Medical Physiology Block 1 Week 1 Flashcards
Define Physiology
Medical physiology deals with how the human body functions; It requires an integrated understanding of events at the level of molecules, cells, and organs.
Define Physiological Genomics
integrated understanding of a gene’s function at the level of the cells, organs, and whole body
Explain the concept developed by Claude Bernard of the internal milieu
Cells live in a highly protected milieu; internal milieu = extracellular fluid (different from external milieu)
Define homeostasis (steps)
regulation of internal milieu; First, the system must be able to sense the vital parameter (e.g., glucose) or something related to it. Second, the system must be able to compare the input signal with some internal reference value called a set-point, thereby forming a difference signal. Third, the system must multiply the error signal by some proportionality factor (i.e., the gain) to produce some sort of output signal (e.g., release of insulin). Fourth, the output signal must be able to activate an effector mechanism (e.g., glucose uptake and metabolism) that opposes the source of the input signal and thereby brings the vital parameter closer to the set-point (e.g., decrease of blood glucose levels to normal)
Compare and contrast the conditions of equilibrium and steady-state
Equilibrium: force = 0 (no immediate energy needed; energy is needed to create gradients); steady-state: vital parameter is constant/time (ATP may be necessary)
Argue the point that Medicine is Physiology gone awry
It is essential to know how organs and systems function in the healthy person to grasp which components may be malfunctioning in a patient.
Describe the structural organization and characteristic lipid composition of the plasma membrane.
Phospholipid: in general glycerol backbone (3 carbons) + two fatty acids (forming ester bond RCOOR; nonpolar) + phosphate group (another ester bond) + head group (form ester bond with phosphate; name of lipid is derived by head group; polar); outer surface of plasma membrane = phosphatidylcholines; inner surface, phosphatidylserines and phosphatidylethanolamines); remember that they cannot change polarity unless cell is preparing for apoptosis
Define amphiphatic
A compound (in this case, a polypeptide) that has polar and nonpolar properties
How are cholesterol proteins different from other phospholipids found in the bilayer (fluidity?)
found normally in the plasma membrane and not in membranes of organelles; cholesterol may be a regulatory mechanism for blocking ion movement and water (homeostasis in regards to increases in osmotic pressure by increasing membrane rigidity; cholesterol can easily flip or change polarity) (at low concentrations, cholesterol reduces fluidity; at high concentrations, cholesterol inhibits nonpolar forces between phospholipids thus increasing fluidity); remember that fluidity is decreased with saturation and length
Compare and contrast the structural characteristics of the different classes of integral membrane proteins (MIGHT NEED TO MAKE MORE DETAILED)
Single transmembrane domain (involved in phosphorylating other proteins; a subunit of a channel), multiple transmembrane domains (GPCR; sometimes may function as a subunit of a channel), without a transmembrane domain (acetylcholinesterase- has flexibility to move around sequestering ACTH; GPI-linked)
List and explain five major functions of membrane proteins
serve as receptors, serve as adhesion molecules, can be enzymes, can conduct the flow of ions (channel), and can be involved in intracellular signaling (catabolism of the protein; think cleavage of PIP2 in to diacylglycerol and IP3; may also be considered in the context of membrane proteins binding to cytoskeletal filaments)
Describe the unique structural characteristics and critical functions that define the nucleus, the lysosomes, and the mitochondria
Nucleus: double membrane, cytosolic proteins entering must have localization signal (stores, replicates, and transcribes DNA); lysosome: site of digestion of proteins and cellular debris (filled with proton pumps that keep the organelle in an acidic environment); mitochondria: double membrane, site of ATP production (inner membrane), and storage of calcium
Describe the unique structural characteristics and critical functions of the four major types of filaments that comprise the cytoskeleton of mammalian cells
Intermediate filament proteins: structural support (proteins are cell-specific); microtubules: further structural support and motility (chains of microtubules grow at one end and degrade at the other; originate from the centrosome which segregates into centrioles during mitosis (form the mitotic spindle), kinetic proteins traverse these cells in flagella,cilia, and general cell trafficking); thin filaments: functionally similar to tubules (sometimes connected to thick filaments); thick filaments: hydrolysis of ATP produced bending motion
Compare and contrast how soluble secreted proteins versus intrinsic membrane proteins are synthesized within the rough endoplasmic reticulum
Proteins bound for the cytosol are translated on free ribosomes; intrinsic membrane proteins are recruited to the rough ER by binding to a signal recognizing protein that recruits a channel (after a signal is recognized by the translocon the complex disassembles anchoring the protein to the rough ER membrane); secreted proteins follow a similar path to membrane proteins except that they are brought into the cell by the translocon
Describe the mechanisms by which secreted proteins and membrane proteins undergo post-translational modification and folding within the rough endoplasmic reticulum
N-linked glycosylation: an oligosaccharide is attached to an Asp or N residue; cytoplasmic domain may be cleaved and a GPI-protein added to free carboxyl; protein folding occurs in the rough endoplasmic reticulum (normally spontaneous but may be aided by chaperone proteins; hydrophillic residues are on the outside interacting with aqueous environment and hydrophobic residues are hidden inside)
Compare and contrast the processes of constitutive versus regulated exocytotic secretion.
Regulated pathway: protein stored in vesicles prior to receiving signal for release of contents and often calcium is needed to fuse these vesicles with the membrane (think neurotransmitter release)
Explain the roles of clathrin, SNARE proteins, Rab-family GTPases, and SNAPs in the formation, docking, and fusion of secretory vesicles.
clathrin mediates formation of vesicle from trans Golgi; SNARE proteins and SNAPs bind to each to bring the negatively charged phospholipids of two membranes together (electrostatically oppose each other); Rabs function as a switch (like a G-protein coupled receptor)
Compare and contrast the underlying mechanisms and functional roles of fluid-phase endocytosis versus receptor-mediated endocytosis.
Similarities: both are endocytosed by vesicles mediated by clathrins and adaptins and both are transported in an endosome; ; receptor-mediated: acidification of the endosome separates ligand from receptor (receptor get recycled to membrane)
Explain the structural characteristics and functional roles of the tight junctions, adhering junctions, and gap junctions within the polarized cells that comprise epithelial tissues.
Simplest gap junctions: formation of channels between two cells (ion flow); tight junction: separates the cell membrane into apical and basolateral domains that have very different functional properties; adhering junctions: actually form the link between two neighboring cells (through cadherins)
Describe specific examples of how the polarized organization, segregation, and trafficking of membrane proteins can facilitate the specific functions of various epithelial tissues.
the “fence” function of the tight junction separates completely different rosters of membrane proteins between the apical and basolateral membranes. For example, the Na-K pump is restricted to the basolateral membrane in almost all epithelial cells, and the membrane-bound enzymes that hydrolyze complex sugars and peptides are restricted to apical membranes in intestinal epithelial cells.
List the disciplines that were given birth to by Physiology
biochemistry, biophysics, and neuroscience
What is the central organizing concept of physiology?