Medicine Through Time Key Terms Flashcards
Native people of Australia who are hunter-gatherers.
Before writing began. In Britain, this means before the Romans arrived in AD 43.
Another name for a doctor.
The careful cutting and analysis of dead bodies.
Preserving the body for burial.
Vomiting or emptying the bowels.
Keeping clean. From the Greek name for Asclepios’ daughter, Hygeia.
Theory of the four humours
Doctors from the time of the Ancient Greeks until the Renaissance believed the four humours - blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile - needed to be balanced to ensure good health.
Clinical observation
Observing symptoms at a patient’s bedside.
Hippocratic Oath
The oath taken by doctors in which they promise to do their patients no harm and keep the conversation between patient and doctor confidential.
Public health
Governments providing schemes to make their citizens healthier.
Theory of opposites
Galen’s theory that you should treat a condition with its opposite.
The Arab world
Countries in the Middle East and in North Africa.
Galenic medicine
Everything that Galen wrote about medicine.
Barber surgeon
A barber who also provided medical help including small operations such as bleeding or extracting teeth.
In the Middle Ages Christians from Europe fought the Muslim Turks for control of the Holy Land.
Smells from decomposing material that were believed to cause disease.
Another word for micro-organisms or germs.
A drug used to treat infections caused by bacteria.
A chemical used to destroy bacteria and prevent infection.
Carbolic acid
An organic compound originally extracted from coal tar to be used as an antiseptic.
A thread used to tie a blood vessel during an operation.
Laissez-faire attitude
A deliberate policy by the British government to let people get on with it, to not interfere.