Medical phrases Flashcards
Ita boot isin manas ka lae?
Do you have a fever?
Ita moras saida?
What is sore?
Hau nia kabun moras
My stomach is sore
Moras iha nebee?
Where is it sore?
Ita haan saida?
What did you eat?
Ita hela ho se?
Who do you live with?
Dehen mai hau
Tell me
Investiga liu tan
Investigate further
Dada iis makaas
breathe heavily
Mear hela deit
Cough all the time
Haree ba nia
Look at him
Haree mai hau
Look at me
Lao ba iha nebaa
Walk over there
Lao mai iha nee
Walk over here
Fo ba nia
Give it to her
Fo mai hau
Give it to me
Hatete ba nia
Tell him
Hatete mai hau
Tell me
Toba lai
Lie down
Tuur lai
Sit down
Dada iis tama
Breathe in
Dada iis boot
Breathe out
Hiit liman ba oin
Lift your arms
Hafila liman
Turn over your arms/hands
Halo ita nia ___ rileks
Relax your ___
Haree ba iha nebaa
Look over there
Hiit ita nia liman
Lift your arms
Hiit ita nia ain
Lift your legs
Hanesan nee
Like this
Hotu ona
Haree tuir lapizeira nee
Follow this pen with your eyes
Haree tuir hau nia liman fuan nee
Follow my finger with your eyes
Ita moras kleur ona ka lae?
Have you been sick for a long time?
Ita moras loron hira ona?
How many days have you been sick?
Don’t forget
La haluha