Medical Spanish Dialogs Flashcards
How long have you had diarrhea?
Cuanto tiempo hace que diarrea?
About a week
Como una semana
How many times a day do you have loose stools
Cuantas veces al dia tiene heces sueltas?
Do you have any cramping?
Tiene colicos?
Yes, a little bit
Si, un poco
Is is better after going to the bathroom?
Se siente mejor despues de ir al bano?
Sometimes. I think so.
A veces. Si, creo que si.
Have you traveled recently?
Ha viajado recientemente?
Where did you go?
A donde fue?
Please lie down on the exam table so I can examine your abdomen
Por favor, acuestese sobre la mesa para examinarle el vientre
Cuanto tiempo hace que tiene diarrea?
How long have you had diarrhea?
Como una semana
About a week
Cuantas veces al dia tiene heces sueltas?
How many times a day do you have loose stools?
Tiene colicos?
Do you have any cramping?
Si, un poco
Yes, a little bit
Se siente mejor despues de ir al bano?
Is is better after using the bathroom?
A veces. Si, creo que si.
Sometimes. Yes I think so
Ha viajado recientemente
Have you traveled recently?
A donde fue?
Where did your go?
Por favor, acuestese sobre la mesa pera examinarle el vientre
Please lie down on the exam table so I can examine your abdomen
I understand that your stomach has been hurting?
Tengo entendido que le duele el estomago
Is the pain consistance or does it come and go?
El dolor es constante, o viene y se va?
It comes and goes
Viene y se va
Are there times when you are free of pain?
Esta libre de dolor a veces?
Does the pain travel to another part of your body?
El dolor le viaja a ortra parte del cuerpo?
Does eating make it worse?
Se pone peor cuando come?
Are you burping or passing gas?
Eructa o expulsa gases?
I’m going to examine your abdomen
Le voy a examinar el vientre
Tengo entendido que le duele el estomago
I understand that your stomach has been hurting
El dolor es constante, o viene y se va?
Is the pain constant or does it come and go?
Viene y se va
It comes and goes
Esta libre de dolor a veces?
Are there times when you are free of pain?
El dolor le viaja a otra parte del cuerpo?
Does the pain travel to another part of your body?
Se pone peor cuando come?
Does eating make it worse?
Eructa o expulsa gases?
Are you burping or passing gas?
Le voy a examinar el vientre
I’m going to examine your abdomen
Please point to the exact spot where it hurts
Por favor, muestreme donde le dule exactamente
What does the pain feel like?
Que clase de dolor siente?
Its like pressure on my chest
Es como presion en el pecho
What were you doing when the pain started?
Que estaba haciendo cuando le empezo el dolor?
How long have you had the pain?
Cuanto rato hace que tiene dolor?
Is is difficult to breath?
Le cuesta trabajo respirar?
Do you have a history of heart disease or high blood pressure?
Tiene historial de enfermedad del corazon o presion alta?
I have high blood pressure
Tengo la presion alta
I’m going to do an electrocardiogram
Voy a hacer un electrocardiograma
Por favor, muestreme dondo le duele exactamente
Please point to the exact spot where it hurts
Que clase de dolor siente?
What does the pain feel like?
Es como presion en el pecho
Its like pressure on my chest
Que estaba haciendo cuando le epemzo el dolor?
What were you doing when the pain started?
Cuanto rato hace que tiene dolor?
How long have you had the pain?
Le cuesta trabajo respirar?
Is it difficult to breathe?
Tiene historial de enfermedad del corazon o presion alta?
Do you have a history or heart disease or high blood pressure?
Tengo la presion alta
I have high blood pressure
Le voy a hacer un electrocardiograma
I’m going to do an electrocardiogram
Do you have to strain to have a bowel movement?
Tiene que esforzarse para mover los intestinos?
Is your stool hard?
Tiene el excremento duro?
Do you have hemorrhoids?
Tiene demorroides?
I don’t think so
No lo creo
Have you tried any over the counter treatments?
Ha tomado otro tratamiento sin receta
We’re going to need a stool sample
Vamos a necesitar una muestra de heces
Tiene que esforzarse para mover los intesinos?
Do you have to strain to have a bowel movement?
Tiene el excremento duro?
Is your stool hard?
Tiene hemorrhoids?
Do you have hemorrhoids?
No lo creo
I don’t think so
Ha tomado otro tratamiento sin recta?
Have you tried any over the counter treatments?
Vamos a necesitar una muestra de heces
We’re going to need a stool sample
Do you have any burning pain when you urinate?
Siente ardor al orinar?
Are you urinating more often than usual?
Orina con mas frecuencia de lo usual?
When you get the urge, do you feel that you must urinate immediately?
Cuando tiene ganas, siente que debe orinar inmediatamente?
After urinating, does it feel like there is still urine in your bladder?
Despues de orinar, siente que todavia le queda orina en la vejiga?
Have you noticed any blood in your urine?
Ha notado sangre en la orina?
No, I haven’t noticed any
No, no la he notado
We need to take a urine sample
Necesitamos una muestra de orina
Siente ardor al orinar?
Do you have burning pain when you urinate?
Orina con mas frecuencia de lo usual?
Are you urinating more often than usual?
Cuando tiene ganas, siente que debe orinar inmediatamente?
When you get the urge, do you feel that you must urinate immediately?
Despues de orinar, siente que todavia le queda orina en la vejiga?
After urinating, does it feel like there is still urine in your bladder?
Ha notado sangre en la orina?
Have you noticed any blood in your urine?
No, no la he notado
No, I haven’t noticed any
Necesitamos una muestra de orina
We need to take a urine sample
How many days have you had a sore throat?
Hace cuantos dias que tiene dolor de garganta?
Is is getting better, worse, or staying the same?
Esta’ mejorando, empeorando, o sigue igual?
Have you every had a strep infection before?
Ha tenido faringitis alguna vez?
Do you still have your tonsils?
Todavia tiene amigdalas?
I am going to swab your throat
Voy a frotar dentro de la garganta
Open wide…
Abra bein la boca….
Hace cuantos dias que tiene dolor de garganta?
How many days have you had a sore throat?
Esta’ mejorando, empeorando, o sigue igual?
Is it getting better, worse, or staying the same?
Ha tenido faringitis alguna vez?
Have you ever had a strep infection?
Todavia tiene amigdalas?
Do you still have your tonsils?
Voy a frotar dentro de la garganta
I’m going to swab your throat
Abra bien la boca….
Open wide