medicine 3 Flashcards
Brain tumour Questions
cancer q
LOW, LOA, any lumps and bumps in your body, do you feel tired?
Does the pain wake you up at night?
Do you have any early-morning headaches and wanting?
Flouring efficient any weakness in your body any numbness in your body and Pin and in an arm or leg
Do you have problems walking?
Is the headache worse with coughing sneezing or bending your head?
migraine questions
- Nausea and vomiting
- Photophobia and phonophobia ( are you sensitive to noise or light?)
- Aura
Any fleshing or sparkling light when you have the headache - Trigger
does drinking alcohol makes it worse?
does any food like cheese banana trigger your HA - for women
Are you on contraceptive pallets? - FHX
Do you have family history of migraine?
tension headache questions
How’s your Home situation? Do you have stress?
What is your occupation? Do you have stress at work?
temporal arthritis questions
Over 50
Case doesn’t give a provisional diagnosis with Siqora
- Have you noticed a painful coat on the side of your head?
- Do you have any blurring of vision?
- Is the pain worse on chewing or combing?
- Do you have any shoulder and hip stiffness or pain?
meningitis questions
- Do you have any fever or chills?
- Do you have a sore neck?
- Do you have any rash
- Are you light sensitive?
- Do you have vomiting?
trigeminus neuronitis questions
- If the paint sharp
- Is the pain triggered by sudden movements of your face like talking smiling touching shaving?
Sub archnoidal haemorrhage questions
Did your pain start to suddenly?
Is it the worst pain in your life?
benign idiopathic hypertension /medication overuse
- Are you on any medication? Like acne treatment OCP or vitamin A?
- Do you take pain medication? How often are you taking pain medication?
infection questions and headache
- Fever,
- do you have any secret behind your throat?
- Do you have any toothache
- How’s your dental hygiene
- When was your last dental checkup?
cluster headache questions
- Do you get any watery eyes or runny nose with your headache?
intercranial haemorrhage questions
- Have you had any recent trauma or injuries?
- old patient have you had any falls
eye questions headache
Do you have a red eye?
referred pain headache
**Cervicogenic **
do you have any neck pain?
**Shingles **
do you have any rashes?
Temporary mandibula joint disorder
are you chewing
a lot of gum? Are you clenching your teeth at night
Gait Differentials
UMN - Brain, Stroke/TIA, ICH