Medial Lemniscus Flashcards
What are the highly myelinated alpha/A receptos
sensory from mm spindles
What are the highly myelinated beta receptors
Sensory from tendons, fuffini endings, meissners, pancian corpuscles, large hair follicles, flower spray from mm spindle
What are the low myelinated delta receptors
sensory from mm spindle small hair follicles, free nerve endings for temp and pain
what are the first order neurons of the medial lemniscus pathway
located in the DRG of every level- connected to various receptors in the periphery
What do meisners, pacinian and ruffini endings detect
meisners- fine touch ( Alpha)
Pancian- vibration (alpha)
Ruffini- skin strech + jt deformaion (alpha)
What do fasic fibers and tonic fibres detect
fasic (chain)- stretch of mm (alpha)
Tonic (flower spray)- detecting length of mm (beta)
How posterior column of medial lemnsicus is formed
axons pass thru DRG and bundle into post white column (gracilis-LL medial, cunateous- UL lateral)
Blood supply of posterior column
Post spinal aa
Where is the second order neurons of medial lemniscus
Gracilis and cunateus nuclei in medulla
Path thru medulla and blood supply
will cross thru sensorry decussation and form medial lemniscus (lower limb more ant)
Medullary branches of vertebral aa
Path of medial lemniscus through the pons and blood supply
travel through the tegmentum of pons (lower limb more lateral now
pontine branches of basilar aa
path of medial lemniscus through the midbrain and blood supply
ascends further (lower limb now more post)
Post cerebral aa
where is the third order neuron of the medial lemniscus
Vent post lat nucleus of the thalmus
Path of medial lemniscus after the thalmus and blood suuply
travel thru post limb (middle cerebellar aa)
What is the end target of the medial lemniscus and blood supplies
post central gyrus + paracentral gyrus (LL)
postcentral- middle cerebelar
paracentral- cortical br of ant cerebreal aa (colosomarginal aa)
lesion in post spinal cord would cause what
IL loss of prop, driscrimitive touch, vibration
What would a lesion in cut 3/4 of the medulla cause (3)
- Cl prop, fine touch vib
- CL motor loss (spastic)
- Il toung weakness
What would a lesion in cut 5/6 of pons cause (5)
- CL prop, fine touch, vib
- loss of discrim touch, pain, temp on IL face (trigeminal )
- paralysis of masticatory mm
- IL facial and lateral rectus
- Horners syndrome IL
What would a lesion in cut 7 or 8 of midbrain cause (2)
- CL prop, fine touch, vibration
- CL loss of pain temp
What could a lesion at the thalamus cause (2)
- CL prop, fine touch, vibration
- CL loss of pain temp
What is brown sequard syndrome and what would it cause
Spinal cord hemisection
- IL loss of vib, fine touch , prop
- IL motor loss
- CL pain and temp loss starting two levels below lesion