mediator tools Flashcards
Why is conflict avoidance often used?
(1) the issue isn’t very important; (2) parties don’t believe they have power to force a change; (3) parties don’t know what can be done to improve the situation; (4) parties are fearful of backlash if they seek change
Where do most disagreements end in daily life?
informal problem-solving discussions when people decide not to let the problem ride. Problem is usually resolved or dropped due to lack of willingness or ability to push for a resolution
What is negotiation?
A bargaining relationship between disputing parties where parties are voluntarily coming together to express their own needs, exchange resources, or resolve one or more issues.
What is mediation?
An extension and elaboration of the negotiating process through the intervention of a third party with no decision-making power. The intent is to reach a voluntary settlement that is mutually agreeable and acceptable.
What is the role of a mediator?
An impartial third party who assists parties in negotiating to reach their own mutually acceptable settlement to the issues in dispute. A mediator guides the parties through an organized problem-solving process. Mediator is not there to be a judge. Mediator will not decide who is right or wrong in the matters. Mediator will not fix the problem or tell parties how to resolve their differences. Mediator will not give legal advice.
What are the characteristics of mediation?
The decision is in the hands of the parties in conflict. The mediator is here to help the parties negotiate a voluntary settlement to the problem that is acceptalbe to both/all of them. In mediation it is up to the parties to cretae and agree upon a solution that they feel is in their best interests.
Explain confidentiality during the mediation process.
Mediator will keep whatever is said during mediation confidential. Mediator asks that all parties agree to not testify in any legal proceedings that might arise in the future involving the issues being discussed.
How does the mediator establish authority of parties to settle the dispute?
Ask the parties “do I understand correctly that you both have the necessary authority to decide today on how this matter could be resolved?”
What should the mediator do if it is determined that one of the parties does not have the authority to settle today?
Mediator should ask party who else will need to give approval AND verify that this condition is acceptable to the other party.
What are the three basic ground rules of the mediation?
(1) Only one person speaks at a time and while that person is speaking the other party/s is listening carefully; (2) parties direct their comments to the mediator rather than to each other; (3) if either party needs to take a break, they let the mediator know, and mediator will find an appropriate place to stop.
Does the mediator need to get agreement on the ground rules?
Yes! AND each person must say “yes” to them.
Which side should Telling the Story begin with?
The party who initiated the request. Tell the parties that after this person is finished, the mediator will give the other side the same oportunity. Ask each person whether they agree to this.
What are the key elements of the Mediator’s Introduction?
(1) Introduce myself
(2) Welcome them
(3) Verify how they would like to be addressed. If one person uses a title, then use a title with the other person until they ask you to stop.
(4) Explain role of mediator/parties and mediation process.
(5) Confirm authority to mediate
(6) Read agreement to mediate and have them sign: This contains confidentiality, no testifying, and mediator doesn’t give advice
(7) Explain ground rules and have them agree to them individually
(8) Ask if questions
(9) Ask respondent if okay to start with initiator
How do you keep a person from resorting to positional bargaining?
When a proposal is put out there, find a connection to the interests and reiterate it back to the party with the proposal.
What are the 4 main criteria of principled negotiation?
(1) Separate the people from the problem.
(2) Focus on interests, not positions
(3) Invent options for mutual gain.
(4) Insist on using objective criteria.
What is positional bargaining?
One of the two basic styles of negotiation. In positional bargaining, the parties are seeking to protect their own interests but the focus of each party is on his or her self interest only. The parties state their demands and attempt to reach a compromise through a series of modifications of those demands.
What is principled negotiation?
One of the two basic styles of negotiation. In principled negotiation, the parties are seeking to protect their own interests but each party recognizes the legitimate interests of the other party and looks for compromise solutions which will address the interests of both parties. Parties who use PN are good listeners, use objective criteria wherever possible, seek a fair result rather than a clear victory, and are generally more creative than psotional bargainers in identifying solutions that permit mutual gain. They follow a cooperative negotiating strategy.
What is a cooperative negotiating strategy?
an atmosphere where trust is established, more moderate opening demands are made, parties are more open to discussion of the facts, interests, and objectives, use reason to support positions, and opennes to persuasion by the other party.
