Medicine Shelf Flashcards
Coombs test uses
1) blood types in transfusion 2) pregnancy 3) cause of hemolytic anemia
most common head and neck cancer type
squamous cell carc
causes of folic acid deficiency
1) diet/nutrition and alcoholism 2) drugs: anti-epileptics (phenytoin, phenobarb, primidone) disrupt absorption and TMP and methotrexate impair production
lab values indicative of RBC destruction
incr LDH and bilirubin, decr haptoglobin
3 common signs of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
1) hemolytic anemia 2) pancytopenia 3) venous thrombosis
TTP findings
FATRN: fever, microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, renal, neuro
treatment for TTP
plasma exchange
treatment for DIC
cryoprecipitate which incl coag factors, fibrinogen, and vWF
best first test for palpable head or neck lymph node
panendoscopy looks at esoph, bronchi, and larynx for primary tumor
pica often indicative of
iron defic anemia
smudge cells seen in
Reed-Sternberg cells
starry sky cells
Burkitt lymphoma (assoc with EBV)
Auer rods
imatinib treats
what should ppl diag’d with ITP be tested for
HIV and HepC
causes of autoimmune hemolytic anemia
warm (IgG): drugs (penicillin), viral infec, SLE, immunodefic, lymphoprolif (CLL); cold (IgM): mycoplasma, mono, lymphoprolif
gold std test for HIT
serotonin release assay
manifestations of HIT
Plt reduction >50%, thromboses, necrotic skin lesions at injection site, anaphylactic rxn
what causes risk of bleeding when first starting warfarin?
sharp decr in prot C (anticoag) before decr in clotting factors. Risk of clots when you lose anticoags and still have clotting factors
migratory superficial thrombophlebitis
Trousseau’s syndrome that often indicates occult malignancy, most commonly pancreatic
major manifestations of waldenstrom macroglobulinemia
hyperviscosity, neuropathy, hepatosplenomeg
monoclonal ab in waldenstrom, MM, and MGUS
IgM in wald, IgG and IgA in MM and MGUS
cells seen on BM biopsy in MM
> 10% clonal plasma cells
cells seen on BM biop in Waldenstrom
> 10% clonal B cells
what’s the mutation in factor V leiden?
mutation in factor 5 that makes it nonresponsive to activated prot C. Prot C is anticoag that usually binds and inactivates factor 5 so excess factor 5 leads to hypercoag state. Most common hereditary thrombophilia
what causes antithrombin deficiency?
not usually inherited; usually from DIC, cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome
what does periumbilical bluish discoloration indicate?
pancreatitis (Cullen sign of hemoperitoneum)
What’s another sign of pancreatitis?
reddish-brown around flanks –> retroperitoneal bleed (Grey-Turner)
erysipelas features
warm, tender, erythem rash with raised demarcated borders, assoc with systemic sx’s and lymphadenitis
What tiss layers are affected by cellulitis?
deep dermis and subQ fat
What tiss layers are affected by erysipelas
superficial dermis and lymphatics
cellulitis features
flat edges with poor demarcation
What organisms cause erysipelas?
S pyog
What orgs cause cellulitis?
