Media Terminology Flashcards
Action Code
Something that happens in the narrative that tells the audience that some action will follow.
Active Audience
Audiences actively engaging in selecting media products to consume and interpreting their meanings.
The words that accompany an image contribute to the meaning associated with that image.
Changes the way the audience interprets the image.
The way in which products attract an audience.
Arc of Transformation
The emotional changes a character goes through in the process of the narrative.
They ‘transform’ by the end of the story.
In terms of media text, one that encourages the audience to want more money, up-market consumer items and a higher social position.
How media producers create appeal to audiences to encourage them to consume the product.
Audience Categorisation
How media producers group audiences to target their audience.
Audience Consumption
The way in which audiences engage with media products.
Audience interpretation
The way in which audiences interpret the meanings.
Audience Positioning
How audiences react to media products.
Audience segmentation
Where a target audience is divided up.
How sound is used to commune meaning.
A players representation of themselves within a video game.
Back story
Part of a narrative which may be the experiences of a character or circumstances of an event before the action or narrative of a media text.
Binary Opposites
Where text incorporate examples of opposite values.
eg. - Good vs evil, hero vs villain
Brand Identity
The association an audience makes with a Brand.
A larger newspaper that publishes more serious news.
eg. - The Daily Telegraph
Camera Angles
Th angle of the camera in relation to the subject.
Camera Shots
The type of shot and framing in relation to the subject.
Words that accompany an image that help explain its meaning.
Channel Identity
That which makes a channel recognisable to audiences and different from other channels.
The spread of media products to audiences
The suggested meanings attached to a sign.
What the audience expects to see in a particular media text.
The coming together of previously separated media industries.
Cover lines
These suggest the content to the reader and often contain teasers and rhetorical questions.
Cross-platform Marketing
In media terms a text that is distributed and exhibited across a range of media forms and platforms.
Cultural Capital
The media tastes and preferences of an audience, traditionally linked to social class and background.