Medicine Stands Still - Medieval Britain 1000 - 1450 Flashcards
When was the Medieval period?
10th - 15th century
What was a Barber Surgeon?
A dentist who carried out minor operations
When was the Norman Conquest?
14th October 1066
What is an epidemic?
A sudden widespread infectious disease
What was effluent?
Liquid waste
What is the Hippocratic Oath?
An oath taken by new doctors to help their patients
What is the doctrine of signatures?
States that herbs that look like parts of the body can be used by herbalists to treat those specific body parts
What is a cesspit?
A hole in the ground full of sewage
What is the term used to describe the burning of skin around a wound?
What is the theory of the four humours?
Blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile should be balanced with the body to prevent disease
Give 2 reasons why living in a town in the middle ages was unhealthy?
Poor, cramped housing, human and animal waste in streets, no access to clean drinking water.
Give 2 ways that towns tried to improve public health in the middle ages?
Wells for drinking water, fines for not cleaning street, tax for street cleaning, muck rakers, bath houses
How did medieval people keep healthy?
Tooth picks and mouth washes, combs and brushes, chewed fennel, bath house, drinking small ale
If you were poor who would treat you if you became ill?
Name 2 ways you could be treated by a Barber Surgeon?
Extraction of teeth, removal of moles, etc., setting of broken bones
How would an Apothecary treat you?
Herbs, spices, herbal potions, use of four humours being balanced
What did physicians use a urine chart for in the Middle Ages?
To diagnose illnesses
Name 2 ways that women helped treat people in the Middle Ages
Midwives, herbal potions, wise women
What were Leeches used for?
Bleeding to restore balance in the four humours
Give 2 reasons why John Arderne was a significant English surgeon?
Removing growths from anus, battlefield surgeon, pain killing ointment, The ‘Practice of Surgery’ book