Medicine Qbank Flashcards
A1c in diabetes
> 6.5
A1c prediabetes
give in ischemic strokes
fibrinolytics (tPA) within 3-4.5 hours
treat acute limb ischemia
direct arterialial fibrinolytics or emboletomy
confidence interval 95%
p-value >.05
confidenceinterval 99%
wider confidence intervals
more likely the null is in it, smaller sample sizes
positive anti HBsAg
immune to hep B
negative HBSAg
Hep B negative
fever, leukoctosis, n/v, murphy’s sign, RUQ pain radiates to right shoulder
acute cholestystis (leads to acute gallbladder infxn in 50-70% of cases)
onset over 40, assymetrical
secondary raynaud’s (vascular or autoimmune, check ANA, Rh factor)
gout prevention
indomethacin, decrease alcohol, decrease purines
warm water pruritis, headache, dizziness, splenomegaly
polycythemia vera (low EPO, hyper viscocity)
to increase appetite in cancer pts
progesterone analogs
tx atypical bipolar and trigeminal neuralgia
compare likelihood of adverse events in 2 drugs
compare hazard ratios
treatment for restless legs
dopamine agonists: pramipexole, ropinorole
restless legs plus insomnia, pain, anxiety
gabapentin (alpha2delta calcium channel ligand)
pulsus paradoxus, hypotension, distended neck veins
pleuritic chest pain, friction rub, diffuse ST elevation
pleuritic chest pain, friction rub, no ST elevation
uremic pericarditis, tx: dialysis
HIV initial test
anyone 16-65, anyone positive for TB, STI
HIV test annually
IVDU, MSM, prostitution, HIV positive partner, more that 1 partner since last test, homeless shelter, prison
over 40, indolent progressive anterior hip pain, worse w/exercise, relieved by rest
food poisoning: vomitting only
staph aureus, bacillus cereus, norovirus
food poisoning: watery diarrhea
c. perfringens, eneterotoxin e.coli, enteric viruses, crytposporidium, cyclospora, tapeworms
bloody diarrhea
salmonella, campylobacter, shiga-toxic e.coli, enterobacter, vibrio, yersinia
food poisoning: descending paralysis
food poisoning: parasthesias
food poisoning: flushing, urticaria
food poisoning: meningitis
cellulitis, sepsis
vibrio vulnifaesus
food poisoning: jaundice
fever, arthralgia
low-risk lung nodule
rounded, opacity,
high risk nodule
> 60y, irregular margins,
nontender firm hyperpigmented nodule, less than 1 cm, dimples when pinched
pearly nodule in sunexposed area w/small telangiectasias
bal cell carcinoma
multicentric red, purple, brown nodules, macules, papules
karposi sarcoma (HHV8)
high output heart failure
anemia, hyperthyroidism, beriberi, paget’s, AV fistula
rheumatoid arthritis preserves
rheumatiod arthritis tests
antiCCP, IgM RhF, high CSR, ESR
rheumatoid arthrihritis and surgery
cervical xray befor intubation (osteoporosis, subluxation)
postop pneumonaia
VAP! gram stain, culture, aempiric abx
lupus limited to skin, joints tx
may cause retinopathy
fatigue in TB tx
isoniazid, sideroblastic anemia
also in B6 deficiency! give pyridoxine
tx megaloblastic anemia
folate and B12
bone deformity, hearing loss, increase alk pkos, lytic/sclerotic bone lesions
pagets tx
excess mineralization of periosteum
excess vit A
excess deposition of poorly mineralized ostium
low vit D
androgen excess, oligo or anovulation, cysts on ovaries, no other endocrine explanation
polycystic ovarian syndrome. dx with two criteria (hyperadnrogenism, irregular menses, pelvic US)
steriod infertility
low GnRH, LH, FSH
tx polycystic ovarian syndrome
wt loss, OTCs (for hyperandrogenism, mentrual dysfucntion) metformin for DMII (fasting over 140, oral >200), clomiphene to induce ovulation
skin blisters enlarge and rupture
normal skin turns into lizard
silver scales on elbows, knees, scalp, trunk
most syphilis tx
doxycyclin if allergic
tertiary syphilis tx
penicillin for two weeks
ceftriaxone if allergic
syphilis in pregnancy
penicillin, desensitive if allergic
increased pth, low normal Ca
seconday hyperparathyroidism, as in ckd
most common hyperparathyroidism, low or normal PTH
primary hyperparathyroidism
hypercalcemia with suprreessed PTH, 2/2 extrarenal vitamin D conversion
weight loss, chronic abdominal pain, food aversion, bruit fifty percent
mesenteric ischemia
hearts in marfan’s
aortic dilitation, regurg (early diastolic decrescendo murmur),dissection
fever, leukocytosis, LUQ abdominal pain, hx of mitral prolapse, +/- splenomegaly
infective endocarditis (staph, strep, salmonella)
painless, white-yellow retinal patches, hemorrhages, CD
CMV retinitis, tx genciclovir, foscarnet
fluffy white necrosis in retina
ocular toxoplasmosis
dendritic ulcer in eye (acute painful necrosis)
herpes simplex keratinitis
benigh cotton wool spots on retina
HIV retinopathy
burning pain in eyes, fever, malaise, vesiculr rash in V1 distribution
herpes zoster opthamicus
post seizure BMP
anion gap acidosis (lactic acidosis), resolves in 60-90 min
tx MALT lymphoma, no mets
omeprazole, clarithromycin, amoxicillin (for h. pylori!)
