Medical conditions in pregnancy Flashcards
Anti-phospholipid syndrome (APLS)
Definition: autoimmune disease causing venous or arterial thrombus; can be diagnosis alone or with SLE
Suspect with Hx of multiple unprovoked thrombus or multiple miscarriages
Untreated has 10% livebirth rate
Diagnostic Criteria: - CLINICAL Hx of Vascular Thrombosis (arterial, venous, small vessel eg microangiopathy in kidney) OR ≥3 miscarriages <10/40 OR ≥1 late miscarriage (>10/40) OR PET/IUGR with delivery <34/40 AND Presence of: (2 positive results >12 weeks apart) Anti-cardiolipin antibodies OR Anti-β-2 glycoprotein I antibodies OR Lupus anticoagulant
Ix: (MUST be on two or more occasions at least 12 weeks apart and BEFORE anticoagulants; only ONE of these need to be positive for diagnosis of APLS)
- Anti cardiolipin Ab IgG and IgM - >40
- Lupus anticoagulant - present
- Anti-beta2-glycoprotein Ab IgG and IgM - positive if >99th centile
In pregnancy, increases risk of:
- Thrombosis
- Thrombocytopaenia
- Preterm birth
- Miscarriage
- Abruption
- Non obstetric complications (DVT, stroke, livedo reticularis, cutaneous ulcers, transverse myelitis)
- LMWH once IUP confirmed + aspirin -> decreases miscarriage rate by 54%
- Multidisciplinary care (MFM, Rheum, Haem, anaesthetics, Paeds)
- Serial growth US
- Baseline PET bloods
- Monitor platelets
- Monitor BP and UA
- IOL at term
- LMWH for 6weeks postpartum
- No oestrogen containing contraception
NO IVIg or steroids (increases morbidity)
Definition: sBP>140, dBP>90
- Gestational HTN: BP>140/90 after 20wks
- PET: BP>140/90 after 20wks + end organ damage
- Essential HTN: HTN <20wks or secondary to other cause (renal disease, renal artery stenosis, Phaeo, coarctation of aorta)
- Essential HTN with superimposed PET
Risk factors:
- Primigravida
- New partner
- Obesity
- Previous PET
- Family Hx PET
- Pre-existing HTN, renal disease, APLS
- Multiple pregnancy
- Molar pregnancy
- Advanced maternal age
- Long interpregnancy interval >10yrs
Criteria for PET: RENAL - Urine PCR>= 30 - Cr >90 HAEM - Platelets <100 - Haemolysis: increased bili, high LDH>600, reduced haptoglobin - DIC HEPATIC - Increase transaminases NEURO - Eclampsia - Hyperreflexia with clonus - Headache, visual disturbance PLACENTA - FGR
Prevention of PET
- If commenced <=16/40 and doses >=75mg daily
- CLASP trial: non-significant reduction in incidence of PET and less PTB
- Cochrane review: reduces PET, PTB, SGA, perinatal mortality
- Only benefit if low calcium intake
- Caution in renal impairment
- Sys review: reduces PET especially if high risk PET + low dietary Ca, reduces risk of PET
- Pre-conception - age, parity, history, BP, renal function, secondary causes of HTN, weight, diabetes, change meds to pregnancy appropriate meds
- Antenatal - accurate dating (increase of FGR later), baseline BP/bloods, urine PCR, PIGF, commence aspirin <16/40, assess BP/urine dipstick every visit
Cystic fibrosis
Autosomal recessive
Mutation in CFTR gene -> leads to abnormal movement of water and elctrolytes across epithelial surfaces -> thick secretions -> prone to infection
Pregnancy with CF:
- Can tolerate pregnancy unless severe respiratory dysfunction, CCF, pulm HTN
- Pregnancy does not usually worsen lung function but can
- Need to screen partner
- Need baseline heart/lung function - spirometry, TTE
- Need MDT care
- Supplements - creon, vit A/D/E/K (fat soluble)
- Fetal growth US
- Can have NVB - consider shorten 2nd stage to limit prolonged valsalva and increased risk of pneumothorax
- Screen neonate for CF
- Parents known to be affected or carriers - screen most common mutations
- CVS or amnio
- NIPT is useful only if the mother and father carry different mutations: absence of the paternal mutation in the fetus means that infant will not have CF; if both parents carry the same mutation, NIPT is unable to determine whether the infant is an unaffected carrier or an affected homozygote
- Echogenic bowel on US
- Meconium ileus
- Recurrent lung infections
- Malabsorption
- Pancreatic insufficiency
- Chronic sinusitis
- Osteoporosis
- Males - infertility (absent vas deferens)
- Pulmonary hypertension
- Cardiac failure
- Miscarriage
- Preterm birth
- In 3rd trimester, worsening respiratory symptoms, dyspnoea