Medical Terminology Flashcards
What does the prefixes A mean?
Without - Apnoea
What does the prefixes An mean?
Without - Anaerobic
What does the prefixes Anti mean?
Against/Opposed - Antibiotic
What does the prefixes Ante mean?
Before - Antenatal
What does the prefixes Brady mean?
Slow - Bradycardia
What does the prefixes Cardia (c) (o) mean?
Heart - Cardiac arrest/Cardiology
What does the prefixes Chole mean?
Bile - Cholangitis
What does the prefixes Col mean?
Colon - Colostomy
What does the prefixes Cyst mean?
Bladder - Ovarian cyst
What does the prefixes Endo mean?
Inside - Endocardium
What does the prefixes Enteric mean?
Intestinal - Enteric Fever
What does the prefixes Dys mean?
Abnormal/Painful - Dyspnoea
What does the prefixes Gastr (o) mean?
Stomach - Gastritis
What does the prefixes Gly mean?
Sugar - Glycogen
What does the prefixes Haem (hem) mean?
Blood - Haematology
What does the prefixes Hemi mean?
Half - Hemisphere
What does the prefixes Hepato mean?
Liver - Hepatitis
What does the prefixes Hyper mean?
What does the prefixes Hypo mean?
What does the prefixes Laparo mean?
Abdomen - Laparoscopy
What does the prefixes Litho mean?
Stone - Lithotripsy
What does the prefixes Lipo mean?
Fat - Lipoma
What does the prefixes Mal mean?
Abnormal - Malnutrition
What does the prefixes Mast mean?
Breast - Mastectomy
What does the prefixes Myo mean?
Muscle - Myocardium
What does the prefixes Neph (r) (o) mean?
Kidney - Nephrologist
What does the prefixes Olig (o) mean?
Few - Oliguria
What does the prefixes Peri mean?
About/Around - Pericarditis
What does the prefixes Prost mean?
Prostate Gland - Prostatitis
What does the prefixes Pyr (o) mean?
Fire - Pyrexia
What does the prefixes Tachy mean?
Fast - Tachycardia