level of consciousness
Indicates a failure of the circulatory system to
support vital body functions.
different types of shock:
- Hypovolemic: loss of blood or tissue
fluid (ie:car accident) - Cardiogenic:
- Neurogenic
- Vasogenic*Anaphylactic shock
Hypovolemic Shock
Caused by loss of blood or tissue fluid:
ie car accident
Internal bleeding or bleeding out
Signs & symptoms of Shock
Tachycardia: fast heartbeat
Tachypnea: fast breathing
Decreased urine output, dehydration
Pale, clammy, cool skin, sweaty (diaphoretic)
sweating heavily
Cardiogenic Shock
Condition in which your heart can’t pump enough
blood to meet your body’s needs.
Caused by a variety of cardiac disorders
(heart attack)
lack of blood circulation weakening the heart.
Cardiogenic Shock Signs & Symtoms
Chest pain, fullness feeling in your chest
Skin is cool, clammy
Increased heart rate, Jugular vein distention
Pulmonary congestion
Peripheral edema
Neurogenic Shock
Caused by damage or injury to the upper spinal cord.
Neurogenic Shock Signs and Symptoms
Restless, altered ability to think
Decrease in blood pressure
Skin is warm and dry
Shock caused by widening of the blood vessels, usually from medication. Symptoms include dizziness and loss of consciousness.
a severe condition that occurs when the body’s blood pressure falls and organs shut down
-Signs: Fever, increase heart rate, increase
Anaphylactic shock
commonly encountered more than another
type of shock in the radiology department in connection with the
administration of iodinated contrast media.
Anaphylactic shock allergic reaction. Caused by:
Contrast media
Blood products
Insect bites, stings
Foods, example: peanuts
difficulty swallowing. then breathing