Medical Ethics Flashcards
Up to how many weeks is a abortion legal?
Abortion is legal in the UK up to 24 weeks under the Abortion Act 1967. However, if there is a substantial risk to the woman’s life or foetal abnormalities, there is no time limit.
What is voluntary euthanasia?
When euthanasia is performed following the request of the person who dies.
What is passive euthanasia
Deliberately withholding or withdrawing medical treatment [which would help the patient to live longer] with the intention of ending their life.
Non voluntary euthanasia, what is it?
Ending the life of a patient who is not capable of giving their permission. This is done by people who may believe it is in the best interests of the patient.
Active euthanasia, what is it?
A person helped to die by being given an injection of strong drugs. This is illegal.
Roman Catholic views on abortion?
They believe that life is sacred and we should all live our lives in accordance to God’s plan and have a positive effect in the world before death. Suicide is equally wrong as murder as it shows a lack of self love and will to live unless you are a martyr.
Church of England views on abortion?
They also value the life of a human by saying that all humans are equally valuable. Because of this they say that they should not allow people should be allowed to commit euthanasia since every life is special and relevant to the life other people live.
Under what conditions do the Catholic Church condone IVF?
IVF however, is an acceptable practice if only the number of eggs are fertilised which are to be replaced in the mother. We cannot support creating spare embryos which are later destroyed. Life begins at conception and we must respect that as we develop new techniques of helping people like yourselves.
Why does the Catholic Church oppose IVF?
To deliberately destroy or experiment upon an embryo in this way is very wrong. Therefore, the Catholic Church can support the use of Artificial Insemination which does not create spare embryos.
What is passive euthanasia
Deliberately withholding or withdrawing medical treatment [which would help the patient to live longer] with the intention of ending their life.
Non voluntary euthanasia, what is it?
Ending the life of a patient who is not capable of giving their permission. This is done by people who may believe it is in the best interests of the patient.
Active euthanasia, what is it?
A person helped to die by being given an injection of strong drugs. This is illegal.
Roman Catholic views on abortion?
They believe that life is sacred and we should all live our lives in accordance to God’s plan and have a positive effect in the world before death. Suicide is equally wrong as murder as it shows a lack of self love and will to live unless you are a martyr.
Church of England views on abortion?
They also value the life of a human by saying that all humans are equally valuable. Because of this they say that they should not allow people should be allowed to commit euthanasia since every life is special and relevant to the life other people live.
Under what conditions do the Catholic Church condone IVF?
IVF however, is an acceptable practice if only the number of eggs are fertilised which are to be replaced in the mother. We cannot support creating spare embryos which are later destroyed. Life begins at conception and we must respect that as we develop new techniques of helping people like yourselves.
Why does the Catholic Church oppose IVF?
To deliberately destroy or experiment upon an embryo in this way is very wrong. Therefore, the Catholic Church can support the use of Artificial Insemination which does not create spare embryos.