Medicine Flashcards
Thyroid nodules
Work up
Hot vs Cold
1st step: TSH & US
- If RF or sus US (microcalcification, increase vascularity, hypoechoic, indistinct nodule margins) –> FNA
- If no RF & normal US –>
——-Normal or High TSH: FNA
——-Low TSH: Iodine 123 scintigraphy
Hot/Hyperfunctioning: treat
Cold/Hypofunctioning: FNA
Thyroid cancer
1st step: US neck and LN
If <1cm: lobectomy
If >1cm: Thyroidectomy +/- radiation
What does it look like, Tx
Needle-shaped, Negative birefringent
Tx: 1st line - NSAIDs (indomethacin), colchicine
2nd line: Steroids
Allopurinol: decrease uric acid production –> prevent flares
Pseudogout aka calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease
Rhomboid-shaped, weakly ⊕ birefringent under polarized light (blue when parallel to light)
Acute tx: NSAIDs, colchicine, glucocorticoids.
Prophylaxis: colchicine
Cushing syndrome
3 causes, Sx, Dx
High cortisol d/t
1. exogenous –> low ACTH
2. Adrenal adenoma, hyperplasia/carcinoma –> low ACTH
3. ACTH secreting pit adenoma aka Cushing Disease –> high ACTH
Sx: HTN, hyperglycemia, mood swings, osteopenia/osteoporsis, aldosterone-like effect (low K and metabolic alkalosis)
Dx: 24hr urinary free cortisol level or 1mg overnight dexamethasone test – should suppress ACTH –> suppress cortisol
Basal Cell carcinoma
- Telangiectasia, rolled raised border with ulcerated center
- Pink or red macule, patches, thing plaques
- Pale, scar-like indentations
A fib
EKG finding, RF, Comp
Irregular, irregular with No p wave
RF: AGE (strongest) and comorbidities that cause atrial dilation (HTN, HF, mitral valve disease)
Comp: stroke
- Stable: Rate control with beta-blockers or non-dihydropyridine Ca channel blockers diltiazem, verapamil)
- Unstable: Cardioversion
Supraventricular tacycardia
Path, Sx, EKG, Tx
- Secondary conduction pathway that allows abnormal cycling of cardiac conduction and formation of re-entrant circuit.
- Abrupt on set on palpitations
- EKG: narrow complex tachycardia with regular R-R intervals. P waves are usually inverted and often buried within QRS complexes
- Tx:
—Stable: vagal maneuvers, adenosine
—Unstable: urgent synchronized cardio version.
Association: WPW pattern + symptomatic tachyarrhythmia –> WPW syndrome
Acute decomp HF
Tx: O2, IV diuretics , IV vasodilator (Nitroglycerin) to decrease preload
Chronic HF
- Most idopathic
- 2nd most common: CAD –> ischemia
Dx: stress testing
Tx: one of them –> Digoxin
Can be triggered by increased sensory input (light, touch)
Focal: botulinum toxin (1st line)
Generalized: Carbamazepine
Back Pain
3 important things to look for + Dx
Uncomplicated vs Spondylolysis: Dx + Tx Rupture of anulus fibrosus presentation
Must always rule out serious disease with careful history.
1. Neurologic deficits (urinary/fecal issues, LE weakness)
2. Malignancy(cancer hx, wt loss, RF)
3. Infection (fever, spinal tenderness, immunosuppression) Ex Abscesss
Dx for above presentation: MRI
- Uncomplicated/Nonspecific:
Dx: Pain w/straight leg test suggest lumbosacral radiculopathy - Spondylolysis: overuse injury –> unilateral or bilateral fracture of pars interarticularis
Dx: pain worse with extension, tenderness with deep palpation, radiculopathy as slippage progesses - Rupture of anulus fibrosus leading to disc herniation: worse with flexion, positive straight leg test
- Uncomplicated back pain: NSAIDs, heat therapy, massage.
