Medicine throughout time Flashcards
Name 3 ways traditional healers help heal people
setting the mind at rest (often involves a healing ritual)
contacting ancestors
medicinal plants
who performed the world’s first successful heart transplant and where did it take place?
Dr Christiaan Barnard
Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town
what is medicine?
the practice of healing someone or making someone feel better
list 3 differences between Western and traditional medicine
1) Western med is practiced by doctors who choose to study for many year to qualify while traditional healing is practiced by people called to their role by their ancestors. Their training is a spiritual experience . An older healer teaches his or her skills to their apprentice.
2) Western med is based on principles of science, technology and knowledge developed mainly in Western Euroupe and North America while traditional healing is based on the belief that illness has more than just physical causes and focuses on the healing of the whole person: body, mind and spirit
3) Western medicine focuses on diseases of the physical body while traditional healing links the spiritual and the physical
what does indigenous mean?
only available locally/unique to a particular area
Explain how contacting the ancestors is believed to help healing
In Traditional African belief, ancestors are involved in our lives and if we do not respect them or follow traditional ways we can get ill or have bad luck. The ancestors are contacted so that relationships with them can be healed thereby improving our health
what do you understand by the term sangoma
a local person who practices traditional medicine in South Africa
what is impepho
a plant that is burned to help call the ancestors because its smoke is regarded as spiritual
another name for a sangoma is
a diviner
T or F: traditional healers may be sangomas or herbalists
what is a holistic healing approach?
an approach to healing that looks at the body, mind and spirit of the sick person
Name 3 plants commonly used by traditional healers
wild wormwood
list some common strategies used to help stop infectious diseases from spreading
1) isolating infected people
2) covering the mouth and nose when sneezing and coughing
3) hand washing
4) clean and disinfect work areas
5) don’t touch the eyes, nose or mouth with dirty hands
what are infectious diseases
disorders caused by bacteria, viruses, funghi or parasites
For what is Edward Jenner well known
vaccinating people against small pox