proton pump inhibitor for heartburn, ulcers, GERD
women >50, widespread pain, weakness, elevated ESR, creatine kinase and other muscle enzymes
symmetrical proximal weakness sparing hips, shoulders
myalgia associated w/temporal artertis
polymyalgia rheumatica
no goiter or exopthalmos, low TSH, high T3, T4, low thyroglobulin
exogenous thyrotoxicosis
leads to Barrett’s esophagus, adenocarinoma of esophagus
reticular nodular opacites on CXR, fibrosisor honeycomb on CT
interstitial lung dz
PFTs in interstitial lung dz
increased FEV1/FEC, decreased TLC, impaired gas exchange, high alveolor/arterial gradient
fremitus in lobar pneomonia
increased over consolidation
renal failure w/o response to fluid
hepatorenal syndrome, need liver xplant
ascites w/PMN>250, SAAG>1.1
bacterial perotinitis (gram neg: e.coli, klebsiella)
tx bacterial perotinitis
empiric w/cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones for weekly prophylaxis
mild asthma:
albuterol only
moderate asthma: weekly >2, monthly
add inhaled steriods (AE: thrush!)
severe asthma: daily symptoms, frequent awakenings
add long acting b2 blockers
leukocytosis w/elevated alk phos
leukemoid reaction (infection, inflammation)
leuocytosis w/o elevated alk phos
sudden SOB in COPD
spontaneuos pneumothorax (dilated alveolar blebs)
eggshell cysts in dog owner
hydatid cysts, echinococcus granulosus
tx symptomatic idiopathic pulmonary hypertension
bosetan, sildenafil, prostanoids
class I antiarrhythmics
block Ca channels
antiarrhythmics causing wide QRS w/exertion
class 1C: flecainide, propafenone
new onset afib, most common cause
inhibits Na/K ATPase, causes bradyarrhythmia in young, ventricular ectopy and tachyarrhythmia in old
middle age woman, OCP hx, benign hepatic mass (rare)
benign epithelial adenoma
most common hepatic tumor
mets! multiple masses, atypical cells
exopthalmos in Graves
antithyrotropin Abs lead to tissue expansion, worsens with radioactve iodine
thyroidectomy risk
recurrent laryngeal nerve damage
adverse effects of hyperthyroid drugs
thionamides. agranulocytosis; tertagen, cholectasis (methimazole); hepatic failure, ANCA vasculitis (propylthiourcil)
antihistamines and heat stroke
anticholinergics decrease heat dissipation
P-ANCA, ankylosing spondyitis-type arthritis, diarrhea
diarrhea, wt loss, migratory arthritis
t. whippelii
frothy foul-smelling steatorrhea
exertional syncope associated murmur
aortic stenosis: systolic ejection
capillary pulsations in fingers and lips
aortic regurg
late diastolic murmur, opening snap
mitral stenosis (pulmonary edema, a.fib)
holosystolic, apical, radiates to axilla
mitral regurg
aneorbic, gram +, filamentous branching bacteria that colonized the mouth
actinomyces tx
high dose penicillin
aneorobic gram +, partially acid fast filamentous rod that infecs brain, soft tissue, skin and lungs in immunocompromised pt
nocardia. cavity lesions!
nocardia tx
serum alpha-fetoprotein elevatin
hepatocellular carcinoma
looks like mono, no lyphadenopathy, negative heterophile antibody, large basophils with vacuolated appearance
CMV mononucleosis
leukocytosis, splenoegaly, smudge cells in pt over 60
“succussion splash”
gastric outlet obstruction
pneumonia, CXR shows solid mass w/radiolucent crescent (Monod’s sign)
aspergillosis (immuncomprise)
atypical pneumonia, bilateral diffuse interstitial infiltrates beginning perihilar
pneumocystis jiroveci
painful ulcer with purulent base, violaceus border, in pt with systemic illness such as IBS, rheumatoid arthritis, hematologic conditions
pyroderma gangrenosum
multiple tender nodes or plaques on lower extremeties, do not ulcerate, resolve w/out scarring. associated w/meds, infections, or autoimmune dz
erythema nodosum
inflammatory scarring nodules at axilla, groin, or scalp
hidradentis suppurativa (acne inversa)
fungal infection from breaks in skin, from rose bushes or plant material
fungus spreads along lymphatics, forming subcutaneous nodules and ulcers
maculopapular rashes on palms and soles, ulcers on mucous membranes
secondary syphilis
ring-shaped scaly patches with central clearing and distint borders
tenea corporis, treat w/antifungal lotions (2% terbinafine) or systemic antifungal (griseofluvin)
treat diabetic neuropathy
gabapentin, TCAs (amitriptyline, desipramine, nortriptyline), or NSAIDs
resistant HTN, abdominal bruit
renal artery stenosis (also assymetric kidneys, increased creatinine)
resistant HTN, high plasma adosterone renin level, hypokalemia
primary aldosteronism
resistant HTN, increased 24hr free cortisol
Cushings, usually other symptoms (central obesity, facial plethora, muscle wasting, hirsutism)
resistant HTN, headaches, palpitations, diaphoresis, urinary vanillylmandelic acid
resistan HTN (usually in child), continuous machinary murmur, rib notching on CXR
coarctation of aorta
ecchymosis w/leukopenia and anemia
bone marrow failure (thrombocytopenia)
mild DM, necrolytic migratory erythema, weight loss, diarrhea, anemia
chronic hypercapnia (leading to respiratory acidosis, compensatory renal bicarb retention and chloride loss), hypoxia, respiratory failure, secondary erythorcytosis, PHTN, and cor pulmonale
obesity hypoventilation syndrome
pain with active shoulder motion, tender in passive internal rotation, forward flexion
subacromial bursitis
lateral epicondyle pain
tennis elbow