Spondylolysis: rest for 90 days, allowing fracture to heal
Colon cancer
RF: Family hx. polyposis syndrome. IBD, African american race, alcohol intake, cigarette smoking, obesity
Post ICU syndrome
Psych: >50% depression, PTSD, sleep disturbances
Neurocognitive: decrease attention/memory, executive function & processing speed
Physical: >50% have decreased mobility & independence
Most impairments last for several years, require chronic health services and are unable to return to work
Breast cancer
2 RF in men, Tx (2 routes)
1. Tumor suppressor gene mutation: BRCA1 and BRCA2 are tumor suppressor genes that repair dsDNA breaks. Mutations are inherited in AD manner
2. Klinefelter syndrome: extra X increases estrogen/androgen ratio. Sporadic error so family history does not increase risk.
Breast-conserving therapy: lumpectomy, lymphadenectomy, radiation
CI: multifocal disease (>2 tumors in separate quadrants), inflammatory breast cancer, prior therapeutic chest wall radiation therapy
Other treatment: chemo, mastectomy w/axillary LN dissection, and radiation
Mesenteric ischemia
4 common main causes, Sx, Comp, Labs, Dx, Tx
Colonic ischemia
Occurs d/t decrease blood flow by
1. SMA occlusion d/t embolic disease
2. arterial and venous thrombosis d/t atherosclerotic disease and watershed infarctions
3. Hypercoagulable state
4. Hypovolemia
Sx. severe rapid abdominal pain but minimal tenderness (no guarding or rebound tenderness), N/V.
Comp: Can lead to abdominal distension, absent bowel sounds, peritoneal signs, bloody stool
Labs: anion gap metabolic acidosis d/t elevated lactate, and elevated amylase
Dx: CT angiography
Tx: IVF, Abx, NGT for decompression
Colonic ischemia: lateralized pain followed by blood stool, pain is mild/moderate
Internal: painless – rubber band ligation, sclerotherapy, or infrared light application
External: painful and pruritic –> surgical
Benign paroxysymal positional vertigo
Vertebrobasilar insufficiency
What’s occurring, Sx, Dx, Tx (if any)
- Abnormal feeling of motion triggered by certain positions.
- Movement is sensed by semicircular canals which are filled by endolymphatic fluids.
Canalithiasis: presence of crystalline debris in the canals
Dx: Dix-Hallpike maneuver –> vertigo and nystagmus
Tx: Canalith repositioning maneuver (Epley)
Vertebrobasilar insufficiency
- Reduced blood flow to the base of the brain that mainly affects labyrinth and brainstem
RF: DM, HTN, hypercholesterolemia, arrhythmia, CAD, circulatory problems, smoking
Sx: vertigo, dizziness, dysarthria, diplopia, numbness
- Causes: Viral illness (MOST COMMON), but can be caused by trauma, bacterial infection, allergies, benign tumor and certain medicatoins.
- Sx: vertigo, tinnitus, nausea, loss of balance
Subacute thyroiditis
Sx, Labs, Uptake, Path, Tx
- Preceded by viral illness
- Painful
- Transient hyperthyroid sx d/t release thyroid hormones
- High ESR & CRP
- Decreased Radioiodine uptake
- Inflammatory infiltrate with macrophages & giant cells
- Tx: NSAIDs, beta-blockers, steroids if refractory
Postpartum thyroiditis
Sx, Labs, Uptake, Path, Tx
- Onset <12 months after pregnancy
- Painless
- Transient hyperthyroid sx d/t release thyroid hormones followed by brief hypothyroid state –> return to euthyroid state
- Anti-TPO + High thyroglobulin
- Decrease radioiodine uptake
- Lympocytic infiltrates +/- germinal centers
Sx, Labs, Uptake, Path
- Anti- TPO
- Painless, Mainly hypothyroid sx
- Variable radioiodine uptake
- Hurthle cells (Eosinophilic epithelial cells)
Pathophysiology, Sx, Tx
High prolactin –> suppress GnRH, LH, FSH, estradiol
Oligo/amenorrhea, infertility, galactorrhea, hot flashes, decreased bone density
Tx: Dopamine agonist (cabergoline, bromocriptine), transsphenoidal surgery
