Medical Considerations Flashcards
Risks of high BP
Bleeding + MI risk
Management of high BP
Check control
Recent readings
Postpone if >160/100
Avoid adrenaline in LA
Risks of angina
Angina attack + MI
Management of angina
GTN spray 400ug
Enquire about frequency of angina attacks
Risk of recent MI
Management of recent MI
No XLa’s within 3mths
No GA within 6mths (inc risk of repeated by 50%)
Risks of cardiac defects (valve replacement, prev endocarditis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy)
Infective Endocarditis
Management of cardiac defect pts
Ensure they are aware of risks + explain symptoms to look out for
Liaise with cardiologist
Consider antibiotic prophylaxis
Risk of liver disease
Bleeding risk (reduced production of coagulation factors)
Cross infection risk: Hep B,C,D,E
Reduced drug metabolism
Management of liver disease
Liaise with doctor
Consider coagulation screening + FBC
Risk of kidney disease
Bleeding risk (platelet dysfunction)
Management of kidney disease
Liaise + FBC
Tx dialysis patients day after for optimal renal function
Risks of diabetics
Hypoglycaemic attack
Impaired wound healing
Management of diabetics
Morning appts when glucose is stable
Safe to tx if glucose between 5-15mmol/L
Risks of epileptic patients
Seizure due to stress
Management of epileptics
Eat beforehand
Enquire about frequency/type
Consider IV
Risks of Haemophilia A,B, + VWD
Bleeding due to deficiency of:
Clotting factor 8 (A)
Clotting factor 7 (B)
VW factor (VWD)
Management of Haemophilia / VWD
Consider factor assay
50-75% Factor 8 levels required
DDAVP + tranexamic acid may be required
Consider referral
Risks of anticoagulants
Bleeding risk
Action of warfarin
Vit K antagonist
Inhibits clotting factors 2,7,9,10
Indications for warfarin
Prevent blood clots –> MI –> stroke –> death
Pulmonary embolism
Action of apixaban
Factor Xa inhibitor
Uses of Apixaban
Prevents blood clots –> MI –> stroke –> death
Non valvular AF
Pulmonary embolis
Action of Dabigtran
Direct thrombin inhibitor
Management of anticoagulants
Low risk = do not interrupt medication
High risk
Warfarin INR <4
Apixaban/dabigatran - skip morning dose
Rivaroxaban - delay morning dose
Edoxaban - 1 dose in evening NA
What patients should you not interrupt medication for?
Prosthetic heart valves/coronary stents
DVT /pulmonary embolism in last 3mths
Risks of anti platelets
Bleeding (inhibition of stages required for platelet aggregation)
Management of anti platelets
No interruption
Staging + suturing + appts early
Risks of chemo/radiotherapy
Thrombocytopenia (dec platelets)
Neutropenia (dec neutrophils)
MRONJ if taking antiresorptive drugs - bisphosphonates
ORN from radiotherapy
Infection - immunosuppressed
Management of chemo/radiotherapy
Liaise with doctor
Thrombocytopenia levels >50x109/L
Avoid XLas/ensure dentally fit 2wks prior to tx
Risks of bisphosphonates
MRONJ - anti resorptive drugs inhibit osteoclasts
Management of pts on bisphosphonates
> 5yrs on oral/IV
Denosumab + systemic glucocorticosteroid
Tx for cancer irrespective of length of tx
Previously diagnosed with MRONJ
Avoid XLas
8 week review