Medial Ankle Flashcards
List all the common pathologies affecting Medial ankle
Medial Malleolous Fracture
Flexor Hallucis Longus Tedinopathy
Post Tib Dysfunction
TarsalTunnel Syndrome
Deltoid Ligament Injury
What is Post Tib Dysfunction and what is the main function of the Posterior Tibial Tendon
Degeneration of the Poseterior Tibial Tedon caused by repetetive loading/overuse
Function is its the Primary stabalizer of the Medial Longitudinal arch and the main invertor of the foot
What condition is Post tib associated with
Adult acquired flat foot
Degeneration of the tendon affects the ability of the medial arch to raise causing the progressive flattening of the foot
What are the charecterisitics of Post Tib Dysfunction
Pain and swelling medially excaserbated by activity
Standing on tip toes and walking up and down stairs may be painful
Medial arch collapse
Difficulty/inability to perform unilateral heel raise. Limited calcaneal inversion upon ascent
How can Post tib function be diagnosed
Inversion resistance test
Too many toes sign
A single-leg heel raise: patients can’t do a single heel raise with the affected foot
Palpation along the tendon for pain
What are the treatments for Post tib dysfunction
Activity modification - reduce activities that will stress the tendon particularly running jumping etc
Ice application - 10 min a day
Exercise programme:
Heel raise, Heel raise off a Step,
Banded stregthening - Place ankle over knee, place a resistance band over both feet, point toes and lift ankle upwards
Rearfoot Varus Post - Anti pronatory insole