Medicine through the ages Flashcards
How prehistoric medicine discovered?
Archaeological findings, Cave paintings, and artefacts.
Who are Shamens?
Spirit healers.
What did shamens do?
perform ceremonies/ cast spells to treat the sick
What is the possible early discovery of morphine, digitalis, etc,.?
use of animal blood and plants in prehistoric medicine.
What is the earliest known form of surgery?
Trepanning (Trephining)
What could be and indication that subjects survived trepanning?
Bone regrowth.
What are possible reasons for trepanning?
Release evil spirits from a sick person (headache/ epilepsy)
Where can detailed information about ancient egyptian medicine be found?
Papyrus records
Where can ancient detailed information about ancient Egyptian medicine be found?
Papyrus records. (Ebers Papyrus, Edwin Smith Papyrus)
What were the causes of diseases according to the ancient Egyptians?
God, spirits, and supernatural forces.
What were common diseases in ancient Egypt?
Schistosomiasis, Malaria, Trachoma (eye disease), Small Pox, Measles, Tuberculosis, Cholera, Silicosis of the Lungs (–> pneumonia), Trichinae.
What is Channel theory?
Body served by system of 46 Tubes (channels) with the heart at the centre.
What were the causes of disease according to the channel theory?
Channels being blocked by Wehedu (evil spirit)
What were honey and milk used for?
Respiratory/ throat infection.
What was honey used for?
wound dressing.
What was dill used for?
flatulence, laxative, diuretic.
What was caraway used for?
flatulence, breath freshener.
What was balsam apple used for?
What was garlic used for?
vitality, flatulence, digestion, haemorrhoids, rids of body spirit.
What was Mustard seeds used for?
induce vomiting, chest pains.
What was Poppy seed used for?
insomnia, headaches, anaesthetic.
What did Egyptian pharmacists prescript?
ointments, potions, pills, inhalers
What was opium used for?
pain relief
What was cannabis used for?
pain relief
What is mummification?
preservation of body after death.
What proof is there that the ancient Egyptian had knowledge on internal body structure?
Mummification process (requires organs removal)
What is Asclepius?
Greek god of healing.
What characteristics did ancient Greek doctors have?
rational theory of disease and search for cures.
Who said that health is a result of a correct balance of hot and cold, wet and dry?
Greeks (alcmaeon of Croton)
What is the cause of illness according to Greeks?
Upsetting the balance between hat and cold, wet and dry.
Who is the father of western medicine?
Who said that disease is caused by environmental factors, diet, and living habits?
Who separated medicine from religion?
What are the four humours?
Blood, black bile, yellow bile, phlegm
What happens if the four humours are out of balance?
disease (dyscrasia)
What is crisis?
Point in progression of disease where illness cause death.
What is Valetudinaria?
hospitals for treatment of wounded sodiers.
Who was the first to suggest the existence of micro-organisms and their association with disease?
What was Varro’s advice?
avoid swamps and marshland.
Who were to recognise the link between sewage and disease?
Who was the physician who was interested in anatomy and dissected dead and living animals?
How many volumes did Galen write?
more than 20