Medievalists Flashcards
What years does the middle ages incorporate?
About 1100-1600AD, but goes further back.
What can middle ages philosophy be related to?
Plato and Aristotle, as well as psychology as a science, the mind and the body etc.
When were the dark ages?
600 AD onwards for the Western world, there are very little records. Much more from Islamic countries. Then ideas moved back into the west!
When did St Augustine live?
354-430 AD.
Describe the life of St Augustine.
Algerian, born to Xn mother and pagan father. Followed Manichaeism. Had an interesting life - many sexual partners and at least one son by a concubine. Later converted to Christianity.
Wrote that sin is disordered love, and is inevitable.
What is Manichaeism?
A religion based on the writings of Mani primarily known for its striking dualism between light and dark (we are both, can do both).
What was St Augustine the first to do?
Use children and case studies to attempt to understand human nature.
What was St Augustine’s idea of the wilful child?
A baby begins to have wishes and communicates them - they get angry when they don’t get what they want, and cry. Children desire to control adults.
What was St Augustine’s idea of the sinful mind?
Everything is seen as a source of instant gratification. Anger, greed and jealousy are all important.
Personality traits don’t actually change.
What did St Augustine believe about the self?
There is no isolated individual self - only in relationship with God.
What did St Augustine write about love?
Love is the most powerful act of the soul, it’s ambiguous and unstable. The soul is divided, love is never entirely healthy. Vanity and greed are distortions of love.
What was St Augustine’s underlying theory of personality and account of how children become adults based on?
His Christian beliefs.
What is key to St Augustine’s theory?
The idea of original sin - that we have no free will to abstain from sin except through God’s grace (hence the need for baptism, without which one can’t go to Heaven).
What was St Augustine’s idea of the elect?
The elect are the chosen few - people can only become less evil through love of God.
Who had similar ideas to St Augustine regarding child development?
What did St Augustine say about lust?
Sexual intercourse in marriage is not sinful as long as the intention is to have children. Any sexual acts not aiming for children are bad. ‘The lawful act of nature is accompanied with penal shame’ - shameful because of its independence of our will. Apparently sex would have been divorced from pleasure if not for original sin, a virtuous state. Huge list of times and situations in which sex was not allowed.
What did St Augustine say about obesity?
Obesity is greed, which is bad.
Who followed the same line as St Augustine on lust and sex?
Reformation protestants such as the Lutherans and Calvinists.
What did St Augustine think about Plato?
He was correct in that:
• god is not anything material
• all things have their being through god
• god is immutable
• perception is not a source of truth
• the sensible world is inferior to the eternal
• there are things that can be discovered by reason alone.
All other knowledge, if it is to be true, must be based on religious writings.
When did Ibn Sina live?
980-1037 AD.
Where did Ibn Sina live?
What were Ibn Sina’s most important works?
The book of healing and the canon of medicine.
What did Ibn Sina’s work discuss?
Reason and reality.
What did Ibn Sina claim?
That God is pure intellect and that knowledge consists of the mind grasping the intelligible. Both reason and logic are required, gaining the correct knowledge determines heaven/hell.