Medieval Medicine Flashcards
Background Information
- ) Wars- Destroyed R PH System
- ) Med Lib Destroyed
- ) Invading Tribes- Couldn’t Read
- ) War= Important–> Money On Army
Church- Unis
Trained Docs- War
Scholars Trav
Christian Help/Hinder
Duty to Help sick
Preserved Ancient-Translated
Hinder Diss- Banned Never Question- Ancient Work Supp- Gal& Hipp Sick- Punishment
Muslim Help/Hinder
Duty to Help Sick
Education- Important= Translated
Al-Razi & Ibn Sina Books
Supp Galen/Hipp
Galen- Rediscovered
Church= Galens Work= Fitted with Chris ideas- ‘Creator’
God Created all Humans + Oragns Perfectly
Galen- Correct/Unable to Improve/Unchallenged
Combination Of Nat/Super Nat Beliefs Natural Expl Smells 4 humors Nat Treatments 3 for 4 Hum Super Nat Ex Astrology G Pun Super Nat Tre Pray Beating
1.) Discouraged Science
Encouraged Supernat + Superstition
Combined SN+ N
Bubonic Plague
Infec Flea Bites Cold + Tired Buboes Appeared Arm/Groin (Pus) Blisters/Head-aches/Fever Death: 4-7 Days
Pnemonic Plague
Attacked Lungs/ Coughed Blood
Coughing= Spread
1/2 days
Responses To Black Death
No Understanding where it was coming from/why happening
No Sci Tech
Blame: Astrology/ Jews/ 4 Hum
Cleaning= Sum Responses helped
Development In Surgery
War=Common Barber Surgeons= Likely to be on Battle field Tools/ Minor Surgeries Physicians= Forbidden Operations= Dangerous