S aureus, enterococcus, H flu, PSA
type of bias that can result from pts crossing over in treatment arms in studies
selection bias - susceptibility is confounding by indication
cortisol, ACTH, and aldo changes in central adrenal insuffic (pituitary or hypothal dysfunc)
Low cort and ACTH, normal aldo (aldo controlled by renin system not pituitary
cortisol, ACTH, and aldo changes in primary AI
low cort, high ACTH, low aldo
presenting sx’s of cardiac tamponade
Beck’s triad: hypotension, jug venous distention, muffled heart sounds + pulsus paradoxus
pulsus parvus et tardus (delayed and diminished carotid pulse) is sign of
signs of aortic dissection
abrupt onset chest pain radiating to back and widened mediastinum
early dias murmur heard at L and R sternal border
L side is A regurg from valve dz, R side is aortic root
meds that improve survival in L ventric systolic dysfunc
1) ACE/ARB, 2) BB, 3) mineralocorticoid recep blocker (spironolac or eplernone) 4) hydral and nitrates
mitral regurg murmur
holosystolic best heard at apex with axillary radiation
HOCM murmur: what positions make it louder or quieter
Valsalva makes it louder and squatting makes it quieter. Valsalva = less venous return and lower preload so obstruction is worse (mitral valve sits close to enlarged interventric septum and impedes outflow). With squatting, there’s incr venous return which helps relieve obstruction
electrical alternans on EKG
pericardial effusion
prolonged PR interval
1st degree heart block
F waves in EKG
delta wave on EKG
upslope prior to QRS signifying accessory pathway like in Wolff-Park-White
widened pulse pressure seen in what type of valvular disorder
aortic regurge
major drugs given for angina
beta-block (decr contractility and HR, lowering O2 demand), Ca blockers (sim mech as BB). nitrates (dilation decr preload)
contraindications to NSAID use
peptic ulcers and kidney dz
acetaminophen OD affects which organ
liver toxicity
3 EKG findings in WPW
short PR, delta wave, QRS widening
first line treat for bradycardia
IV atropine
Mobitz type I vs II
progressive prolong of PR in 1 with eventual dropped beat; constant PR in 2 and sudden beat drop. 1 is usually benign; 2 can progress to 3rd degree
Afib on EKG
irregularly irreg rhythm and no P waves
most common cause of sudden cardiac death in immediate post-MI
reentrant vent arrhythmia
tricuspid regurge sounds
holosystolic that incr in intensity with inspiration
treatment for uremic pericarditits
sound of MS murmur
opening snap after S2 with diastolic rumble
types of lung cancer that are located peripherally
adeno and large cell
presentation of AAT defic
COPD and liver dz (hepatitis, hepatocell carc)
phys exam findings for interstitial lung dz
crackles during mid-late inspiration and digital clubbing
CT in interstitial lung dz
pleural effusion with pus or bacterial in pleural space (often complication of pneum)
Light’s criteria
Exudative if pleural prot/serum prot>0.5, pleu LDH/serum LDH>0.6 and pleural LDH>2/3 upper limit of normal
pulm art hypertension lung exam
right-vent heave due to RV enlargement
CREST syndrome sx’s
calcinosis cutis, raynaud, esoph dysmotility, sclerodactyly (thickening and tightening of skin on hands and fingers), telangiectasia
CREST syndrome assoc with
systemic sclerosis
what part of the lung is affected by AAT COPD
lower lobes
what part of lungs is affected by smoking-induced COPD
upper lobes
what is cor pulmonale
R heart failure due to pulm HTN (not due to L side)
most common cause of cor pulm
signs of R heart fail
JVD, loud P2, R ventric heave, hepatomeg, edema, ascites
organs affected by Goodpasture’s
lungs (cough, dysp, hemoptysis), kidney (nephritic)
most common cause of euvolemic hyponat and treatment
SIADH; treat with fluid restrict
what effect do glucocorticoids have on WBCs?
leukocytosis due to mobilization of marginated neutrophils
clinical manifestations of granulomatosis with polyangiitis
Resp sx’s: saddle nose, pulm cavitary lesions; glomerulonephritis; livedo reticularis and ulcers on skin
complications of pos pressure ventilation
alveolar damage, pneumothorax, hypotension
symptoms/signs of renal cell carc
classic triad of flank pain, hematuria, and mass. Also unreducible scrotal varicoceles
which diabetic drug should not be used in pts with kidney dz?
metformin b/c it can cause lactic acidosis
indications for urgent dialysis
aeiou: acidosis, electr abnorm (esp hyperK), intox, overload, uremia
causes of asterixis
hep enceph, uremic enceph, hypercapnia
what type of drugs in OD may necessitate dialysis?
salicylate, alchohol, lithium, valproate, carbamaz
effect of aldo on Na, K, H+
saves Na (to raise BP), secretes K and H
WBC casts in urine
RBC casts in urine
glom nephritis
drugs that can cause AIN
Abx: TMP-SMX, PCN, ceph, rifampin; NSAIDs; diuretics; allopurinol; PPIs
clinical assoc with FSGS
Af Am and Hispanic, HIV, heroin, obesity
type of nephrotic syndrome often seen after URI
IgA nephrop
ions lost with vomiting
H, K, Cl
what type of med can be used to prevent nephrolithiasis?
