Medicine Cat Herbs 1 - Distinctive Features Flashcards
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What color is alder bark and what is it often covered in?
Alder bark is dark and often covered in moss.
What distinctive colors are present on the leaves of an adder’s tongue plant?
Purple blotches.
What texture is a beech tree? A beech tree’s leaves resemble the same nut as a chickweed’s, what is it?
Smooth. Almonds.
What is bindweed similar to? Bindweed has small white, pink, and/or blue flowers that resemble what brass instrument?
Ivy. A trumpet.
What is blackberry (aka bramble) characteristically like?
Very prickly.
What is bloodroot’s name indicative of?
Its orange-red, bitter-smelling roots.
What colors and shape are borage flowers?
Blue or purple, and star-shaped.
What color and shape are broom flowers?
Yellow and cone-shaped.
What are stout burdock’s purple flowers enclosed in?
In a burr.
Clusters of what grow on the tops of burnet in leaf-fall and late green-leaf?
Small red flower buds.
Fill in the blanks: Catchweed is a very _____ weed with fuzzy green ____ that grow tiny _____ flowers on long stems.
Small. Orbs. White.
Why is catmint (aka catnip) attractive to cats?
It smells very delicious.
How many yellow petals does celandine tend to have? What shape are celandine’s leaves, compared to tormentil?
Four. A celandine’s leaves look more “fluffy” and bumpy-edged.
How is chamomile characteristically different from a daisy?
Chamomile has a large and bulbous yellow center.
Sweet-smelling chervil has leaves that resemble what?
Chickweed is tall, sprawling, and has leaves that are shaped like what kind of nut?
What are cobnuts also known as?
Cobnuts are also known as hazel nuts.
Where do cobwebs come from?
Abandoned spider webs.
What do coltsfoot leaves resemble? Their flowers look similar to what yellow flowers?
Hooves. Dandelions.
Comfrey’s very tiny flowers are what color and what shape?
Purple and bell-shaped.
Coneflower resembles chamomile except for what?
Its purple petals and bulbous, blackish red center.
A daisy is a small plant with many petals that are what color? And what color is its center?
White. Yellow.
A dandelion’s yellow flower turns into what every half moon?
A circular seed head.
What color and size are deadly nightshade berries? When do these berries appear? Are the leaves of the plant of equal size?
Shining black, about the size of a small cherry. In leaf-fall. No.
What color is a deathberries (aka yew) plant’s trunk? What do the leaves resemble? What color are its berries?
Red. The leaves resemble a pine’s. Red.
What size are the leaves of a dock plant?
Elder leaves resemble what?
(Added by ||Stormbird||)
On fennel, what grows on thin stalks? What shape are fennel leaves?
Very tiny yellow flower clumps. Very thin and spiky.
Feverfew’s many small flowers resemble what?
What shape and color is the foxglove flower?
Bell-shaped and pink.
What does goldenrod’s name refer to?
Its clumps of bright, tiny yellow flowers.
What is heather known for?
Its purple/grayish-purple, tiny clumps of sweet flowers.
What shape are holly leaves?
Where does honey come from?
Horsetail resembles what two lush, spiny plants?
Ferns and pines.
What shape are ivy leaves?
Half-star shaped.
What shape are juniper berry bush leaves? What color are juniper berries?
Very spiky. Purple or blue.
What shape are knotgrass leaves?
Narrow and oval.
The upperside of a labrador tea leaf is what texture? The underside?
Smooth. Woolly.
Where does lamb’s ear get its name from?
Its fuzzy, whitish-green leaves.
What size and color are lavender flowers?
Small and purple.
What color and shape are mallow petals?
Pink or purple, heart-shaped.
Marigold’s very large flowers are what shape and color?
Buttercup, usually red or yellow.
Mint can be green, purple, or yellow, but keep what on their serrated leaves?
White fuzz.
Where does mouse bile come from?
From the stomach of a dead mouse.
What symmetric shape is found on many oak leaf types?
Protrusions that can look like fingers, thumbs, or spikes.
Oleander is a tall, poisonous plant that has blossoms that come in what colors, similar to a rose?
White, red, or pink.
What shape and texture are parsley leaves? The edges?
Broad and crinkly. Ragged.
Into what number are poison ivy leaves parted? Which leaflet of that number is the largest?
Three. The central leaflet.
What color is the poppy flower?
A rich scarlet.
Ragwort is a tall shrub with flowers that somewhat resembles chamomile, except for what difference in petal color?
The petals are yellow instead of white.
Ragweed is a ragged-leaved plant that looks similar to what lush plant?
A fern.
A raspberry bush looks very similar to a blackberry bush, except for what?
Leaves that are soft to the touch, and red berries instead of black berries.
Rosemary is a tall, needled bush with what size and color flowers?
Small, light-purple flowers.
Fill in the blanks and answer the question: Rush is a long, very very ____-leaved plant with dark reddish-purple _____ on its stalks.
Thin. Heads.
Snakeroot is a short-growing plant with numerous, very tiny flowers of what color in what formation? What shape are the leaves?
White, and in clusters. Broad and serrated (not to be confused with late thoroughwort).
What shape and color are saffron flowers? How close to the ground do they grow?
Lily-shaped and pink. Low.
What shape and texture are sage leaves? In what formation do the purplish, lipped flowers grow?
Oblong and velvety. In whorls.
What shape are sorrel leaves? What size, shape, and color are the flowers?
Arrow-shaped. Tiny, round, and red.
Where are sticks found?
On the ground.
Stickleworts are woody plants with small yellow flowers in what vertical formation?
Stinging nettles are green, toothed-leaf plants, possessing strange strings of very tiny what?
Sweet sedges are thick, reed-like plants with long buds at the top that resemble what kerneled vegetable?
A tansy’s yellow, round and flat flowers resemble what?
Tormentils look like buttercups except for what detail of their petals? What shape are tormentil’s leaves, compared to celandine?
Having four petals instead of five. Tormentil leaves are more spiky.
Fill in the blanks: Thyme has very _____, narrow, elliptical leaves. Small, ____ stemmed buds grow out of the topmost leaves.
Small. Pink.
Valerians have stems that are very thin or very wide? What colors are their tiny, fluffy flowers?
Very thin. Pink, white, or purple.
Water hemlocks are similarly shaped to valerians, except for what small variation in shape, and what two common colors?
More umbrella-shaped. Green and white.
Watermint’s small purple flowers grow in what shape?
A sphere.
What color blossoms do wild cherry trees produce? The cherries are about the size as what small round vegetable?
White, pink, and (very rarely) red. A pea.
Wild garlic resembles what extremely common low-lying plant, except thinner?
Willow branches resemble what?
Wintergreen looks very similar to what poisonous tree, except for what leaf shape difference?
Holly. Rounded, oval leaves.
Witch hazel looks similar to what iconic fruit-bearing tree, except for what size difference?
Apple tree. Witch hazel is smaller.
Yarrow looks very similar to water hemlock, except for what difference in leaf shape and stem thickness?
Yarrow has leaves shaped more like ferns, and has a slightly thicker stem.