Medieval Literature Flashcards
Geoffrey of Monmouth
Historian Regum Brittaniae
Historia Brittonum
Chretien de Troyes
Title unknown
Sir Thomas Malory
Le Morte D’Arthur
Definition of Courtly Love
An extravagantly artificial and stylized relationship-a forbidden affair that was characterized by five main attributes: aristocratic, ritualistic, secret, adulterous, and literary.
Andreas Capellanus
The Art or Courtly Love (written for Marie of Troyes)
5 elements of courtly love
- No one can be bound by a double love.
- Boys do not love until they reach the age of maturity.
- Every act of a lover ends in the thought of his beloved.
- A man in love is always apprehensive.
- Good character alone makes any man worthy of love.
Boy to knight process
7 years old the boy is sent to live with another lord in a castle. Begins his education as a page, running errand and performing services. He receives a proper education including chivalry, academics, religion, and warfare. At 13 years old the boy is apprenticed yo a knight and becomes a squire. Taught skill with the sword, lance, and shield and the responsibilities of a knight. He served his mentor always. When the boy was between 18 and 21 and was ready to become a knight, a knighting ceremony would be set for the boy to become a knight.
Knighting process
Once the knighting ceremony for the boy was set, the squire would cleanse, fast, and confess. He would spend all night in the chapel praying for guidance. The squire would come in all white and enter the crowd hall. The squire knelt and the priest blessed his sword and he. The squire had to state why he wanted to become a knight. He would them be tapped on the shoulders by his lord with his sword and become a knight.
Poisoned the apple
Sir Pinel
Intended recipient of the poison apple
Recipient of the poison apple
Sir Patrise
Only knight who believed the queen to be innocent
Sir Bohort
Knight that will challenge anyone who believes the queen is innocent
Sir Mador
Was told to throw Excalibur into the lake
Sir Bedivere
Launcelot’s parents
King Ban and Queen Elaine
Launcelot wears her sleeve in battle
Elaine of Astolat
Parents of Galahad
Launcelot and Elaine of Corbenic
Raised Arthur
Sir Ector and Sir Kay
Married to Morgause
Morgause and Lot’s children
Triple GAME
Gawaine Gareth Gaheris Agravain Morgan le Fey Elaine