inflammatory mediators damage alveoli. dyspnea, tachypnea, hypoxemia, bilateral alveolar infiltrates
ARDS (setting of sepsis, severe bleeding or infection, toxic ingestion or burns)
low tidal volumes, PEEP, FiO2 at nontoxic levels (
indication for packed RBCs
never if hgb>10, always if hgb
PEEP complications
barotrauma, tension pneumothorax
exertional dyspnea, elevated JVP, pulsatile hepatomegaly, signs of fluid overload
constrictive pericarditis
most common cause of tricuspid stenosis
rheumatic heart dz
aortic stenosis is most commonly senile calcific or bicupid aortic valve
painful abcess associated with hair follicle
acute well-defined erythematous plaques with satellite vesicles in axilla, groin, skin folds
elevated BNP and S3 signal
increased cardia filling pressures. cough, SOB, CHF
risky polyps
villous adenoma, sessile adenoma, siza>2.5
less than 5% of adenomas become malignant
white granular patch on buccal mucosa
leukoplakia (reactive precancerous squamous epithelium)
steatorrhea and vit. D deficiency
vitamin deficiency from malabsorption (as in celiac)
hypocalcemia, low phosphorous, eleated PTH
CHF 2/2 to alcoholism tx
no more EtOH
hallmark: intestinal villous atrophy
celiac dz (also minor abdominal pains, Fe anemia, increased transaminases, arthritis, neuro symptoms)
hallmark: anal fistula
also arthritis, skin disorders, nephrolithiasis
abdominal symptoms >3 days/month, >3 months, plus feeling better after BM
rectal bleeding, awakening for BM, wt loss, abnormal labs
not IBS
most likely to be hypothyroid after radioactive iodine test
common causes of priapism
sickle cell or leukemia (kids)
trauma (laceration of cavernous artery)
neuro (spinal cord injury, cauda equina)
meds: trazadone, prazosin
deep linear ulcers in esophagus
CMV esophagitis
candida esophagitis tx
progressive bilateral loss of central vision, straight lines appear wavy
macular degeneration
markers of resolving DKA
anion gap, beta-hydroxybutyrate levels
splenic rupture risk in mono
avoid sports for >3 weeks (can’t feel spleen in athletes)
induced hypokalemia after starting thiazide diuretic
primary hyperaldosteronism (may also have spontaneous hypokalemia)
biopsy a lymph node when
> 2cm (firm, nonmobile too)
AE: hemorrhagic cystitis, bladder carcinoma, sterility, myelosuppression
cyclophosphomide (2nd line SLE, vasculitis, cancers)
AE: cochlear dysfuntion
cisplatin, carboplatin (testicular, ovarian and bladder cancer), aminoglycosides (gram neg antinbacterial agent Gentamycin)
AE: optic neuritis
hydroxychoroquine (SLE, malaria, arthritis), ethambutol (TB)
AE: peripheral neuropathy
phenytoin, isoniazid, vincristine (leukemia), heavy metals, alcoholism
AE: Raynaud’s
beta-blockers, ergotamine (migraines)
AE: thyroid dysfunction
amiodarone(III antiarrhythmic, prolonges phase 3 of repolarization), lithium
AE: gout
cyclosporine (immune suppressant, xplant)
common cause of lower GI hemorrhage in elderly
cardiac cath indications
STEMI (thrombolytics if not available), unresolving severe chest pain
tx cocaine induced chest pain
IV benzos, aspirin, nitroglycerin, Ca channel blockers (not beta-blockers!)
PE in renal insufficiency
unfractionated heparin!
warfarin takes 5-7 days to level, low-molecular weight heparin, fondaparinux, and rivoxaban are contraindicated
recurrent genital ulcers, oral ulcers, eye lesions, and skin lesions
behcet’s syndrome
turkish, asian, middle eastern
bilateral ankle arthritis plus bilateral hilar adenopathy, anterior or posterior uveitis
sarcoidosis. also skin lesions (erythema nodosum), cough, dyspnea, chest pain in Africa-American women in 20s-30s
urethritis, conjuctivitis, arthritis and mucocutanous lesions, can follow STIs
reactive arthritis
cyanide (fires!) causes lactic acidosis by, and tx
blocking oxphos by binding iron on cytochrome oxidase 3, promoting anearobic metabolism. tx: sodium thiosulfate!
live vaccines in HIV
contraindicated in CD4
hemorrhagic pustules evolving into necrotic ulcers in the setting of neutropenia
ecthyma gangrenosum (pseudomonas aeruginosa)
multisystem involvement post-cath: renal failure, livedo reticularis, blue toe, cerebral or intestinal ischemia, Hollenhorst plaques
cholesterol embolization
muddy brown granular/epithelial casts, resolves w/in 3-5 days
contrast induced nephropathy
active urinary sediment w/hematuria and red cell casts; rapid onset renal failure
cresentic glomerulonephritis
endocarditis after dental procedures
viridans group strep: s. mitis, s. sanguis, s. salivarius, s. mutans (most common, also causes dental caries)
endocarditis in DM, carcinoma, alcoholism, liver failure, and IV drug use
group B strep
bacteremia associated w/colon cancer
S. bovis (normal GI inhabitant)
Prosthetic valve or umbilical venous catheter endocarditis
old men after genitourinary procedures, young women after obstetric procedures endocarditis
weakness and small cell carinoma of lung
lambert-eaton syndrome: autoantibodies against voltage-gated Ca channels in presynaptic motor terminal
pneumonia plus erythema multiform (dusky red target-shaped lesions)
mycoplasma pneumoniae
most common atypical pneumonia
diffuse ST elevations, esp. w/PR depressions, 3-7 days after MI
acute pericarditis
AE: edema in face, mouth, lips, tongue, glottis, larynx
ACE inhibitors (enalapril, captopril, lisinopril)
AE: thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
clopidogrel (blood thinner)
