Medical Terms Quiz 2 Flashcards
Pain - neuralgia (Nerve pain)
Destroying; killing - Bactericidal (destroying bacteria)
removal of - cholecystectomy (removal of the gallbladder)
Swelling - Lymphedema (swelling due to obstructed lymph nodes)
Inflammation - nephritis (kidney inflammation)
tumor; neoplasm - myoma (neoplasm of muscle tissue)
Opening - colostomy (surgical opening into the colon)
Disease -Osteopathy (bone disease)
Eating - dysphagia (difficulty eating or swallowing)
Surgical repair - Rhinoplasty (plastic surgery of the nose)
paralysis - quadriplegia (paralysis of all four limbs)
Breath - dyspnea (difficulty breathing)
Stopping/constant - hemostasis (stopping bleeding)
Urine - Hematuria (blood in urine)