Medieval Flashcards
Date range?
5th century - 15th century
Fall of Roman Empire is when this era began
What are the two types of song from this era?
Details of genre?
Most music was anonymous
Secular -sung by nuns, clerics, monks, not pro’s
Notation was limited
Instruments: loud/soft for in/outdoors
Plainsong (chant) dominant til around 1100
Earliest music from church
Roman church wanted to standardize (roman +Gallican = Gregorian chant)
Limited pitch range
Music continued developing thru Renaissance
Organum -4/5’s parallel to melody began harmony and counterpoint
Set songs to poem and sang professionally, usually love songs
French poet-musicians
Earliest repertoire that has been handed down
Notated as rows of pitches, no rhythms
Troubadours -motets
Diff text for each line, usually 3-part