestinal absorption of water and electrolytes
Coumadin/warfarin sodium
*make sure to have a consistent intake of vit K; caution w/ vit C; caution with >60 g raw, fried, or boiled onions due to decreases platelet aggregation; avoid natural products which affect coagulation; may cause N/V/D, and cramps
Antifungal, anticryptococcal meningitis, anticandidiasis
*taste changes dry mouth, dyspepsia, N/V/D, and abdominal pain
Cardiotonic, antiarrhythmic, anti-CHF, inotropic agent
*maintain a diet high in K and low in Na & adequate in Ca and Mg; take at least 2 hrs before antacids or Mg supplements-may decrease absorption of drug; caution w/ Ca or vit D bc it could increase risk of arrhythmias; caution w/ some herbal products (aloe, foxglove, hawthorn); may cause anorexia and decreases weight, N/V/D
Heparin sodium
*may cause N/V/C, abdominal pain, GI bleeding, & black tarry stools
Histamine H2 receptor antagonists
Anti-ulcer (including H. pylori), anti-GERD, antisecretory
*bland diet may be recommended; take drug at least 1 hour after iron supplementation; may decrease iron and vitamin B12 absorption; causes decreased gastric acid secretions, increased gastric acid pH, n/v/d/c
Isoniazid (INH)
Antituberculosis, antimyocobacrerium
*food decrease absorption, so take one hour before meals; supplement pyridoxine, to prevent peripheral neuropathy; avoid high-tyramine or histamine foods; can cause anorexia and affects vit D metabolism; may decrease Ca and phosphorus, leading to bone loss; may cause pyridoxine deficiency or pellagra
Laxative (hyperosmotic), used to treat high ammonia levels
*need high fiber diet; do not take with antacids, Ca, or Mg supplements; caution with glutamine- in theory it may decrease anti-ammonia effect; may cause N/V/D, belching, cramps, borborygmi, and flatulence; caution w/ lactation and diabetes; dilute before use in TF
Antihypertensive, diuretic (K-depleting); to treat edema associated with CHF, renal, or hepatic disease
*increase K and Mg; decrease calories and Na; avoid licorice; may develop anorexia; increase thirst
Magnesium Hydroxide (Milk of Magnesia, MOM)-laxative, antacid *take with water or citrus juice to improve taste; high fiber diet with adequate water to prevent constipation; take iron or folate supplements separately
laxative, antacid
*take with water or citrus juice to improve taste; high fiber diet with adequate water to prevent constipation; take iron or folate supplements separately
Appetite stimulant, antiemetic, maijuana derivative
*take BID before lunch and dinner to increase appetite; may increase appetite and weight; could cause dry mouth, N/V/D, and abdominal pain
Appetite stimulant, antineoplastic, hormone; also used to treat hot flashes
*take with food; increases appetite and weight; mag cause nausea; do not use with lactation; caution with diabetes
Laxative, bulk forming; also used as antidiarrheal; antihyperlipidemic
*app. for ^ Na diet; ^ fiber with 1500-2000 ml of fluid/day to prevent constipation; if using as an antihyperlipidemic then decease fat, cholesterol, and kcal (if needed); appetite may be decreased; could cause N/V/D, abdominal cramps, bloating, and flatulence
*take with glass of water; shake well before measuring dose; may cause N/V/D, decreased urine output, severe watery diarrhea, and abdominal cramps
Antiemetic, antinauseant (post-operative or chemotherapy)
*take initial dose 1/2 hour before chemotherapy, dry mouth, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea
Antiulcer, antiGERD, antisecretory, (H2 Receptor antagonist)
*take without regard to meals; decreases iron and vitamin B12 absorption, decrease gastric acid secretions, increase gastric pH, N/V/D/C
Anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressant, hormone, glucocorticoid
*Ca and vit D supplementation for long-term use; may need increase in K, vit A, vit C, phosphorus; may cause glucose intolerance, increases appetite, and weight gain, esophagitis, N/G, dyspepsia, peptic ulcer, bloating, GI bleeding/perforation
Proton pump inhibitors
Antiulcer, antiGERD, antisecretory
*may decrease absorption of iron and vit B12, decreases gastric acid secretion
Antiemetic, antiGERD, used to treat diabetic gastroparesis
*take 1/2 hour before eating; may increase gastric emptying, N/D/C
*take w/ food at HS; avoid St. John’s wart; [increased appetite], weight, and thirst; anorexia; dry mouth; N/V/C; abdominal pain
Treatment of AIDS and HIV
*not to be used in persons with pernicious anemia; increase intake of vit B12; may cause N/V/D, abdominal pain, fever, rash, insomnia, and dizziness
Laxative, hyperosmotic
*take HS; diet: high fiber with 1200-2000 mL fluid/day to prevent constipation; may cause diarrhea, bloating, flatulence, cramps
Antidiarrheal (in cardinoid tumor, HIV) antiacromegaly
*decreased fat in diet may decrease GI side effects; may cause fat and fat-soluble but malabsorption and delay gallbladder emptying; alters insulin, growth hormone, thyroid hormone and glucagon levels; may cause N/V/D/C, abdominal pain, bloating steatorrhea, and flatulence
B complex vitamin, anti beriberi, vit B1, used to prevent wernicke/korsakoff syndrome due to chronic alcohol abuse
*increase thiamin intake with increase CHO intake; may cause nausea; would be given via IV to prevent wernicke/korsakoff syndrome