AE: hepatoxicity, myopathy
Tdap indications
in adults with HIV (and Td booster every 10 years), in every pregnancy. (Everyone gets Tdap as children, then Td booster every 10)
Rule out PE
Wells criteria immobility
3 days, or surgery w/in 4 weeks. long flights don’t count for wells but are a risk factor
chest and neck pain, mediastinal widening
aortic dissection (dx: transesophageal echo)
DIP involvement, nail involvement, morning stiffness, sausage fingers
psoriatic arthritis
gottron’s papules (scaley violaceous plaques) on MCPs
DIP involvement, worse with activity, improves with rest
mismatched perfusion/ventilation defect
diagnostic of PE, present only 50%
mixing the effect of an exposure with the effect of an extraneous factor
confounding (related to exposure and outcome of interest)
treatment for necrotizing otitis externa
IV ciprofloxacin (pseudomonas)
presents as insensate hypopigmented plaque
leprosy. dx with acid-fast bacilli on biopsy
causes dry cough due to decreased degradation of bradykinin and substance P
ACE inhibitors
recommended in pts with microalbuminuria, even if BP is normal
ACE inhibitors. reduce urinary albumin secretion, slows progression of renal damage
hyperpigmentation, DM, arthralgias, cardiomyopathy, conduction abnormalities, hypogandism, cirrhosis, pseudo-gout
hereditary hemochromatosis
(abnormal Fe deposition; also susceptible to listeria, vibrio vulnificus, yersinia) tx is phebotomy (can lead to hepatocellular carcinoma 20-200x normal rates)
most common causes of acute pancreatitis
gallstones, alcohol, hypertriglyceridemia, recent ERCP. use ultrasuond to detect gallstones
cholinomimetic agent that stimulates contraction of the bowels
carbachol (treats ileus)
low PTH, severe hypercalcemia (>13)
hypercalcemia of malignancy
new mother, inflammation of abductor pollicus longus, extensor pollicus brevis
de quervian tenosynovitis (pain when squeezing thumb in fingers, “finkelstein test”)
pain over palmar aspect of first metacarpophalangeal joint, locking of thumb in flexion
trigger thumb
pain localized to anatomical snuffbox
scaphoid fracture, often from fall
pain with radial flexion of wrist, point tenderness over trapezium
flexor carpi radialis tensynovitis
tx uncomplicated cystitis
nitrofurantoin for 5 days (avoid in pyelo, Cr clearance20%)
tx complicated cystitis (DM, renal failure, obstruction, indwelling catheter, immunosuppression, hospital aquired)
fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin), 5-14 days, ampicillin/gentamicin if severe. obtain culutre
tx complicated cystitis (pregnant)
NOT fluorquinolone (ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin). Consider nitrofurantoim, amoxicillin, cephalexin
tx pyelonephritis
fluoroquinolone (cipro, levofloxacin) in outpatient, IV fluorquinolones, aminoglycosides, +/- ampicillin if inpatient
hypotension, new onset JVP and RBBB
indicate right heart strain, seen in massive PE
hypokalemia, alkalosis and normotension
vomitting, diuretic abuse, Bartter syndrome (thick ascedning limb of loop of henley(like loop diuretics), Gitelman’ syndrome (like thiazide diuretics)
overproliferation of plasma cells in bone marrow
multiple myeloma. (Bence Jones proteins in urine, rouleaux RBCs. Often presents with lytic lesions, hypercalemia, and renal failure in 50%.)
increased bone marrow cellularity with megakaryocytic hyperplasia
essential thrombocytosis
hypoplastic fat-filled marrow with no abnormal cells
aplastic anemia
incidentally isolated elevated alkphos in elderly patient
paget’s dz
life threating cause of severe mitral regurg 2-5 days after MI
papillary muscle rupture. does not cause persistent ST elevation
low voltage QRS, electrical alternans on EKG
pericardial effusion (early after MI)
persistent ST elevation with deep Q waves in same lead
ventricular aneurysm (5 days to 3months post-MI)
hemolytic anemia following oxidative stress (infections, sulpha drugs, fava beans
G-6-P dehydrogenase deficiency.
X-linked, asain, african or middle eastern men, bite cells with Heinz bodies, negative Coombs. tx is supportive
p-ANCA in ulcerative colitis
hot potato voice, deviated uvula
peritonsillar abscess. tx: aspirate IV antibiotics
sudden elevated HR (160-220) relieved by vagal maneuvers
paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia. healthy hearts. results from accessort conduction pathways through the AV node
best evaluation of undiagnosed plural effusion
thoracentesis, except in patients with clear evidence of CHF
unexplained hemolytic anemia in patient with renal failure and neurological symptoms, fragmented cells in smear
TTP-HUS. plasmaphoresis is tx.
AE: subclinical hepatic injury
isoniazid (TB). Usually self-limiting
decreased esophageal peristalsis, poor relaxation of LES, “bird’s beak” on barium
achalasia. mostly primary, sometimes secondary to Chagas, esophageal cancer
popping sensation, rapid swelling (effusion, hemarthrosis)
ACL injury. knee is lax to pulling tibia forward relative to femur (Lachman test, anterior drawer sign)
twisting injury, little swelling, laxity when foot is abducted with the knee stationary (valgus stress test)
MCL tears
swelling in posterior knee and calf in older people, associated with osteoarthritis
rupture of popliteal (baker’s) cyst
megacolon/mega-esophagus, heart disease (CHF)
Chagas. protozoal disease in Latin America cuased by Trypanosoma cruzi.
