Medical Technology Laws Flashcards
Medical technology is the application of principles of natural, physical, and biological sciences to the performance of laboratory procedures which aid in the diagnosis and treatment of disease.
What is medical technology?
It is an auxiliary branch of laboratory medicine which deals with examination by various chemical, microscopic, bacteriologic, and other laboratory procedures or techniques which will aid the physician at diagnosis, study, and treatment of disease, and in the promotion of health in general.
Medical technology is the branch of medicine concerned with performance of lab determination and analyses used in the diagnosis and treatment of disease and maintenance of health.
Strongly believed medical technology began in 1550 BC when Taenia and Ascaris were mentioned (Ebers papyrus)
Vivian Herrick
Pioneered laboratory instruction in 1884
Dr. Douglas
Dr. William Osler
Organized the first clinical laboratory at Johns Hopkins Hospital in 1896
Dr. James Todd
Wrote “Manual of Clinical Diagnosis” in 1908
Invention of microscope, examination of biological specimens, identification of microbes and parasites
17th century
Introduced medical technology in the Philippines
26th medical laboratory of the 6th US army
Place where US army established the 1st clinical laboratory
Quiricada St., Sta. Cruz, Manila
Organized Public Health lab on October 1, 1945
Dr. Alfredo Pio de Roda
Willa Hilgert-Hedrick
Founder of Med Tech Education in the Philippines
First school to offer a 5-year med tech course in 1954
Philippine Union College
Dr. Jesse Umali
First Med Tech graduate in 1956
Organized on May 13, 1970 an association of deans/heads of schools of MT and Hygiene
Dr. Serafin Juliano and Dr. Gustavo Reyes
First organizational meeting of PASMETH in UST
June 22, 1970
Fist PASMETH president
Dr. Gustavo Reyes
First annual meeting of PASMETH
May 7, 1971
Philippine Association of Medical Technologists
Father of PAMET
Crisanto G. Almario
PAMET organized at the Public Health Laboratory at Quiricada Street
September 15, 1963
First national convention of PAMET
September 20, 1964, FEU
First PAMET president
Charlemagne Tamondong
Nardito Moraleta
1 Father of the Profession
2 Prepared first Med Tech Code of Ethics and adapted by PAMET on August 6, 1968
Accreditation of PAMET as a bonafide organization with PRC on May 24, 1975
Felix Asper
Carmencita Acedera
Worked for the membership of PAMET with the ASEAN Association of Medical Laboratory Technologists
Current PAMET president
Leila M. Florento
PAMET is a national body with 46 chapters nationwide totaling to more than 12,000 members
Local affiliations of PAMET
1 Council of Professional Health Associations (COPHA)
2 Philippine Federation of Professional Associations (PFPA)
3 Council of Health Agencies (CHAP)
4 Philippine Council for Quality Assurance in Clinical Laboratories (PCQACL)
International affiliations of PAMET
1 ASEAN Association of Clinical Laboratory Sciences (AACLS)
2 Asia Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists (AAMLS)
3 International Federation of Biomedical Laboratory Scientists (IFBLS)
4 Asia-Pacific Federation of Clinical Biochemistry (APFCB)
RA 5527
June 21, 1969
RA 5527 Section 1
Philippine Medical Technology Act of 1969
RA 5527 Section 2
Definition of Terms: 1 Practice of Medical Technology 2 Pathologist 3 Medical Technologist 4 Medical Laboratory Technician
Duly registered physician specially trained in methods of laboratory medicine or the gross and microscopic study and its interpretation of tissues, secretions and excretions of the human body and its functions in order to diagnose, follow its course, determine effectivity of treatment, ascertain cause of death and advance medicine by means of research
Medical technologist
Person who engages in the work of medical technology under the supervision of a pathologist or licensed physician authorized by the department of health in places where there is no pathologist, and who having passed a prescribed course of training and examination is registered under the provision of this act
Medical laboratory technician
To promulgate and prescribe and enforce necessary rules and regulations for the proper implementation of the foregoing functions
RA 5527 Section 7
Medical technology board
1 Chairman - Pathologist
2 Members - 2 MT
Hold office for 3 years
RA 5527 Section 11
Functions and duties of the board
1 Administer provisions of this act
2 Issue, suspend, and revoke certificates of registration for the practice of medical technology
3 Prescribe the qualification and training of medical technologists as to special fields of the profession and supervise their specialty examination conducted by professional organization of MTs accredited by the PRC
RA 5527 Section 16
Qualification for examination
1 Is in good health and is of good moral character
2 Has completed a course of at least four years leading to a degree of BSMT or BSPH conferred by a recognized school, college or university in accordance with this decree
RA 5527 Section 19
Rating in the examination
1 Must obtain a general average of 75% in the written test
2 No rating below 50% in any of the major subjects
3 Not failed at least 60% of the subjects computed according to their relative weights
In case of failure, take 12 months refresher course in an accredited MT school or 12 month post graduate training in an accredited laboratory