Cerebral venous thrombosis vs arterial thrombosis
Presentation, Dx, Tx
Venous: Headache, increased ICP, hemorrhage –> seizures
Arterial: slurred speech, weakness
Dx: CT –> MRV
Criteria, definition of skilled vs non-skilled care
1 or more of the following:
1. Used supportive device
2. ability to leave home only with assistance
3. Medial CI to leave home
Non-skilled care: bathing, grooming, dressing
Skilled care: PT/OT, mediation adherence assistance
Ischemic stroke: Dx and Tx
Subarachnoid: RF, Cause, Dx,Tx,Comp
Ischemic Stroke :
Noncontrast CT is often normal in the early hours (<6hr) following ischemic events
Tx: tPA within 4.5hrs
- Must also determine etiology (Head MRI which is more sensitive for ischemia, CT or MRI angiography or head/neck, US of carotid, ECG or ambulatory monitoring for r/o arrhythmia, echo to r/o thrombus (when >4mm, ulcerated) or structure abnormality
Subarachnoid hemorrhage
RF: HTN, smoking, alcohol use, fam hx, sympathomimetic drug use
Cause: Ruptured saccular aneurysm (most common)
Dx: Noncontrast CT (good for early), if nothing then LP (xanthochromia ~2hr after onset). Cerebral angiogram to identify source
Tx: tPA (if on time), monitor neuro exam, maintain BP <180/105. Wait 24hrs after tPA to give antiplatelet or anticoagulation therapy d/t risk of beeding.
- Cerebral vasospasms –> localize stroke
- Communicating hydrocephalus (d/t impair absorption of CSF)
Wernicke : 3 features, Tx
Korsakoff: what is it, what part of brain effected
Thiamine deficiency seen in heavy alcohol drinking.
3 features: encephalopathy, oculomotor dysfunction, gait ataxia
Tx: IV Thiamine
Korsakoff syndrome: Late-stage complication of thiamine deficiency. Mammillary body atrophy
Acute: 3 common causes, Dx criteria
Acute Pancreatitis:
Causes: Gallstone, Alcohol, Hypertriglyceridemia
2 or 3 criteria:
1. Acute severe epigastric pain
2. Elevated lipase or amylase >3x upper limit of normal
3. Imaging (CT w/contrast - low sensitivity in first 72hrs of presentation, MRI)
Comp: Pseudocysts
Acute Limb Ischemia
Sx ,Tx
6 P’s: pain, pallor, paresthesia, pulselessness, poikilothermia (coolness), paralysis
Tx: Anticoagulation (Heparin infusion) and based on severity, emergency revascularization. If mild case: tPA can be use
Mercury Toxicity
Neuro: Tremor, insomnia, irritable
Cardio: HTN, Tachycardia
Mucocutaneous: gingivitis, diaphoresis, desquamation of hands/feet
Renal: tubular damage, proteinuria
Inhibits catecholamine breakdown = mimics pheochromocytoma
- Pituitary
- Parathyroid
- Pancreatic
- Associated with angiofibromas, collagenomas, meningiomas
- Thyroid ( Medullary - high calcitonin)
- Parathyroid
- Pheochromocytoma
Patient with Medullar thyroid cancer should be screened for pheochromocytoma (with plasma free metanephrines) before tumor resection
- Thyroid ( Medullary)
- Pheochromocytoma
- Mucosal neuromas
Hypoxemia is mainly d/t V/Q mismatch, higher FiO2 compensates for low V/Q ratio alveoli.
comp of removal of gall bladder
s/p cholecystectomy –> bile salt-induced diarrhea
Tx: cholestyramine (bile salt binding resin)
Kidney stones
Dietary and Pharm Tx
All calcium stones tx:
- Increase Fluids
- Increase citrate: binds to Ca to inhibit stone formation
- Increase K: increase citrate excretion
- Decrease Na: Increase Ca reabsorption
Calcium oxalate stones tx:
- Adequate Ca intake: decrease oxylate absorption
- Low oxalate: decrease urinary extcretion
- Thiazides: Increase renal Ca reabsorption
- Potassium citrate:
High CA, ESR and Alk Phos,
- ACE levels are elevated in 75% but can not be used to confirm a diagnosis
Dx: Biopsy revealing noncaseating granuloma. If palpable LN are not available, transbronchial biopsy can be performed.