frostbite tx
rewarming with water, no initial attempts to debride tissue
retrosternal pain and crepitus in suprasternal notch
pneumomediastinum from esophageal rupture, seen in chronic alcoholics, or after esophageal instrumentation
source of 90% of acute PE
proximal deep veins (iliac, femoral, popliteal veins)
patients at increased risk of upper extremity venous thromboemboli
patients with indwelling catheters
renal vein thrombi in patients with
nephrotc syndrome. (PE in nephrotic syndrome 10-30%)
bronchial lavage most useful in
suspected malignancy and opprotunistic infection
dx interstitial pulmonary fibrosis and interstitial lung disease caused by rheumatoid arthritis
lung biospy
high-pitched diastolic decresendo murmur, wide pulse pressure, uncomfortable awareness of heartbeat lying on left side
aortic regurg. increased left ventricular end diastolic volume leads to hypertropy and ventricular enlargement
“water hammer” pulSE
aortic regurg. rapid upstroke followed by rapid collapse of peripheral pulse
chemicals in eye
immeadiately wash with copious amounts of water
mucolytic used in cystic fibrosis
tx COPD exacerbation
supplemental O2 (to 88-92%), inhaled bronchodilators (B2 agonists and anticholinergics), antibiotics and ssytemic glucocorticoids
absent P waves, narrow QRS, irregularly irregular
afib (originates in ectopic foci from myocardial sleeves on pulmonary veins)
afib, low bp, crackles in both lungs
DC cardioversion
tx symptomatic bradycardia
transcutaneous pacing
rate control in hemodynamically stable afib
amiodarone, quinidine, digoxin
tx ventricular arrhythmias
murmurs to always explore with transthoracic ehco
diastolic and continuous murmurs, loud systolic murmurs
midsystolic soft murmurs in asymptomatic patients
no further workup
dysphagia, coughing, regurgitation, halitosis and a neck mass
zenker (pharyngoesophageal) diverticulum. cricopharyngeal hernia caused by esophageal sphincter dysfunction, esophageal dysmotility. dx with barium swallow (contrast esophagram), tx with surgery
dysphagia, stomatitis, metabolic abnormalities (Fe deficiency)
upper esophageal webs (Plummer vinson syndrome)
reciprocal translocation on chromosomes 9 and 22
form the philedephia chrmosome containing BCR/ABL fusion gene, found in chronic myloid leukemia
tx CML
tyrosine kinase inhibitors, with inhibit BCR/ABL
headaches, jaw claudication, amaurosis fugax
giant cell arteritis
tx GCA and acute vision loss
high-dose IV corticosteroids
treats open angle glaucoma and benign intracranial hypertension
tx polymyalgia rheumatica without evidence of GCA
low-dose prednisone (10-20mg daily)
steriod-sparing second-line tx for temporal arteritis
methotrexate (anti-rheumatic drug, AE include macrocytic anemia)
human herpesvirus 8
karposi’s sarcoma. asympotomatic, elliptical, linear arrangment. Legs, face, oral cavity and gentials.
asymptomatic, centraly-umbilicated papules on the face, neck, and anogenital areas
molluscum contagiosum (poxvirus)
obtunded, decreased bowel sounds, hypotension, hypothermia, bradypnea
opioid intox, even with normal pupils. Give naloxone.
intoxication presenting with bradycardia and hypotension, possibly wheeze
beta-blockers. reverse with glucagon
30s, hemoglobinuria, fatigue and dyspnea from anemia, hypercoaguable state (including portal vein thrombosis)
paroxysmalnoctural hemoglobinura, dx with flow cyotometry (CD55 and CD59 absent from RBCs)
multi-system illness: arthralgias, wt loss, fever, diarrhea, abdominal pain
whipple’s disease (bacillus Tropheryma whippelii)
PAS-positive material in the lamina propria of the small intestine
whipple’s disease
performed on active genital lesions to diagnose HSV
Tzanck smear
intracellular gram negative diplococci on pelvic
tx gonorrhea
ceftriaxone for gonorrhea, aslo azithromycin for chlamydia!
test patients with pelvic inflammatory disease
HIV, RPR for syphilis, pap smear and hep B surface antigen, hep C serology if IV drug user
recent onset confusion, fever, muscle rigidity, diaphoresis, elevated CK
NMS, tx dantrolene (muscle relxant), bromocriptine (a dopamine agonist), and amantadine (antiviral drug with dopaminergic properties)
rash, high fever (>104), cranial-caudal spread of rash over a few days
tenosynovitis, dermatitis, and migratory asymmetric polyarthralgias. Rash is vesiculopustular, few in number, and rarely involves the face
desseminated gonococcal infection
febrile prodrome followed by erythematous macular rash that starts over wrists and ankles, involves palms and soles, and spreads centrally
rocky mountain spotted fever
fever and maculopapular rash involving entire trunk and extremities, including palms ans soles
secondary syphilis
fevere, lymphadenopathy, followed by cranial to caudal rash sparing palms and soles
rubella. in adult women can lead to a month of postdromal arthritis.
rubella in pregnancy
active infection can cause dangerous and permanent birth defects
cavitary lesions in HIV pts in southwestern USA
increases with increasing severity of hypovolemia
BUN/serum Cr (sensitive, not specific)
pulsatile abdominal mass, sometimes a systolic bruit
abdominal aortic aneurysm
systolic-diastolic abdominal bruit
renal artery stenosis
varied blood pressure in each arm accompanied by tearing chest pain
aortic dissection
pt with chronic afib presents with diarrhea, nausea and fatigue
digoxin toxicity. also change in vision, scotomata, blindness. sometimes incited by volume depletion.
variceal bleeding prophylaxis
variceal bleeding tx
octrotide (long-acting somatostatin analog that causes splanchnic vasoconstriction and reduces portal blood flow by inhibiting release of glucagon
wedged-shaped pleural-based opacification
pulmonary embolism (v. nonwedge consolidations in bacterial pneumonia, round or spiculated in cancer). embolism is more frequent in dehydrated state. hemoptysis.
