Medical Spanish Lesson 0 Flashcards
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Good morning - Good day
Buenos días
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Are you feeling (okay / not well)?
¿Se siente (bien / mal)? (form)
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Good afternoon
Buenas tardes
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Are you feeling (okay / not well)?
¿Te sientes (bien / mal)? (fam)
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Good evening
Buenas noches
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I’m not feeling (well / badly)
No me siento (bien / mal)
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How are you feeling?
¿Cómo se siente? (form)
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How are you?
¿Cómo está (usted)? (form)
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How are you feeling?
¿Cómo te sientes? (fam)
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How are you?
¿Cómo estás? (fam)
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What is hurting?
¿Qué le duele? (form)
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Very well, thank you
Muy bien, gracias
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What is hurting?
¿Qué te duele? (fam)
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Regular/Así así
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(My foot) hurts
Me duele (el pie)
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What’s bothering you?
¿Qué tiene? (form)
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What is your name?
¿Cómo se llama (usted)? (form)
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What’s bothering you?
¿Qué tienes? (fam)
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What is your name?
¿Cómo te llamas? (fam)
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Are you pregnant?
¿Está embarazada?
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My name is Alicia.
Me llamo Alicia.
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Is a relative with you?
¿Tiene un pariente consigo? (form)
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I am Pedro.
Soy Pedro.
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Is a relative with you?
¿Tienes un pariente contigo? (fam)
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Pleased to meet you
Mucho gusto.
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I’ll be (right) back
Vuelvo (enseguida)
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Encantado, -a (masc/fem)
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Is your (husband / wife) here?
¿Está su (esposo / esposa) aquí?
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The pleasure is mine
El gusto es mío
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What have you taken for this?
¿Qué ha tomado para esto?
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I’ve taken (aspirin)
He tomado (aspirina)
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See you later - See you soon
Hasta luego - Hasta pronto.
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Do you take any medicines?
¿Toma alguna medicina? (form)
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See you tomorrow
Hasta mañana
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Do you take any medicines?
¿Tomas alguna medicina? (fam)
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Excuse me (getting attention)
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I take (a pill for pain)
Tomo (una pastilla para el dolor)
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Excuse me (to pass by)
Con permiso
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Excuse me (getting attention)
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I’m sorry
Lo siento - Discúlpeme
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Excuse me (to pass by)
Con permiso
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Por favor
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I’m sorry
Lo siento - Discúlpeme
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You’re welcomed
De nada
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Por favor
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You’re welcomed
De nada
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Breathe (deeply / normal)
espire (profundo / normal) (form)
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Breathe (deeply / normal)
respira (profundo / normal) (fam)
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Come in
entre / entra
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Get up
levántese / levántate
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Lie down
acuéstese / acuéstate
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Sit down
siéntese / siéntate
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Stand up
párese / párate
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Wait here
espere aquí / espera aquí
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el abdomen
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