medieval europe Flashcards
-anyone who didn’t speak greek
-attacked roman empire
council of clermont
-called on ppl to help byzantine empire
-wanted to recapture holy land from muslim control
-started the crusades
crusader states
-jerusalem, edessa, antioch, tripoli
-muslims started their own crusades called jihads
black death
-bubonic plague
-likely arrived from china on ships
-~20 million people in europe killed, 1/3 of the continent
-trade ships would dock full of dead ppl
-it acted fast and killed animals
-ppl blamed jews and killed them
-king -> feif -> serfs
-king granted land to feifs, feifs had serfs working on land, serfs gave food to feifs
-trade developed
-anglos and the saxons
-barbarian group outside of roman empire, rome hired them to maintain control of britain
william the conqueror
-illegitimate son of robert i duke of normandy, no other sons meant he inherited
-edward the confessor told him he could inherit throna of england when he died but harold godwinson became heir
-he invaded and took capitol city of london, crowned first norman king of england ended anglo-saxon phase of english history
-took census of england
the hundred years’ war
-english kings in 14th century were closest relative of charles 4th (french)
-for 20 years aquitaine was part of england
-henry V tried to become king of france
war of the roses
-bloody civil war between english family
-house of york (white rose) vs house of lancaster (red rose)
-king henry vi (lancaster) was crowned as a baby was grew into a weak ruler
-richard of york became lord protector and tried for the throne
-hierarchy: iberians who switched religions -> christians and jews - > enslaved ppl
-christian and jews were allowed to keep their religions but considered subordinates
-series of campaigns by chrsitian states to recapture iberian peninsula from muslims
-aragon, castile, portugal
-most ppl became christian
the “catholic monarchs”
-ferdinand and isabella who committed cultural genocide by expelling jewish and muslim people from spain
carolingian dynasty
-charlemagne’s dynasty
-known for: military leadership, expansion, religious intolerance
the “dark ages”
-renaissance scholars didn’t think this period was as good as the roman empire
-a more accurate term would be medieval or middle ages
-some things were lost (roman concrete, literacy declined, reverse urbanization)
seljuk turks
-ottoman empire
-began to threaten power of eastern roman empire
-invaded byzantium (eastern roman empire)
the crusades
-religious wars between christian and muslims, started by christians to gain control of sites viewed as holy, fought anyone who denied gods ppl to jerusalem
-crusaders could do whatever they wanted (they did atrocities)
-first one started in 1096 (4 armies in western europe were formed)
-second (muslims desamated christian forces)
-third (richard the lionheart refused to lay siege to cities) (signed peace treaty, reestablished crusader state as the christian’s but jersusalem as muslim’s)
-fourth (between christian groups, ended w fall of constantinople)
-sixth (peaceful transfer of jerusalem to crusader control. for a decade before muslims got it back)
-5th and 7th (aimed at egypt)
the iberian peninsula under various groups
merovingian dynasty
-started by clovis: killed a bunch of ppl, united turks, divided among his four sons
-first important dynasty in what’s now france
-pippin the small overthrew the king
-pippin’s son
-ruled large empire (included merovingian dynasty, italy, etc, divided into 52 counties)
-crowned by pope as emperor of romans -> first holy roman emperor
-had goal to educate everyone in the empire, wanted everyone to read and write
-4 wives 18 children
-not tolerant of pagas
-conducted empire wide religious christianity sweep
-standardized church