1247 M
St Mary of Bethlehem
Hospital established
1123 M
St Bartholomew’s Hospital
1249 M
St Giles Hospital in Norwich
set up
1267 M
Hugh of Lucca publishes his
idea about pus, infection
and the use of wine.
1277 M
Roger Bacon arrested for
spreading anti-church
1283 M
Cairo Hospital established
1298 M
Latrines built in York after
King Edward complains
1315 M
Mondino wrote Anathomia
and completed the first
recorded dissection
1333 M
Glamorgan city bans waste
in the street
1337 M
Hundred Years’ War begins
1348 M
Black Death in England
1350 M
John of Arderne writes
Practice of Surgery
1363 M
De Chauliac writes Great
1368 M
Guild of surgeons set up in
London by John of Arderne
1388 M
Parliament passes £20 fine
for not disposing of waste
1421 M
Mayor of Coventry orders
everyone to clean outside
their homes.
1454 R
Printing Press invented
1536 R
Dissolution of the
1537 R
Pare ran out of hot oil
1543 R
Fabrica is published by
1545 R
Compendiosa was published
by Thomas Geminus
1575 R
Pare publishes Works on
1628 R
Harvey publishes Anatomica
1653 R
Culpepper writes about
herbal treatments in
Complete Herbal
1665 R
Great plague returns to
1666 R
Laws were passed to prevent
disease spreading.
1676 R
Sydenham writes his book
about observation and
1677 R
First microscope invented
1685 R
Charles II died after being
bled too many times.
1721 R
Lady Montagu makes
inoculation fashionable.
1741 R
Thomas Coram created the
Foundling Hospital
1794 R
Hunter published Gunshot
Wounds and Inflammation.
1796 R
Jenner carries out his