Medical Suffixes Flashcards
pertaining to Example: cardiac (pertaining to heart)
pertaining to Example: duodenal (pertaining to duodenum)
Example: gastralgia (stomach pain)
Suffix Indicating Disease or Abnormal Condition
pertaining to Example: ovarian (pertaining to ovary)
pertaining to Example: ventricular (pertaining to ventricle)
Example: menarche (beginning menstruation)
General Suffix
pertaining to Example: pulmonary (pertaining to lungs)
Example: myasthenia (muscle weakness)
Suffix Indicating Disease or Abnormal Condition
sensation (condition) Example: anesthesia (without sensation) General Suffix
pertaining to Example: lymphatic (pertaining to lymph)
protrusion Example: cystocele (protrusion of urinary bladder) Suffix Indicating Disease or Abnormal Condition
puncture to withdraw fluid Example: arthrocentesis (puncture to withdraw fluid from joint) NOTE: The suffix -centesis comes from the Greek word kentesis, meaning “to prick or pierce.” Suffix Indicating Diagnostic Procedure
surgical breaking
Example: osteoclasia (surgical breaking of bone)
Suffix Indicating Surgical Procedure
small Example: vesicle (small sac [blister]) General Suffix
pregnancy Example: salpingocyesis (uterine tube pregnancy) General Suffix
cell Example: leukocyte (white [blood] cell) General Suffix
abnormal cell condition (too many) Example: erythrocytosis (too many red cells) Suffix Indicating Disease or Abnormal Condition
skin condition
Example: leukoderma (white skin condition)
General Suffix
surgical fusing Example: arthrodesis (surgical fusing of joint) Suffix Indicating Surgical Procedure
thirst Example: polydipsia (much [frequent] thirst) General Suffix
Example: cardiodynia (heart pain)
Suffix Indicating Disease or Abnormal Condition
pertaining to Example: esophageal (pertaining to esophagus)
Example: bronchiectasis (dilated bronchi)
Suffix Indicating Disease or Abnormal Condition
surgical removal Example: gastrectomy (surgical removal of stomach) NOTE: The suffixes -ectomy and -otomy have very specific meanings that relate back to the original Greek words. -ectomy comes from ektome, meaning “to cut out” while -otomy comes from tomia meaning “to cut into.” Suffix Indicating Surgical Procedure
swelling Example: lymphedema (lymphatic swelling) Suffix Indicating Disease or Abnormal Condition
vomiting Example: hematemesis (vomiting blood) Suffix Indicating Disease or Abnormal Condition
pertaining to vomiting Example: antiemetic (pertaining to against vomiting) Suffix Indicating Disease or Abnormal Condition
blood condition Example: leukemia (white [cell] blood condition) Suffix Indicating Disease or Abnormal Condition
one who Example: radiographer (one who takes X-rays)
that which produces Example: mutagen (that which produces mutations) NOTE: The suffixes -genesis, -genic, and -gen all come from the Greek word gignesthai, meaning “to be born.” General Suffix
produces Example: osteogenesis (produces bone) NOTE: The suffixes -genesis, -genic, and -gen all come from the Greek word gignesthai, meaning “to be born.” General Suffix
producing Example: carcinogenic (producing cancer) NOTE: The suffixes -genesis, -genic, and -gen all come from the Greek word gignesthai, meaning “to be born.” General Suffix
protein Example: hemoglobin (blood protein) General Suffix
protein Example: immunoglobulin (protective protein) General Suffix
a record Example: electrocardiogram (record of heart’s electrical [activity]) Suffix Indicating Diagnostic Procedure
instrument for recording Example: myograph (instrument for recording muscle) Suffix Indicating Diagnostic Procedure
process of recording Example: electrocardiography (process of recording heart’s electrical [activity]) Suffix Indicating Diagnostic Procedure
pregnancy Example: multigravida (many pregnancies) General Suffix
condition Example: pneumonia (lung condition) Suffix Indicating Disease or Abnormal Condition
pertaining to Example: hypochondriac (pertaining to below the cartilage)
abnormal condition Example: lithiasis (abnormal condition of stones) Suffix Indicating Disease or Abnormal Condition
medical specialty Example: psychiatric (medical specialty of the mind)
physician Example: psychiatrist (physician specializing in the mind)
medical treatment Example: podiatry (medical treatment of the foot)
pertaining to Example: gastric (pertaining to stomach)
specialist Example: pediatrician (specialist for children)