is a practice in which an individual uses a technique such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm, and stable state
“The act of giving your attention to only one thing, either as a religion’s activity or as a way of becoming calm and relaxed,” or “serious thought or study, or the product of this activity.”
Definition of meditation, according to Cambridge
- helps concentrate the mind and allows us to be able to function better and more effectively, both in our every day and in our spiritual life.
- It motivates us to do in our daily activities
Mindfulness of Breathing Meditation
- helps us drive away our negative thoughts and feelings and replace them with positive ones, primarily about ourselves and then, consequently, about all living beings. Focusing on ourselves, without guilt or our ego getting in the way, is a necessary and sufficient condition for a happy life.
Meditation on Friendliness
includes exercises on memory, mindfulness and awareness which are used to observe and comprehend the transient nature of all intellectual and physical phenomena that can cause unhappiness if they linger.
Insight Meditation
State phase framework by __________, it proposes a conceptual space relating the concept of self-generated thoughts to deliberate and automatic constraints on cognition
When you sit down to meditate, you will definitely be hit by thoughts and memories of the past. Do not pursue them. There should be no recollection. Simply and gently shift your attention away from past memories.
No recollection
Sometimes, we are neither pursuing a thought nor thinking of the past, but we are calculating. It could be something as simple as “Will I ever get to that particular stage of meditation if I meditate for an hour a day?” Or “How long will it take me to get to that stage?” The mind is always calculating. So, remember, no calculation, no recollection.
No calculation
When you are meditating, simply
be in the present moment. If you are listening to your breath, then simply listen to your breathing. If you are meditating on sound, listen to or simply recall the mantra.
No imagination
Do not analyze your thoughts. Examination happens when the thought of the past comes to you, and you start thinking; “Why did this happen to me? What did this person really mean when s/he said that to me or did that to me?” Or you may start examining where this thought is coming, where it is going, or where it is ending. Do not do any of that.
No examination
When you are meditating, simply be in the present moment. If you are listening to your breath, then simply listen to your breathing. If you are meditating on sound, listen to or simply recall the mantra.
No imagination
Do not wander. Simply stay in the present moment. When your mind goes in one direction, bring it back. When it goes in another direction, bring it back again. Never get angry with your own mind. Simply be at peace.
No digression
_________ is how we react when we feel under pressure or threatened. It usually happens when we are in a situation that we don’t feel we can manage or control.
is a pervasive issue in modern society and has become a global public health problem.