Medicine Through Time Flashcards
What is the definition of purging?
To rid the body of an ‘excess’ like blood or vomit.
What is the definition of leeching?
The use of leeches for bloodletting.
What is the definition of cupping?
Using glass cups to draw blood to the surface.
What is the definition of Miasma?
The theory that bad air causes disease.
What is a barber surgeon?
A barber surgeon did a lot of things. They would cut hair and they would perform basic surgeries - you would go to see them for a lot things.
Name the 4 humors.
Blood, Black Bile, Yellow Bile, Phlegm
Who has Hippocrates?
Ancient Greek physician who came up with the theory of the 4 humors. His approach was more natural. He developed the idea of a clinical observation. and record the illness and progression of the illness.
Who was Galen?
Ancient physician who adapted the works of Hippocrates. He dissected other animals to try and get an idea of the human anatomy. His ideas were incorrect however it formed a basis for new physicians. For example he though blood was made in the liver. He created the Theory of the Opposites. His work was used for 1400 years. The church did not allow people to question Galen as he believed that God created everything. If people challenged him it would be like they challenged the church and God that’s why medicine didn’t progress for so long until the church lost power.
What did people in the Middle Ages believe caused disease?
God (Religious Cause), Astrology (Supernatural Cause), Miasma (Rational Cause), Jews and Witches (Supernatural Cause).
What was the treatment for the 4 humors?
Cupping, Leeching, Purging and theory of the opposites - all to rebalance the 4 humors.
What was the treatment for Miasma?
Cleansing of the body, Praying, Fasting, Pilgrimages
What was the treatment for diseases caused by God?
Pray to God that he removes the illness.
Superstition was believed to prevent illnesses - name what was one of the superstitions.
Burning aromatic herbs or bathing on vinegar.
When was the Black Death outbreak?
What were the main symptoms of the Black Death?
Violent Fever, oozing sores, swollen armpits