Medians and Limits Flashcards
6 weeks
puts food in mouth
6 - 8 months
waves bye-bye, plays peekaboo
10-12 months
drinks from a cup with two hands
12 months
feeds self with a spoon
18 months
symbolic play
18-24 months
dry in the day
2 years
dry at night
4-5 years
parallel play, interactive play, turn taking
3 years
startles to loud noise
vocalises - cooing, laughing
3-4 months
turns to soft sounds out of sight
7 months
dada, mama
7-10 months
2 -3 words other than dada, mama
12 months
shows two body parts
18 months
simple phrases of 2+ words
20-24 months
3-4 word sentences
2.5-3 years
follows moving object, turning the head
6 weeks
reaches for toys
4 months
palmar grasp
6 months
object transfer hand-hand
7 months
pincer grip
10 months
mark making with crayon
16-18 months
3 brick tower
18 months
6 brick tower
2 years
bridge from a model
3 years
steps after demonstration
4 years
draws a line
2 years
draws a circle
3 years
draws a cross
4 years
draws a square
4.5 years
draws a triangle
<5 years
head lag on pulling up
limbs flexed, symmetrical postures
head raised to 45 degrees
6-8 weeks
sits with round back unsupported
6 months
sits with straight back unsupported
8 months
8-9 months
walks holding onto furniture
10 months
first steps unaided
12 months
walks alone, steadily
15 months