Medicine Flashcards
Auer Rods
Philadelphia chromosome
most common leukaemia in children
70 y/o, weight loss, painless lymphadenopathy, lymphocytosis
CLL. Can transform to Richter’s syndrome.
60 y/o, abdo pain, massive splenomegaly, weight loss/tired/night sweats, WCC RAISED
Child: easy bruising, infections, hepatosplenomegaly, pancytopenia
smear cells
teardrop cells
Pt has blood transfusion –> 30min later has fever, hypotensive, red coloured urine. What rxn is going on?
Immediate haemolytic transfusion rxn
fever, muscle pain, loss appetite, N&V. slow pulse & high temp. Dx?
Yellow fever
alpha feta protein: tumour marker for ?
hepatocellular carcinoma (liver ca)
4 y/o, lymphadenopathy, febrile, sore throat, palpable liver edge. Dx?
10 y/o: marble like swellings over armpits & neck. Not painful. Dx?
non Hodgkin’s lymphoma
1st line Tx for absence seizure
sodium valproate
Is PSC associated w UC or Crohn’s?
45 y/o, jaundice, xanthelasma, skin excoriation. Raised ALP, slightly raised AST, ALT. +ve for AMA M2 abs. ?Dx
causative agent for travellers’ diarrhoea?
E coli
What is pellagra and what are its symptoms?
Lack of niacin.
Dementia, diarrhoea, dermatitis
45 y/o - palppitations, dizziness, SOB. Sx associated w change in position. S1 pansystolic mumur @ apex. Dx?
atrial myxoma
65 y/o. PMH: DM, IHD. Has soft early diastolic murmur best heard at L parasternal edge on expiration. ?dx
Collapsiing pulse/wide pulse pressure.
aortic regurgitation
14 y/o boy, reports: clumsy in morning spilling cereal, daydreaming, sometimes uncontrollably jerky. Dx?
Janz syndrome (juvenile myoclonic epilepsy)
generalised seizure on waking, daytime absences, myoclonic
STEMI treatment. No PCI available - what is the medical mx?
ticagrelor + aspirin.
or clopidogrel + aspirin or clopi alone - if high risk bleeding
STEMi treatment. Pt having PCI - what to give?
prasugrel + aspirin.
STEMI treatment. Pt having PCI, BUT has had prev stroke. What to give?
clopidogrel + aspirin.
Prasugrel is contraindicated in prev stroke
skin condition: ankles/elbows, associated w coeliac disease?
dermatitis herptiformis
ObG: Gestational sac >25mm with no fetal pole = what kind of miscarriage?
missed miscarriage
35 y/o M - aki, haemoptysis, fever. Anti- GBM abs. Dx?
Good pasture’s
abs associated w antiphospholipid syndrome?
what is erysipelas? RF? how to treat?
superficial skin infection. DM. Penicillin.
when to transfuse platelets?
platelets <50
When to give FFP?
when PT is >1.5x normal
WHen to give prothrombin complex concentrate?
when patient has been on warfarin and there is no time to reverse it
Greek man, Heinz bodies, +ve Beutler test = dx?
what are heinz bodies? what might it indicate?
denatured Hb - indicative of haemolysis
e.g. G6PD, thalassaemia, haemolytic anaemia
Pt: DM, sudden painless loss of vision in L eye. Pale, swollen optic disc. Dx?
AION (anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy)
what abx can cause achilles tendionpathy?
fluoruquinolones - e.g. ciprofloxacin
20 yr old - anal pain on and after defecation. blood on wiping. dx?
anal fissure
GU clinic: male has itchy penis, no discharge. Doesn’t use condoms. Tx?
GU clinicl: male has purulent discharge, dysuria. Dx?
Chlamydia –> azithromycin IM or doxy BD
gonorrhoea –> azithromycin + cefotaxime
How is SCLC often treated?
chemo, radio
not as effective in NSCLC
what is the treatment for polycythaemia vera?
asymptomatic: venesection, aspirin
symptomatic: immunosuppression