notorious for causing refractory hypokalemia in alcoholics, folks on diuretics
hypomagnesemia. Alcoholics also have hypoalbuminemia, which may cause spurious hypocalcemia)
nagging epigastric pain worse at night, food intolerance, weight loss, enlarged nontender gallbladder
biliary obstruction (intra- and extrahepatic duct dilation) consistent w/pancreatic cancer
initially unilateral, watery discharge, scant stringy mucus, burning, follicular or bumpy injection
viral conjunctivits
initially unilateral, purulent unremitting discharge, diffuse injection, fever
bacterial conjunctivitis
bilateral, water mucus, itching, diffuse injection, conjunctiva edema
allergic conjunctivitis
severe eye allergy, prolonged course, potential corneal damage
atopic keratoconjunctivitis
invasive globe infection 2/2 trauma, purulent haziness
vasculitis of medium sized arteries in young children. conjunctivitis, fever, lymphadenopathy and mucocutaneous inflammation, general rash
kawasaki disease
slurred upsloping R waves, atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia
wolff-parkinson-white (accessory Av bypass tract)
sudden onset and termination, rapid rate (140-250), regular rhythm, narrow QRS, absent P waves
AV nodal reentry tachycardia
rapid sawtooth flutter waves
atrial flutter (most commonly from reentry circuit around tricuspid annulus)
multiple rib fractures, respiratory distress
flail chest (tx pain control, supplemental oxygen, positive pressure ventilation)
abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, followed in a few weeks by fever, myositis, subungual, retinal and conjunctival hemorrhages, periorbital edema and chemosis
trichinellosis, roundworm in undercooked pork. Also look for eosinophilia!
intestinal symptoms, eosinophilia, + nonproductive cough
4-5 days to develop fever, headache, retroorbital pain, myalgias, arthralgias
dengue fever. may also be hemorrhagic in skin, nose.
progressive fever, abdominal pain and salmon rash, to hepatosplenomegaly with intestinal bleeding, perforation
Light’s criteria for exudate
fluid/serum protein ratio>.5, LDH ratio>.6, or fluid LDH >2/3 normal limit of normal
cause exudative plural effusion
infection, autoimmune, neoplasm (all via increased capillary permeability)
transudative pleural effusions, as in liver failure
decreased plasma oncotic pressure
transudative pleural effusions, as in CHF
elevated hydrostatic pressure
attributable risk percent (ARP)
(risk in exposed-risk in unexposed)/risk in exposed. So if a factor causes a 4x risk, then ARP is (4-1)/4=75%
epithelial necrosis in colon
ischemic colitis (acute presentation, mild elevation in inflammatory markers)
pancolitis with fibrinous pseudomembranes
c.diff colitis (recent antibiotic use)
neutrophilic cryptosis, erthymous friable mucosa, inflammation marker elevation, subacute abdominal pain with bloody stool.
inflammatory bowel disease. presents in 20s, second peak in 60s.
intense pruritis, esp. at night, hepatosplenomegaly and xanthomatous lesions. middle aged-women, insidious onset.
primary biliary cirrhosis. autoimmune destruction of intrahepatic ducts and cholestatis. confirm with anti-mitochondrial antibody test!
primary biliary cirrhosis tx
ursodeoxycholic acid first line (relieves symptoms and lengthens survival. methotraxate, colchincine some evidence as secondline), transplant required in 7-10years
second-line drug to control symptoms of primary biliary cirrhosis
cholestyramine (forms nonabsorbable complex with bile acids in small intestine, increasing loss of cholesterol and bile acids)
respiratory support in AECOPD
noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation. reduced work of breathing, improves alveolar ventilation, dereases mortality and nosocomial infections. (intubation required if failed for two hours)
melena + nocturnal pain relieved by eating
duodenal ulcer disease (90% have h. pylori!)
women under 50 w/early severe hypertension, resistant to treatment, w/symptoms of carotid or vertebral artery involvement, or abdominal bruit
fibromuscular dysplasia! look for family hx of strokes, increased Cr on ACE inhibitor, secondary hyperaldosteronism (from decreased perfusion to kidneys), aldosterone to renin ration is
hypertension, hypokalemia, plasma aldosterone >15, renin suppressed (aldo:renin >20)
primary hyperaldosteronism
soft left-sided scrotal mass that worsens with standing and valsalva, does not transilluminate
varicoclele (dilated pampiniform plexus). much more common than femoral hernias (older women)
hypertension and hypokalemia: high renin, high aldosterone
secondary hyperaldo: renovascular hypertension, malignant hypertension, renin-secreting tumor, diuretics
hypertension and hypokalemia: low renin, high aldosterone
primary hyperaldo: aldo producing tumor, bilateral adrenal hyperplasia
hypertension and hypokalemia: low renin, low aldosterone
non-aldosterone causes: congenital adrenal hyperplasia, deoxycorticosterone-producing adrenal tumor, cushing syndrome, exogenous mineralcorticoids
aldosterone effects
saves sodium, loses potassium and H+, leading to metabolic alkalosis (low K also causes increased bicarb reabsorption, whih leads to alkalosis too)
hyperkalemia in DKA
parodoxical: body has depleted K 2/2 osmotic diuresis and increased GI losses, but K shifts extracellularly in exchange for iron, and isulin-dependent K entry into cells is impaired. SO replace K (
painful hyperkeratotic papules on sole of foot
plantar warts (HPV)
constipation, fatigue, excess urinary, abdominal pain, urinary stones, mental status changes.