RA 5527 Section 23
The board shall refuse to issue a certificate to:
1 Any person convicted of a criminal offense by a competent jurisdiction
2 Guilty of immoral or dishonorable conduct
3 Unsound mind
4 Incurable communicable disease
Practice of medical technology
1 Examination of tissues, secretions, and excretions of the man body and body fluids by various electronic, chemical, microscopic, bacteriologic, hematologic, serologic, immunologic, nuclear and other related procedures and techniques either manual or automated
2 Blood banking procedures and techniques
3 Parasitologic, mycologic, and microbiologic procedures and techniques
4 Histopathology and cytotechnology
5 Clinical research involving patients or human beings requiring the use and/or application of medical technology knowledge and procedures
6 Preparation and standardization of reagents, standards, stains, and other solutions used exclusively in the laboratory
7 Clinical laboratory quality control
8 Collection and preservation of specimens
RA 1517
Blood bank law
Classification of blood banks
1 Primary category (donor screening, collection and processing, storage of blood, transport and issuance of blood, compatibility testing that is hospital based, transfusion of whole blood)
2 Secondary category (services offered by primary category; provision of PRBC, plasma, and platelet rich plasma, investigations of transfusion reactions)
3 Tertiary category (services offered by secondary category, provision of blood components and other blood products, investigation of incompatible cross-match)
RA 1517: Donor suitability
Responsibility of blood bank head
RA 1517: Personnel
1 Blood bank should be under a licensed physician registered with the Board of Medicine and authorized by Undersecretary of Health for Standards and Regulation
2 Head of blood bank should be certified by Philippine Board of Pathology in Clinical Pathology or Blood Banking or PSHBT (may manage not more than 2 blood banks)
3 Licensed physician who has completed 3 months training in blood banking, quality control and management, passed an exam given or approved by DOH (may manage one hospital-based blood bank, primary category)
4 at least 1 medical technologist registered with PRC
RA 7719
National Blood Services Act of 1994
National Blood Services Act of 1994
An act promoting voluntary blood donation, providing for an adequate supply of safe blood, regulatory blood banks, and providing penalties for the violation thereof
Administrative order no. 59
Rules and regulations governing the establishment, operation, and maintenance of clinical laboratories in the Philippines
Exempted from AO 59
1 Do not include government laboratories doing lab exams limited to acid fast bacilli microscopy, malaria screening, and cervical cancer screening
2 Do not include laboratories that are extensions of licensed government clinical laboratories
Administrative order no. 59: Classifications
1 Classification by function
2 Classification by institutional character
3 Classification by service capability
Classification by function
1 Clinical pathology
2 Anatomic pathology (surgical, pathology, immunohistopathology, cytology, autopsy, forensic pathology)
Classification by institutional character
1 Hospital-based
2 Non-hospital based
Classification by service capability
1 Primary (CBC, u/a, fecalysis, quantitative platelet count) 2 Secondary (primary + routine clinical chemistry [blood glucose, BUN, BUA, creatinine, cholesterol], cross-matching) 3 Tertiary (primary + secondary, special chemistry, special hematology, immunology, serology, microbiology)
RA 9165
Comprehensive Dangerous Drug Act of 2002
RA 9165
Rules and regulations governing accreditation of Drug Testing Laboratories in the Philippines
National Newborn Screening Week
First week of October
Proclamation No. 50
National Newborn Screening Week
Pursuant to the mandate, the “Early Childhood Care and Development Act” was enacted, declaring it to be the policy of the state to “promote the rights of children to survival, development, and special protection with full recognition of the nature of childhood and its special needs”
Code of Ethics
As I enter the practice of Medical Technology, I shall:
1 Accept the responsibilities inherent to being a professional
2 Uphold the law and shall not participate in illegal work
3 Act in a spirit of fairness to all and in a spirit of brotherhood toward other members of the profession
4 Accept employment from more than one employment only when there is no conflict of interest
5 Perform my task with full confidence, absolute reliability, and accuracy
6 Share my knowledge and expertise with my colleagues
7 Contribute to the advancement of the professional organization and other allied health organizations
8 Restrict my praises, criticisms, views, and opinions within constructive limits
9 Treat any information I acquired in the course of my work as strictly confidential
10 Uphold the dignity and respect of my profession and conduct myself with reliability, honesty, and integrity
11 Be dedicated to the use of Clinical Laboratory Science to promote life and benefit mankind
12 Report any violations of the above principles of professional conduct to the authorized agency and the Ethics Committee of the Organization
To these principles, I hereby subscribe and pledge to conduct myself at all times in a manner benefiting the dignity of my profession