thiazide diuretics: vol depletion causes reab of Na and passive reab of Ca
bad SE of aminoglycosides
meds that can cause hyperK
nonselect beta block (p-z names), ACE, ARB, K+ spare diuretic (triamterene, amiloride), digoxin (cardiac glycoside), NSAIDs
what heart sounds is associated with AS?
soft, single S2 b/c aortic valve has less mobility and doesn’t close quickly, making a quieter sound and delaying closure
ecg post-MI with ST elevation and q waves
ventric aneurysm (late complication a week-months after)
mass in atrium
cardiac myxoma
HOCM murmurs sounds (w/o movement)
cres-decres systolic along left sternal border
bronchoscopic biopsy showing granulomas with budding yeast
breath sounds and tactile fremitus in pneum: incr or decr?
incr b/c sound travels faster in solid than air
pts with ascites and hepatojugular reflux commonly have
R-sided heart failure
SEs of amio
thyroid probs, hepatotox, bradycard, heart block, pneumonitis, neuro sx’s, vision disturb
what causes isolated systolic HTN
increased stiffness of arteries which is why it’s common in elderly
pleural plaques on imaging diagnostic for
clinical presentation of asbestosis
dyspnea, clubbing, basilar crackles, pleural plaques on imaging
cause of CAP, arthralgias, and erythema nodosum
where’s coccidio endemic?
Amer SW
prophy for pneumocystis
pts most likely to develop mucormycosis have what dz
diabetes (poorly controlled, esp with ketoacidotic episodes)
ludwig angina
cellulitis of submandibular and sublingual spaces, often d/t infected molar
who should get PPSV23 vaccine alone?
<65 with another chronic condition (lung, heart dz, diabetes, smoking, renal fail)
AIDS pts with systemic sx’s, splenomegaly and high alk phos
Myco avium complex
prophy against MAC
dangerous complications of mono
splenic rupture, hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia
treatment for toxoplasmosis
sulfadiazine and pyrimethazone, plus leucovorin
prophy for toxo
pts with asplenia are at highest risk for what infections
Strep pneumo, H flu, Neiss meningitidis (encap’d)
chondrocalcinosis in joint with inflammatory arthritis is usually caused by
calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals (pseudogout)
nontender subcutaneous nodules assoc with joint stiffness
rheumatoid arthritis
biggest risk factor for antiphospholipid syndrome
clinical presentation of antiphospho syndrome
venous/art thrombus, adverse pregnancy outcomes
symmetrical proximal muscle weakness and erythematous rash
young male with polyarthritis
reactive arthritis: classic triad of urethritis, conjunctivitis, arthritis
long term management of hemochromatosis
tenderness at tibial tubercle
back pain is improved with activity in which disorder
ankylosing splondylitis
atrial tachy with AV block can be caused by which drug
digitalis causes increased ectopy and incr vagal tone
common cause of conductive hearing loss in women in 20s/30s
dd for erythema nodosum
infectious (strep, TB), autoimmune (sarcoidosis, Behcet), inflammatory (IBD)
hereditary spherocytosis presentation (triad)
hemolytic anemia, jaundice, splenomegaly
drug for supraventricular tachy
treatment for severe thalassemia
monthly transfusions
treatment for iron overload (can get from transfusions for thal)
levels of LDH, haptoglobin, and bili in hemolytic anemia
incr LDH and bili, decr hapto
treatment for occlusive crisis of sickle cell
IVF, oxygen, pain control
treatment for long term control of sickle cell
hyrdoxyurea which promotes HbF
what do you see on smear for G6PD defic?
bite cells and heinz bodies
what can precipitate hemolytic anemia in G6PD defic person?
