Medical Flashcards
The crutches
Las muletas
You broke your ankle
Te rompiste el tobillo
The pain should improve over the next few days
el dolor debe mejorar en los próximos días
A lump in the breast isn’t away cancerous
Un bulto en el seno no siempre es cancerígeno
Do you have medical insurance?
Usted tiene seguro medico?
For how long have you been sick?
¿por cuánto tiempo has estado enfermo?
Have you had weight loss?
Ha tenido perdida de peso?
You heart rate and all your vital signs look great.
Su pulso (frequencia cardiaca) y todos sus signos vitales se ven geniales.
Have you been constipated or had any bumps or rashes?
Has sido estrenido o has tenido ronchas o sarpullidos?
I am going to send blood work to see what is going on with your face
Voy a enviar analisis de sangre para ver que esta pasando con su cara
Have you had any swelling in your groin?
Ha tenido hinchazon en la ingle
You have a fracture in your shoulder, your wrist, and your toe
Tienes una fractura en el hombro, la muñeca y el dedo del pie
Who can I contact in case of emergency?
Quien puedo contactar en caso de emergencia?
Her relatives went to the hospital to visit her
Sus familiares fueron al hospital para verla
Do you have the cell phone number of your daughter?
Usted tiene el movil (numbero celular) de su hija?
There is an infection in your left breast, your cervix, and your anus.
Hay una infección en su seno izquierdo, su cuello uterino y su ano.