What is an example of a joint problem statement?
In order to reach a lasting or satisfying resolution of the issues in conflict, you will need to look for solutions that will address the need/interests of each of you as they relate to the issue of the future arrangements regarding the washer and dryer. You’re going to have to try to come up with an agreement that will reduce the frustration and worry about financial loss that you both currently are feeling and that will address the initiator’s need to reduce the inconvenience of not having access to a working washer and dryer while at the same time addressing Respondent’s need to maintain his/her postive reputation in the community/minimize potential loss of reputation in community and minimize the time and effort away from his shop.
What should you explain to parties about a caucus before using one?
I’m going to meet with each of you “individually” or “separately” (do not use “privately”). I will remain impartial. I won’t reveal anything you say to me to the other party without your permission first.
What is a caucus used for?
For the purpose of enhancing the probablity of a mutually acceptable agreement being reached between disputants. It is always a separate discussion between mediator and the individual disputing parties.
What are some common reasons for using a caucus?
Party who is too angry and keeps interrupting, yelling, being otherwise disruptive.
Party who is experiencing embarassment, fear, or confusion to the point where he/she won’t speak openly in front of the other party.
Party is unreasonable in her demands; Parties on “same side” are not in agreement.
Stalemate reached in negotiations.
Party needs referrals to other services to help resolve the issues.
What should a mediator do during a caucus?
Explain to the individual what prompted the mediator to ask for a caucus.
Depending on the item that prompted the caucus do one of the following: Caution the party about risk of continuing their behavior; help the party express throughts in a productive way; help party/s clarify/prioritzie their interests and explore creative alternative settlement possiblities to address their needs and the other’s needs; ask permission to play devil’s advocate to explore whether their position is realistic; discuss the BATNA/WATNA if no settlement reached; provide info on community resources.
What should a mediator not do during a caucus?
Do not tell them what they should or should not accept; don’t tell them what a judge/court will decide; make it clear they have the right and resposbility to decide whether they accept or reject a proposal.
What are examples of questions to ask during caucus?
What’s the logic behind your proposal? How does it meet your interest and the other party’s interest? What is your sales pitch to the other side for this?
What are two things we usually do in a conflict situation because our bodies are programmed to respond that way?
fight (attack/defend) or flight (avoid)
What is a joint problem statement?
An opportunity to summarize what they’re agreeing on and
What is an open-ended question to use to begin the Telling the Story stage during an Eviction Mediation?
What from your perspective has led to your eviction?
What is a closed-ended question to use during the Generation and Evaluation of Alternatives stage of an eviction mediation?
Are you hoping to stay in the property or leave?
What are two tools of a mediator?
Mirror: Did you hear what you just said?
Lantern: Did you know that you’re only $62 apart? (illuminate to them)
Name the 7 stages of mediation.
1) Introduction
2) Telling the Story (Problem Determination)
3) Summarization
4) Issue and Interest Identification (at a minimum get them through this stage before they go home
5) Generation and Evaluation of Alternatives
6) Agreement
7) Closure
What should a mediator do during the Agreement Stage?
Great! Sounds like we have an agreement. Let’s just work out some of the details.
1) How will
2) Who do
3) How much
4) Of what
5) Where
6) By when
7) For how long
What should a mediator do during the Closure Stage?
Congratulate them. Make sure they know how to contact each other and CMS if a problem arises. CMS will follow-up with them.
What is the purpose of the 7 stages of the mediation process?
To provide a framework within which the mediator helps the parties to engage in meaningful negotiations, which will hopefully lead to a successful resolution of their dispute.
What are 3 critical pieces of information that a mediator needs to uncover?
1) Problem Behavior (PB)
2) Other Effect (OE)
3) Emotional Effect (EE)
What is a Problem Behavior?
a behavior that the other party is either doing or saying (or not doing or not saying) either in the past, present, or future that has had negative effect/s on the person.
What is a common error in determining Problem Behaviors?
Forgetting that a PB has to be what the OTHER PARTY is doing or saying. A PB is not what the Dog, Children, etc. are doing or saying. You can get to the bottom of this by using a hypothesizing question.