Medical Marvels Flashcards
Louis Pasteur
What did Louis Pasteur discover?
He discovered that bacteria was caused infections when operations were carried out. And so the antiseptic was invented. Carbolic acid was sprayed into wounds to keep them clean.
What happened in 1880
Pasteur also invented pasteurization.
What is pasteurization?
A process in which milk is heated to destroy harmful bacteria.
What happened in 1928
Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin.
What is penicillin?
A mould that kills bacteria
What happened in 1940?
Howard Florey found out how to make penicillin into a medicine.
What happened in 1796
Edward Jenner found a cure for small pox ( which was an epidemic in London)
What happened in 1846?
A patient was given ether as an anasthetic during an operation for the first time ever.
What happened in 1683
Van Leeuwenhoek discovered bacteria for the first time.
What happened in 1967
Professor Chris Barnard and 20 orher surgeons performed the first human heart transplant. In the Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa.
What happened in 1799
Sir Humphrey Davy discovered that nitrous oxide or laughing gas helped diminish patient’s pain.
What happened in 1840
Michael Faraday found that the chemical ether had the same effect as nitrous oxide.
What happened in 1847
John Simpson discovered that chloroform gas also worked as well as anesthetics.
Who is Joseph Lester?
He began sterilizing.