and osteoporosis! it’s hypercalcemia. hyperparathyroidism increases Ca and decreases phosphorus. Can lead to pseudogout
rhomboid crystals with positive birefringence
pseudogout. acute onset, painful monoarthopathy affecting knee. caused by calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate deposition
crystals in the shape of coffin-lids
struvite crystals, from nephrolithiasis caused by chronic UTIs caused by ureases producing organisms
needle-shaped crystals w/negative birefringence
polymorphonuclear cells with gram positive cocci in joint aspirate
septic arthritis
lymphocytes and budding yeast in joint aspirate
fungal arthritis, rare, slowly progressive monoarthritis in knee
fever, chills, malaise, dyspnea, fine diffuse crackles, diffuse reticular or ground glass opacities on x-ray
hypersensitivity pneumonitis
cardiomegaly, cephalization of pulmary vessels, kerley B lines and pleural effusions on XR
pulmonary venous congestion (CHF)
headache, nausea, eye pain, and nonreactive mid-dilated pupil
acute angle-closure glaucoma
dx w/optho consult for tonometry
exudative effusions with low glucose content
empyema, due to high metabolic activity of leukocytes and bacteria within the pleural fluid (transudative)
cause of hypocalcemia in malnutrition
hypomagnesemia, leads to decreases PTH and PTH resistance
serum Ca and albumin
serum calcium falls .8 for every 1gm/L decrease in albumin
chronic cough, hemoptysis, intermittent fevers +/- weight loss, upper lobe cavitary lesion
tx CMV infections
tx influenza (within 48 hrs)
oseltamivir, zanamir (neuroamidase inhibitors); rimanatdine, amantadine (influenza A only)
nucleotide analog used to treat HIV
protease inhibitor used to treat HI
tx herpes simplex and varicella zoster
valacyclovir (acyclovir is cheaper, also effective)
nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor used to treat HIV
most common cause of hemoptysis in patients who have smoked
pulmonary airway dz (chronic bronchitis, bronchogenic carcinoma, bronchiectasis)
common cause of aseptic menningitis
coxsackie or echovirus
20% of cocaine overdoses are complicated by
main danger of CPK>20,000
acute tubular necrosis
great lakes, Mississippi and Ohio river basins, Wisconsin most of all
months of low-grade fever, night sweat, productive cough, ulcerated skin lesions, bone lesions
blastomycosis, fungal infection with CXR resembling TB, histoplasmosis (great lakes, Mississippi and Ohio river basins, Wisconsin most of all). broad-based budding yeasts grow from sputum
fever, cough and night sweats in the southwestern US
blastomycosis tx:
Itraconazole or Ampho
sensitivity equation
true positives / (true positives+false negatives)
specificity equation
true negatives / (true negatives+false positives)
mean corpusular volume over 100
macrocytic anemia
progressive symmetric polyneuropathy great in legs than arms
subacute combined degeneration (vitamin B12 deficiency! also see peripheral neuropathy, memory loss and dementia)
increased methylmalonic acid
decreased vitamin D! think malnutrition, malabsorption, neuro deficits
D-lactic acidosis
pts with short-bowel syndrome. often asymptomatic, sometimes confusion, atxia and dysarthria durning carbo-loading.
macrocytic anemia, polyneuropathy (reduced deep-tendon reflexes, delayed relaxation phase)
microcytic anemia with reduced transferrin saturation
iron deficiency anemia (as in GI malabsorption)
flank pain, hematuria, AKI, calcium oxolate crystals
ethylene glycol poisoning
tx anti-freeze intoxication
fomepizole (competitive inhibitor of alcohol dehydrogenase) or ethanol; sodium bicarb for acidosis, hemodialysis if needed
tx dapsone, anesthetic OD (cyanosis, respiratory depression)
methylene blue
tx tylenol overdose
geneti syndromes associated with pancreatic cancer
Peutz-Jeghers, Lynch syndrome
first line tx for stable patients with torsades
IV magnesium
all pts with tachycardia causing hemodynami instability or poor perfusion
immeadiate synchronized DC cardioversion
stable SVT tx
vagal maneuvers, or IV adensoine, or Ca channel blockers (verapamil)
don’t use amiodarone, procainamide, or other IV antiarrhymthics
in unstable or narrow-complexed tachycardia
hypochromic/microcytic anemia w/depressed iron and ferritin
check for bleeding! GI blood loss is the most common cause of Fe-deficiency anemia in men and postmenopausal women
classic manifestation of malaria
headaches, cyclic fevers, chills, diaphoresis, anemia, thrombocytopenia (most common cause of fever in returning traveler)
looks like malaria in traveler to northeastern or midwester US
babesiosis (ticks)
East African travel, fevers, chancre, myocarditis, CNS effects
trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness, from tsetse fly)
fever, facial pain, necrosis in nasal passage, chemosis, proptosis in eye
mucormycosis. most often fungal (rhizopus). Tx: debridement, amphotercin B
positive predictive value equation
true positives/positive calls
tx digoxin toxicity (disturbed color perception, arrhythmias, fatigue, anorexia, nausea, blurred vision)
digoxin-specific antibody
bone conduction>air conduction in Rinne
conductive hearing loss. common cause in young adults is otosclerosis
dx bronchiectasis (cough, mucopurulent sputum, hemoptysis that responds to abx)
CT chest! CXR is not sufficient
most common lung cancer (in smokers and non)
adenocarcinoma (peripheral, associated with clubbing, hypertrophic osteoarthropathy)
lung cancer associated with central local, necrosis and cavitiation, hypercalcemia
squamous cell carcinoma (second most common)
lung cancer associated with central locale, cushings, SIADH, lambert-eaton
small cell carcinoma
lung cancer associated withperipheral locale, gynecomastia, galactorrhea
large cell carcinoma
marked severe hypertension associated with malignant hypertension or hypertensive encephalopathy
hypertensive emergency
severe hypertension (usuallyt >180/120) associated with retinal hemorrhages, exudates, or pailledema
malignant hypertension
nodular pulmonary infiltrate with cavitation in IV drug user
staph aureus endocarditis embolized to lungs
pain with abdominal palpitation with legs raised from table
Carnett’s sign: source of pain is in abdominal wall (hematoma)
tx papulopustular roscacea
topical: azeliac acid, oral: low dose doxycyline
uric acid levels to prevent joint damage in gout
normal aA gradient, normal PaCO2, corrects with O2
reduced inspired O2 tension (high altitude)
normal Aa gradient, increased PaCO2, corrects with O2
hypoventilation (CNS depression)
increased Aa gradient, normal PaCO2, corrects with O2
diffusion limitation (interstitial lung dz)
increased Aa gradient, normal PaCO2, does not correct with oxygen
shunt (intercardiac, extensive ARDS)
increased Aa gradient, normal or high PaCO2, corrects with O2
V/Q mismatch (obstruction, atelectasis, pulmonary edema and pneumonia)
bacille Calmette-Guerin
live TB vaccine (adverse effects in advanced HIV)
dropped QRS
Mobitz I heart block. Constant P-P interval, increasing PR interval. Impaired AV nodal conduction.