oxidant stress from drugs: dapsone, TMP-SMX (test those with HIV for G6PD since these drugs used for toxo and PCP), nitrofurantoin
best test for hereditary spherocystosis
osmotic fragility
what does Coombs test look for
autoimmune hemolytic anemia
cold hemolytic anemia: causes and treatment
IgM expansion, Caused by mycoplasma, mono, avoid cold since anemia in extremities is precip’d by it
warm hemolytic anemia, causes and treatment
IgG expansion, caused by autoimm and cancer, treat with steroid, rituximab
antibody mediated plt activation leading to thrombosis is characteristic of what condition
antithyroid peroxidase antibody can be found in
autoimmune thyroid conditions incl Hashimoto’s and Graves
thyrotropin receptor autoAbs can be found in
Graves: stim thyroid hormone pdtion
parathyroid, pituitary, pancreatic/GI (gastrinoma–>ZE)
Parathyroid, pheo, medullary thyroid
Medullary thyroid, pheo, mucosal neuroma, marfanoid body habitus
signs of hyperandrogenism
acne, hirsutism, male pattern hair loss (alopecia)
extraintestinal UC manifestations
arthritis, uveitis, erythema nodosum, PSC
pellagra due to and sx’s
d/t niacin (B3) defic and sx of dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia
Rifaximin used to treat
traveler’s diarrhea, IBS, hepatic enceph
Wilson dz affects which systems
liver (liver fail, hepatitis, cirrhosis), neuro (parkinson, gait issues, dysarthria), psych (depr, personality changes)
manifestations of hemochromatosis
liver dz, diabetes, hyperpigment, arthritis, cardiac enlarge
use of octreotide
diarrhea (often from tumors), bleeding esoph varices, to prevent growth hormone release
use of lactulose
constipation, hepatic enceph
diarrhea with PAS-positive material in small intest
sx’s of Whipple’s disease
diarrhea, arthralgias, heart involve–>CHF or regure, cough
how to eval ascites for trans vs exudative
serum to ascites albumin gradient. When >1.1 indicates portal HTN, when less indicates non-portal cause (malignancy, pancreatitis, nephrotic syndrome)
A1-AT deficiency pts have
COPD and cirrhosis (A1-AT gets stuck in liver–>cirr and can’t get to lung where it normally stops elastase from breaking down too much tiss–>COPD)
What ducts are affected in PSC? PBC?
Extrahepatic in PSC (males are not subtle), intrahepatic in PBC
What is imaging of PSC, PBC?
PSC is beads on a string and onion skin fibrosis, PBC is normal
What is most common cause of sick sinus syndrome?
Degen of SA node and replacement with fibrous tiss
What age most often affected by sick sinus?
What is clinical presentation of sick sinus?
bradycardia that can lead to dizziness, fatigue, dyspnea, syncope or brady-tachy with Afib and palpitations
systolic murmur at right sternal border
how does murmur of AS differ from HOCM?
HOCM best heard at lower left sternal border; AS at upper R
which murmur radiates to carotids?
which murmur radiates to axilla?
defibrillator is used for what types of arrhythmias
v-fib or pulseless v-tach
synchronized cardioversion is used for what types of arrhythmias
QRS complex tachy: Afib, a-flutter, v-tach with pulse
treatment for persistent symptomatic premature atrial contract
beta block
fibrosis of thyroid gland is also known as
Riedel thyroiditis (hard)
thyroiditis after respiratory infection
de Quervain (painful)
suppurative thyroiditis caused by
gram positive, most often S aureus
hand joint findings of OA
heberden (distal) and bouchard (prox) nodes
most specific antibody for mixed connective tiss dz (which has symptoms of SLE, sys sclerosis, and polymyo)
anti-U1 ribonucleoprot
levels of Ca and phos in Paget dz of bone
usually normal
triad of disseminated gonococcal infec
arthritis, tenosynovitis, vesiculopustular skin lesions
polymyalgia rheum assoc with
giant cell/temporal arteritis
contraind for treatment with MTX
renal insuff, liver dz, excess alcohol, pregnancy, hep B&C, TB
toradol and tramadol drug classes
tor is NSAID, tram is opioid (when you go on tor, you sing)
cancer types that metas to bone
BLT with kosher pickle: breast, lung, thyroid, kidney, prostate
positive straight leg test indicates what type of injury
herniated disc
what helps, what hurts in spinal stenosis: flexion and extension
flexion helps, extension hurts