medical abbreviations Flashcards
PO medical abbreviation meaning
by mouth
PR medical abbreviation meaning
Per rectum
PRN abbreviation meaning
PT abbreviation meeting
Physical Therapy
PT/INR abbreviation meaning
prothrombin time/international normalized ratio
PTT abbreviation meaning
partial thromboplastin time
PT PULSE abbreviation meeting
posterior tibial pulse
PTX abbr. meaning
PUD abbr. meaning
peptic ulcer disease
PVC abbr. meaning
Premature ventricular contraction
PVD abbr. meaning
peripheral vascular disease
QD abbr. meaning
once daily
QH abbr. meaning
every hour
QID abbr. meaning
4x daily
QOD abbr. meaning
every other day
RBBB abbr. meaning
LBBB abbr. meaning
BBB abbr meaning
right bundle branch block
Left bundle branch block
Branch bundle block
RBC abbr. meaning
Red blood cell
right lower quadrant
r/o abbr. meaning
rule out
ROM abbr. meaning
Range of motion
ROS abbr. meaning
Review of systems
RRR abbr. meaning
regular rate and rhythm
RUQ abbr. meaning
Right upper quadrant
Rx abbr. meaning
SAH abbr. meaning
subarachnoid hemorrhage
SBO abbr. meaning
small bowel obstruction
SDH abbr. meaning
subdural hematoma
s/p abbr. meaning
status post
STEMI abbr. meaning
ST-elevation myocardial infarction (acute MI)
SVT abbr. meaning
supraventricular tachycardia
Sx abbr. meaning
HA abbr meaning
Sz abbr. meaning
TB abbr. meaning
TIA abbr. meaning
transient ischemic attack
TID abbr. meaning (relates to taking medication)
3x per day
UA and UC abbr. meanings
Urinary Analysis/Urine Culture
URI abbr. meaning (Involves respiratory system)
Upper respiratory infection
US abbr. meaning (an image of a baby)
UTD abbr. meaning
Up to date
UTI abbr. meaning
Urinary tract infection
VATS abbr. meaning (involves use of a camera)
video assisted thoracoscopic surgery
WBC abbr. meaning
White blood cells
y/o abbr. meaning
years old
YTD abbr. meaning
year to date
PND abbr. meaning
paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
PNA abbr. meaning
PMHx abbr. meaning
Past medical history
PICC abbr. meaning (how the catheter is inserted)
peripherally inserted central catheter
PHI abbr. meaning
Protected Health Information
PFT abbr meaning (test type)
pulmonary function test
PERRL abbr. meaning
pupils equal, round, reactive to light
PE abbr. meaning
pulmonary embolism
PCP abbr. meaning
Primary care provider/ primary care physician
PCI abbr. meaning
percutaneous coronary intervention
OM abbr. meaning (involves the eyes)
otitis media
OE abbr. meaning (involves the eyes)
otitis externa
OD abbr. meaning
overdose, right eye
obstetrics/ gynecology
O2 abbr. meaning
N/V/D abbr. meaning
NTG abbr meaning
NSTEMI abbr. meaning
non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction (elevated
NSR abbr. meaning
normal sinus rhythm
NSAID abbr. meaning
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
NPO abbr. meaning
nothing by mouth
NM abbr meaning (category in medicine)
nuclear medicine
NKDA abbr. meaning
no known drug allergies
NG and NC abbr meanings
nasogastric/nasal cannula
motor vehicle accident/motor vehicle crash
MS abbr. meaning
Multiple sclerosis
MRCP abbr. meaning
magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography
MRI abbr. meaning
Magnetic resonance imaging
MI abbr. meaning
myocardial infarction
MOI abbr. meaning
mechanism of injury
LLQ/LUQ abbr. meanings
left lower quadrant
Left Upper quadrant
LUL/LLL abbr meaning
Left upper lobe
Left lower lobe
LP abbr meaning
lumbar puncture
LOC abbr. meaning
Loss of consciousness
LMP abbr. meaning
Last menstral period
LASIK abbr. meaning (involves eyes)
laser assisted in-situ keratomileusis
LAE abbr. meaning
left atrial enlargement
LAD abbr. meaning
left axis deviation, left anterior descending
JVD abbr. meaning
jugular vein distention
IVC abbr. meaning
inferior vena cava
IV/ IM abbr. meaning
ID abbr. meaning
infectious disease
I&D abbr meaning
incision and drainage
Hx abbr. meaning
HPI abbr meaning
FHx abbr meaning
history of present illness
Family history
HTN abbr. meaning
HLD abbr. meaning
HGB abbr. meaning
HIPPA meaning
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
HEENT abbr. meaning
head, eyes, ears, nose, throat
HCT abbr. meaning
H&H abbr meaning
hemoglobin and hematocrit
GU abbr. meaning
GSW abbr meaning
gun shot wound
GI abbr meaning
GFR abbr meaning
glomerular filtration rate
GERD abbr meaning
gastroesophageal reflux disease
GC abbr meaning (std)
FSBS abbr meaning
fingerstick blood sugar
EtOh abbr meaning
ETT abbr meaning
endotracheal tube
ESRD abbr meaning
end-stage renal disease
ERCP abbr. meaning
endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
EOMI abbr. meaning
extraocular movements intact
ENT abbr. meaning
ear, nose, and throat
EGD abbr. meaning
EF abbr. meaning
ejection fraction
ECG/EKG meaning
Dx abbr. meaning
DVT abbr meaning
deep vein thrombosis
DTR abbr. meaning
deep tendon reflex
DP pulse
dorsalis pedis pulse
DOE abbr. meaning
dyspnea on exertion
DOA abbr meaning
DNR meaning
dead on arrival
DM abbr. meaning
DKA abbr. meaning
(types of diabetes)
Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetic ketoacidosis
DJD abbr meaning
degenerative joint disease
DC abbr meaning
discharge/ discontinue
CXR abbr meaning
Chest x-ray
CVAT meaning
CVA abbr meaning
costovertebral angle tenderness
cerebrovascular accident (stroke), costovertebral angle
CT A/P abbr meaning
computed tomography abdomen and pelvis
CTAB abbr meaning
clear to auscultation bilaterally
CT abbr meaning
computed tomography
CPAP abbr meaning
continuous positive airway pressure
CP abbr meaning (2 answers)
Chest pain/cerebral palsy
COPD abbr meaning
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
c/o abbr meaning
CC abbr meaning
complaint of/ complains of
Chief complaint
CNS abbr meaning
CN abbr. meaning
central nervous system
Cranial nerves
CKD abbr meaning
chronic kidney disease
CHF abbr meaning
congestive heart failure
CF abbr meaning
cystic fibrosis
CBC abbr meaning
complete blood count
CAD abbr meaning
CABG abbr meaning
coronary artery disease
Coronary Artery bypass graft
CA abbr meaning
BS abbr meaning (2 answers)
BM abbr meaning (2 answers)
bowel sounds, breath sounds
Bowel movement/ bone marrow
BPH abbr meaning
benign prostatic hypertrophy
BP abbr meaning
Blood pressure
BOM abbr meaning
bilateral otitis media
BKA abbr meaning
AKA abbr. meaning
below-knee amputation
Above knee amputation
BIPAP abbr meaning
bilevel positive airway pressure
BID abbr meaning (medication frequency)
2x per day
BAHA abbr meaning
bone-anchored hearing aid
AT/NC abbr meaning
AMS abbr meaning
altered mental status
AICD abbr meaning
automatic implantable cardioverter-defibrillator