impaired SA conduction
sick sinus syndrome. sinus pause/arrest, alternating brady/tachycardia
RUQ radiating to right shoulder
acute cholecystitis
complications of acute pancreatitis
pleural effusions, ARDS, ileus, renal failure
fever, arthralgia, sore throat, lymphadenopathy, mucocutaneous lesions, diarrhea, wt. loss
acute HIV
eyes in sarcoidosis
red, with chamber leukocytosis (uveitis)
CNS depression, hypotension, hypothermia, bradycardia
myxedema coma, sever hypothyroidism
hyperkalemia on EKG, + tx
peaked T waves, then lengthened PR, QRS, then sine wave. tx: calcium gluconate.
clarithromycin and amlodipine
clarithromycin inhibits 3A4, increases amlopdipine levels
azythromycin AE
long QT, fatal arrhythmias
repeat colonoscopy after 8mm hyperplastic polyp
10y! If pt has one to two tubular adenomas, repeat in 5-10 years, if more, repeat in 3 years
possible tx for Raynaud’s
risk factors for long concussion recovery
60hr HA, or three lasting symptoms
lower BP in legs than arms
ankle-branchial index, PAD
pain in calf on abrupt dorsoflexion of foot with knee extended
Homan’s sign, DVT
thickened skin on hands and feet, obliterated har follicles and glands, flexion contractures, Raynaud’s, mask-like faces, HTN (renal), PHTN, GERD
systemic sclerosis. cutaneous scleroderma (anti-nuclear antibodies), anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies
Rh factor
rheumatoid arthritis, sjogrens, dermomyocytis, HCV
granulomatosis w/polyangitis
microscopic polyangitis nodosa, churg-strauss
episodic flushing, wheezing, diarrhea, tricuspid regurg, telengectasias
carcinoid. slow-growing neuroendocrine tumor (distal small intestine, proximal colon, lung). Secrete serotonin, histamine, vasoactive intestinal peptide
deficiency in carcinoid tumor
niacin (needs tryphophan, which is used for serotonin in carcinoid)
low FEC1/FEV
obstructive lung dz
low FEC1/FEV, increased FEV with bronchodilators
low FEC1/FEV, no change in FEV with bronchodilators
normal or high FEC1/FEV
restrictive lung dz
normal or high FEC1/FEV, normal DLCO
chest wall weakness
normal or high FEC1/FEV, low DLCO
interstitial lung disease
initial tx afib
BBs, Ca channel blockers (adenosine), digoxin if in HF
aortic stenosis in young
congential bicuspid aortic valve
angina in aortic stenosis
LVH leads to increased myocardial oxygen demand
acute toxic mucocutaneous disorder after new medication (antibiotics, tylenol, ibuprofen, sitiglipin, carbamazepine, lamotrogine, many others)
if 30%, toxic epidermal necrosis (TEN)
sudden rash w/target lesions after infections (herpes simplex), drugs, other diseases (heme onc, collagen diseases)
erythema multiform. self-limiting
warm sandpapery skin, diffuse rash, bullae, nikolsky’s sign, facial edema, perioral crusting
in kids
pseudogout associated conditions
hemochromotosis, hyperPTH, hypothyroid, hypophosphotemia, Wilson’s, osteoarthritis
next of kin consent to unplug brain-dead patient
both SLE and steroid use
accelerate coronary atherosclerosis. Stress test if normal EKG
JVC + Kussmaul’s sign + clear lungs
R. ventricular infarct. (fluids, avoid nitro, diuretics)
Kussmaul’s: JVD increases with inspiration
sinus tach, new onset RBBB, S1Q3T3
variant angina EKG
transient ST elevations
rare, incidentally found in southwestern native american women with hx of gallstones
gallbladder carcinoma. track remission w/CA9-19
45* branching septated hyphae, rare budding bodies
yeast with wide capsular halo, narrow-based unequal budding
empty-looking nonseptate hyphae with wide-angle branches
saucer-shaped yeast forms
cigar-shaped yeast with unequal budding
treat most yeasts
fluconazole/ketoconazole for superficial infection, ampho B if systemic
gram positive cocci in chains
gram positive cocci in clusters
gram positve bacilli (thick)
gram positive bacilli (thin)
gram + bacilli (branched)
actinomyces, nocardia
some appear as poor-staining gram positive rods (beaded)
gram - diplococci
neiseria meningitidis
thin gram - rods
e. coli
gram - coccobacilli
gram - curved
vibrio, campylobacter
PEEP levels in ARDS
up to 15, w/tidal volume ~6
increased plasma free metaphendrines
pheochromocytoma (triad: HA, sweating, palpitations with tachycardia)
acute arthritis is MCP, PIP and wrists
viral arthritis (usually parvo: shows slapped-cheek rash in kids)
recent strep, lower limb polyarthritis, erythema marginatum, subcutaneous nodules
acute rheumatic fever
duration for rheumatoid arthritis
> 6 weeks
tx viral conjunctivitis
hot or cold compress, +/- antihistamines, decongestants (adenovirus)
olopatadine, azelastine
mast cell stabilizing agents for allergic conjunctivitis
who needs Td/Tdap
all adults. Tdap once, Td every ten
PPSV23, 19-64y
chronic heart, lung or liver dz, DM, smokers alcoholics.
PCV13, then PPSV23, 19-64y
CSF leak, cochlear implant, sickle cell, asplenia, HIV, malignancy, CKD
PCV13, then PPSV23, >65y
all of ‘em. (6-12 months apart)
HIV exposure
4 weeks of 3 drug PEP (tenofovir-emtricitabine + raltegravir), test for baseline status
most common cause of myocarditis in the young
viral: coxsackie B